Season 39, Matchday 22/22
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Uploaded by ANDRÈA on 18th Dec 2017, 12:12 Tagged Users:
Andre, Whitee
jpp gros edison ferme un peu ta gueule et retourne parler avec tes mains
Posted on 1st September 2018, 23:05
calling ppl macros doesnt make ur repution better aswell tho
Posted on 16th April 2018, 07:11
sei un malato tgedi ma che problemi ti fai
Posted on 20th December 2017, 17:16
It’s funny, I’ve been playing this game since 2012 and this is the first time I’ve been accused of using a macro. It’s quite ironic how two of the most well known retards in Hax happens to be the ones accusing me. Low IQ correlates with braindead comments so I’m not surprised that Edinson is writing all this bullshit, and failing to counter any of Yawns points/arguments.
And what has Fritz to do with any of this? I’ve been playing with him for a couple of months, so what? By your logic, Owned is playing with Fritz too? I mean, hes apparently safe from potential bans in both FM and HCL.

I dont know why I’m wasting my team responding to this though, you’re not worthy of my time, this will be my only response.
Posted on 20th December 2017, 14:20
Sven Bender
edi you talking so much shit bruh
Posted on 20th December 2017, 11:56
Even if someone would play with ’’anticheat’’ (whatever that is) for a few games, it still wouldn’t help. First of all; is someone supposed to analyze and compare the players games and then subjectively decide whether he’s using a macro or not? Or maybe nominate a jury? Sure, it’s a good a good idea on paper but it would never happen and wouldn’t really prove anything anyways. And who would even bother downloading some program to prove something like this, I wouldn’t at least.
Posted on 20th December 2017, 10:24
So first of all: what is this turkish macro video supposed to prove? Using a macro just makes it harder to manage and succeed with your skills, since it’s much harder to control your touches. Being a skilled player requires believe it or not, skill, not some 5x per c shit. It’s funny how the turk in the video never manages a correct wallbounce, he just spams it towards the wall and the ball flies away. This has its obvious reason though: a macro doesn’t help you in terms of cornerplay (for example). If we take this gif as an example: ANDREA’s last 3 touches had to be loose - loose - hard with a quick pace. If he would have used a macro it wouldn’t be possible to control the ball. Go ahead emenike/Edi, I know you already have your macros prepared. Activate it, put some settings your comfortable with and try score a goal like this in a private room, I bet you won’t manage it, prove me wrong! You have 24 hours…

You seem to know a lot about ANDREA. You claim two bizarre things though: 1) That his skills always have the same rapidity (I guess you mean his spam). Feel free to prove this. 2) He never fails a trick. This is the biggest bullshit ever, i’ve played with him so much, i’ve seen him miss plenty of tricks. You even said he didn’t fail a trick for 5-6months lol.

'' people cheat also on HaxBall and you're not admitting evidence.’’ I’m not sure how the court system works in Italy, but when you accuse someone of something, you’re the one that supposed to provide the evidence supporting your claim. (And no evidence is to be found so far, which to be fair is understandable, it’s almost impossible to prove whether someone is using a macro or not).
Posted on 20th December 2017, 10:23
The question regarding whether certain players use macro or not is so watered-down query, quite annoying to read about daily. Especially from people that seem to have no knowledge or understanding in relation to the matter (except for the fact that they tend to use it themself...*emenike*)
Posted on 20th December 2017, 01:52
It's not macro, to succeed with this goal his last three touches had to be loose - loose - hard, which he obviously accomplished. It's not something inhumane-like that requires a macro.

I've never seen someone as obsessed with the term ''macro'' as you are Edison. Throwing it around as much as you do is just bizarre, it's making your accusations vague and annoying since you have no ground to stay on.

It's also funny how you call out Echo for his (apparently) poor english skills, while a native english speaking person probably would need an interpreter to understand whatever you're trying to disclose.
Posted on 20th December 2017, 01:46
i did that gif sfe
Posted on 19th December 2017, 22:21
God bless this cunts, nice goal knk, even if he use macro or not, he scored a nice goal that you will never be able to score with ur macro edi + emenike, now gtfo and stop crying. i lost my time reading this cancer posts of u
Posted on 19th December 2017, 21:50
''the irony here is that only the real macro players complain (edi,enemike)''

Haha true
Posted on 19th December 2017, 20:34
bell stu gol
Posted on 19th December 2017, 20:12
tgedi stai sul cazzo a tutti sei un malato ahahha
Posted on 19th December 2017, 20:11
also nice goal andre :)
Posted on 19th December 2017, 18:15
you faggots haven't seen a macro til you've played sphb
Posted on 19th December 2017, 18:15
he isn't the only one barking hehe :D
Posted on 19th December 2017, 16:58
haha, hes here complaining about my game with noisy barking
Posted on 19th December 2017, 16:32
Good job ali, where is ur dog knk i miss him :/
Posted on 19th December 2017, 16:23
ah so now im macro too? man u make urself worse from a sec to sec. i reached hcl final 2 times in a row, unlike you who cried about macros, og's etc in the group stages. you are really poor guy and from now on i will stop giving you attention since you're nolife idiot.
Posted on 19th December 2017, 15:33
you are wasting my time, do yourself a favor and retire u will never win anything anyways.
Posted on 19th December 2017, 14:58
i dont understand how bad players like you edi are still playing this game and crying all day, if i were bad as you i would've retired long ago.
Posted on 19th December 2017, 14:43
guys please edi doesn't use macro!!! he have ilh hawkeye program downloaded in his pc :p
Posted on 19th December 2017, 14:26
the irony here is that only the real macro players complain (edi,enemike)
Posted on 19th December 2017, 13:50
ANDRÈA 19:20
Posted on 19th December 2017, 13:49
how to hide ure using macro? blame others using macro XD retard edinson stfu already
Posted on 19th December 2017, 13:43
hehe xd
Posted on 19th December 2017, 13:39
Edinson ur actually retarded.. and I still dont understand how tricks=macro explain to me please.
Posted on 19th December 2017, 13:32
Stop all the time screaming at the cheat as soon as someone does a good action, a nice movement, it's only a 2D game, even if it uses a macro or not, the sequence remains beautiful. peace
(I like, gg)
Posted on 19th December 2017, 12:33
Sven Bender
btw edinson, even the best player in history (in technuiqe stuff and tricking stuff) can fail....
Posted on 19th December 2017, 12:30
Sven Bender
aaa gosh ali
Posted on 19th December 2017, 12:24
cry cry cry
Posted on 19th December 2017, 11:42
''Also in Final vs me u win bcs u are macro user.. this gif is evidence''

The fact that he's a much better player than you has nothing to do with it? Must be a macro, right?
Posted on 19th December 2017, 03:16
@Pringles obviamente-obviously-offensichtlich
Posted on 18th December 2017, 17:14
this gif is an evidence? LMAO
Posted on 18th December 2017, 16:07
Also in Final vs me u win bcs u are macro user.. this gif is evidence
Posted on 18th December 2017, 15:47
Macro off retard
Posted on 18th December 2017, 14:09
nice Ali :DDD
Posted on 18th December 2017, 13:58
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