The Future of Feed Me

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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby rew » February 15th, 2024, 11:28 pm

What i've wrote is personal opinion. By sharing it that doesn't mean it's rejected. The point is to oppose you with giving you examples to think about. That's the meaning of a discussion, to provoke, so something useful can come out of it. And by this way your second post has way more details and value in positive way. So that's the point - to comment all the stuff and find solutions.

1. Im a futsal and real soccer fan, there's nothing to hate about it by my side. Just trying to look the stuff in objective way.
2. No im not comparing side league to fun cup ofc, i just gave it as additional event option for using different maps. I've wrongly wrote it together, sorry.
3. I understand that futsal is a game mode by itself and its not forbidden if someone already use it. But check this, we even struggle to find volunteers of its main league for development and maintenance. If we miss that, how are we supposed to create level of organization approaching to their level? We must at least offer good orga to attach people and get them interested equally to our side league aswell.
4. You have right with the popularity of futsal, i agree that this actually could impact positively to us. But for that purpose we should manage to make our league unique by having that transfer system as u mentioned and giving some more original features, otherwise im afraid the things would be unsuccessful. I'm not convinced that they will play 3-4 leagues and join another one (our) if we don't have anything new to offer them. Agree we have the potential by having website. Any other specific ideas about features are welcomed by anyone!
5. "Your pessimistic outlook and rejection of the integration of something that has been proven to be popular is the reason why this topic STILL hasn't reached a conclusion"
Well this is kinda rude and illogical since there were tons of hours being spent in discussion by admins according to everyone's opinion here and not only here. A lot of the ideas here are in process (+taking players' complaints during season) and some are already implemented. "STILL hasn't reached a conclusion" - Things can't be done quickly, u know why. No need to repeat myself. That "STILL" complaint can be fixed, soon there would be upgraded one - viewtopic.php?f=642&t=12550
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Nocke » February 16th, 2024, 1:41 pm

rew wrote:1. Im a futsal and real soccer fan, there's nothing to hate about it by my side. Just trying to look the stuff in objective way.

rew wrote:But check this, we even struggle to find volunteers of its main league for development and maintenance. If we miss that, how are we supposed to create level of organization approaching to their level? We must at least offer good orga to attach people and get them interested equally to our side league aswell.

Fair enough. While we are looking at stuff in an objective way, it seems as if your whole argument has spun towards "we don't have enough people to even maintain the big league". Now, this is a whole other issue. So according to you, the league is having a drought due to a lack of management/poor management, yes? So, if there were volunteers to manage the league, would the league, in your opinion, regain its popularity?

rew wrote:2. No im not comparing side league to fun cup ofc, i just gave it as additional event option for using different maps. I've wrongly wrote it together, sorry.

Even if the argument was to be spun towards "different maps", what would FM become then? At least futsal shares similarities with classic. Let's not suggest creating a side-league for power or 8man.

rew wrote:3. I understand that futsal is a game mode by itself and its not forbidden if someone already use it. But check this, we even struggle to find volunteers of its main league for development and maintenance. If we miss that, how are we supposed to create level of organization approaching to their level? We must at least offer good orga to attach people and get them interested equally to our side league aswell.

Again, your pessimistic outlook shows. Must you be so keen to resort to only agreeing on things that are 100% likely to happen? For example, if a futsal side league was to be implemented, people from futsal communities that have been made aware that FM has implemented OR is thinking of implementing a futsal league could come forward and create applications for volunteering, for helping the community out. Even the players that haven't heard of FM will be able to see its longevity, the amount of seasons its been through, the legacy it has. Someone WILL want to continue it, the opportunity only needs to be created. There are so many possibilities.

rew wrote:4. You have right with the popularity of futsal, i agree that this actually could impact positively to us. But for that purpose we should manage to make our league unique by having that transfer system as u mentioned and giving some more original features, otherwise im afraid the things would be unsuccessful. I'm not convinced that they will play 3-4 leagues and join another one (our) if we don't have anything new to offer them. Agree we have the potential by having website. Any other specific ideas about features are welcomed by anyone!

