Season 39, Matchday 22/22
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Latest Transfers
The Chosen ONE cut Mish on 17th Apr 2021, 18:56
The Chosen ONE cut somalian 1 on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut Melda on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut MartYK on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut Maddude on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut Kl8 on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut GH0ST on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut Escape on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut Drix on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut doupi on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut CMPUNK on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE cut beni on 5th Apr 2021, 10:54
The Chosen ONE sign Kl8 on 1st Mar 2021, 19:20
The Chosen ONE sign CMPUNK on 20th Feb 2021, 22:22
The Chosen ONE cut Iliess on 20th Feb 2021, 22:20
The Chosen ONE cut MrLuke on 20th Feb 2021, 20:19
The Chosen ONE sign GH0ST on 20th Feb 2021, 19:58
The Chosen ONE sign Escape on 20th Feb 2021, 19:57
The Chosen ONE sign beni on 20th Feb 2021, 19:51
The Chosen ONE sign somalian 1 on 20th Feb 2021, 19:51

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