Season 39, Matchday 22/22
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Season 28 - Goal Of The Week 10 LAST OF THE SEASON

The last spot on GOTS. Vote your favourite one. 

Posted in Goal Of The Week on Friday 11th Sep 2020 by El Drago 7 Comments

FeedMe 28 - Goal Of The Week 9

Not many goal of the weeks left. Vote your favourite one. Click the title to get the link.

Posted in Goal Of The Week on Thursday 20th Aug 2020 by El Drago 1 Comment

FeedMe 28 - Goal Of The Week 7

Click on the title to get the link. 

Posted in Goal Of The Week on Wednesday 12th Aug 2020 by El Drago 0 Comments

FeedMe 28 - Goal Of The Week 3

Check Out, the GOTW 3 is out. Click this new.

Posted in Goal Of The Week on Tuesday 30th Jun 2020 by El Drago 0 Comments

FeedMe 28 - Goal Of The Week 1

The first GOTW of this season. Click the NEW for the link.

Posted in Goal Of The Week on Thursday 11th Jun 2020 by El Drago 2 Comments

Season 14 - Goal of The Week #6

Goal of the Week #6 includes days 13 and 14. Posted in Goal Of The Week on Saturday 30th Jan 2016 by Herna 0 Comments