Season 39, Matchday 22/22
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Faps 3rd and final retirement forever and ever....

A few of you noticed I was absent for sundays game against pablo, well the sad news is that I have ended my career with Arriba! and chosen to retire from domestic and international haxball for good.


I have met and played with many great people here and many not so great (@aidan). I've had lots of fun, lots of laughs, and you are all amazing people. (Gonna cry)(


I've had alot of ups and down in my career, it all started at seedstitch, where Mani gave me my first chance to shine when he drafted me in (no pick up). Life was good, me, mani, booba, fred and sergiobiscuits #yolo'd our way through div 2, we was a proper unit, we would have died for each other. We was fighting for a promotional place into div 1 but mani decided to step down as captain and the togetherness just wasn't there anymore. He was the curry that held us all together. After a shock loss against a 2 man HKF, I evaluated my life and decided to retire from Seedstitch and hax for a good while.


Season 4 then came about, I've had a long time to think about things and decided to start haxballing again. Jonny, a long time admirer of my haxball flair and hawk-eye passing managed to fight off numerous clubs for my signature, and after we agreed terms I finally realised my hax dream and became an Arriba! player. The first game of the season came, and I was nervous, jonny was telling me to calm down and just have fun with it, so I knuckled down and just tried not to let the team down. After a few minutes my chance came, slick passes through the midfield, 1-2, back to fap, he saw the gap in top corner, and his instinct to kicked in and he managed to curl a 30 yarded into the back of the net. Scoring on my Arriba! debut, could it get any better than that. Lots of laugh and celebrations were had on teamspeak after that game, the congratulations were rolling in, I knew right then this was the team for me.


The end of the season was coming to a close, we was in 3rd place with the mighty Northern Lights in 1st and the Sparta warriors not far behind. We knew we had to win every game to stay in the fight for top spot, the game were rolling in thick and fast, the points were coming in, then sparta and NL started to drop a few points. It all came to the last game of the season.  Never have I seen such a tense finale to a season, NL vs TIS. The outcome of this game decided which of the 3 teams would be crowned champions. A win for NL would hand them the trophy, a win for TIS would see the trophy end up in ovo's hands, a draw would gift Arriba! #1 spot. This was one of the most amazing games I've seen in my career, NL were winning 2-1 (I think, dont hate) the seconds were closing in, the final whistle about to blow, and a chance for TIS! It come to nino, who has so much space at back post, he just needs to slot it through hude gap NL have left, the stream was silent, everyone watching in amazement, and he managed to hit the ball wide, The shock of everyone in chat, teamspeak and on stream was undescribable. Nino, the man who has been so reliable through the season missed probably one of the biggest chances of his career, the goal that would have gifted Arriba the title. Sadly it just wasn't to be.


Season 5 started, and I could feel the hunger to play and to win, just wasn't there anymore. I was practicing less and less every week, my technique and skill was really starting to drop, I wasn't the same player anymore. I was playing league games and was making mistakes and letting the team down. I knew I couldn't carry on like this, for everyones sakes. I had a long time to think, and thought If I can't play at my best, which this club deserves than I shouldn't play at all. The excitement of the game has gone. The atmosphere just isn't the same anymore, I feel this is now the time to move on. Rather than drag it on any further and taint the legacy I have left behind. This is the first time I've spoke about this, so I owe jonny and the rest of Arriba! an apology for not letting you guys know. It's been great though, you've made my time here what it's been.


I've decided not to do any shoutouts, there are too many to list, they know who they are and I just wanna thank them for a wonderful time here in FM.


Love you guys,

fap, currybum, g00ber, nigger joe, the machine. V-Tech, Bobby Dazzler, Ted Mosby, Panda Cheese


Posted in General on Monday 7th Jan 2013, 14:33 by dora da gora 28 Comments
No mention of his time at Gash Hounds in the 3v3s I see. Nice guy was Fap, very good player.
Posted on 15th April 2020, 23:49
Posted on 1st July 2013, 10:49
dora da gora
Posted on 25th June 2013, 19:34
Posted on 17th June 2013, 18:23
he didn't leave LIESSS
Posted on 8th April 2013, 21:55
for ever and ever
Posted on 9th February 2013, 20:32
the amount of irony that joehan said that....

cya next month joe
Posted on 6th February 2013, 17:00
cutest article ever posted
next 1 set to be out in 1 month
faps 4th and final retirement forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
Posted on 5th February 2013, 23:20
stay on the forums nd stuff

:( shame
Posted on 8th January 2013, 20:55
Posted on 8th January 2013, 20:40
l000l Don't chat son, you were Arriba's MVP, we're just as shit as you were (unpracticed and cba to play)
Posted on 8th January 2013, 19:10
'After a shock loss against a 2 man HKF, I evaluated my life and decided to retire from Seedstitch'
stop talking abt that moment, whenever i think abt it, i facepalm for myself :D
Gl in your haxballless life mate :)
Posted on 8th January 2013, 18:45
fap pls dont do this to me mate, pls.
Posted on 8th January 2013, 15:27
Ted Mosby, pls. :(
Posted on 8th January 2013, 12:41
fap :(
Posted on 8th January 2013, 10:35
Never say Never
Posted on 8th January 2013, 08:09
Posted on 8th January 2013, 01:14
RIP :(
Posted on 8th January 2013, 00:07
Posted on 7th January 2013, 23:29
Dis emotional :'(
Posted on 7th January 2013, 22:53
Was fun playing with you Fappinder. Take care.
Posted on 7th January 2013, 22:31
fuk of
Posted on 7th January 2013, 22:07
Posted on 7th January 2013, 21:57
Hopefully you stay around on the forums.

Posted on 7th January 2013, 21:53
i actshuly red al tht and it wus emoshenal
Posted on 7th January 2013, 21:53
if ur going then im cummin


Posted on 7th January 2013, 21:44
Posted on 7th January 2013, 21:42