I'm happy to see that we both agree on how popular futsal has become. A futsal side league WILL have a positive impact on the league, at least in regards to its popularity. I have mentioned that FM can have a stake in both the classic and futsal scene, and I really believe that it is capable of being the best league in both scenes, at the same time - that it will be the league people want to play classic and futsal in. The potential really is there. The change towards Discord instead of Teamspeak has been suggested before, and I believe the admins rejected it, preferring to stay traditional. This has been FM's "it", however this is an extreme case of holding on to tradition, to the point where it's bad. I can only compare it to isolated tribes, in the sense that, that's the direction the league is heading towards. I can help out with the creation of a Discord server and setting it up, with providing a link between FM and other futsal communities (so that other players can learn of FM's existence or potentially its revival) and some other things after the league has been set up, like managing matchdays. Now, I believe that an argument against a Discord server can be made, saying that "we have a website where we can do everything that's needed, and in case the players want to talk/chat, we have Teamspeak". But, you fail to realise that Discord is more than that. This website and a Discord server can work in harmony. I'd even add the Teamspeak server in there and make it a trio, they'd still work in harmony. FM needs a "catch-all" type of thinking, it needs to have an answer for most possibilities. Closing itself off and sticking to an extreme tradition is the opposite. Respectable, since they are sticking to their core foundations. But, that's all there is to it, just respectable. FM has so much potential, and it can be much more than that.

rew wrote:5. "Your pessimistic outlook and rejection of the integration of something that has been proven to be popular is the reason why this topic STILL hasn't reached a conclusion"
Well this is kinda rude and illogical since there were tons of hours being spent in discussion by admins according to everyone's opinion here and not only here. A lot of the ideas here are in process (+taking players' complaints during season) and some are already implemented. "STILL hasn't reached a conclusion" - Things can't be done quickly, u know why. No need to repeat myself. That "STILL" complaint can be fixed, soon there would be upgraded one - viewtopic.php?f=642&t=12550

I have only specified a fact, and if that hurts your feelings, I apologise. But, it's nothing but the truth. I personally gave up on the league ~4 years ago, and it's in an even worse state. However, I am willing to help out with the integration of a futsal side league and perhaps even more, should it be added. I have not insulted you in any way, shape or form, and the fact that you are calling me rude and illogical simply because I called you pessimistic... maybe you should take a moment to analyse our discussion. BTW, what I've just said is a form of criticism, you can take it any way you want. After all, it's 2024. My intention was to make you realise how long it's been taking to figure out a solution. It may seem rude to you, however this discussion has been active for years. In reality, there HAVE been MANY players that have offered to help the admins, and most of the time they've refused it. Even when good arguments have been brought up in the past, their answer was to ignore them. Not just by me, btw. Perhaps you're unaware of how long this discussion has been a thing for, I think this is the first time we speak, so I'm happy to meet you, and I'm happy to see that you have at least some form of passion left for this game/managing this community. Again, my intention is not to make you feel brought down, pushed over or anything of the sort. If you are willing to make a change, you have my support.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby rew » February 16th, 2024, 7:51 pm

Nocke wrote:The change towards Discord instead of Teamspeak has been suggested before, and I believe the admins rejected it, preferring to stay traditional. This has been FM's "it", however this is an extreme case of holding on to tradition, to the point where it's bad. I can only compare it to isolated tribes, in the sense that, that's the direction the league is heading towards. I can help out with the creation of a Discord server and setting it up, with providing a link between FM and other futsal communities (so that other players can learn of FM's existence or potentially its revival) and some other things after the league has been set up, like managing matchdays.

I don't know the arguments of previous admins back in the years about discord but since im helping out as support, im trying to push the things exactly to a discord development. What've we've manage to do up to now about discord - is elo server which is at least something on that direction thankfully to P4ER and Alaba. We wanted to significantly upgrade main discord server but whoever expressed desire to help they were mysteriously gone away in just few days later. So one of the problems except lack of people is the actual seriousness in people to manage the stuff they've applied to do. And yes, the human resources is the biggest problem. You cant make ideas happen without staff members. Now we managed to find a guy tSharky for discord orga, hopefully soon we can get step by step better on this platform.

About your futsal advertise suggestion - that sounds great. If the map is invented by admins, we gonna contact u, appreciate that help offer, especially when u are experienced in the area and have better view on the communities out there. Also agree with the logic that another futsal volunteers can be pulled out from there.

Nocke wrote:So, if there were volunteers to manage the league, would the league, in your opinion, regain its popularity?

What? :D no ofc. Thats a marketing issue, u cant make the league popular by result checkers or website support. But if the volunteers are interested to help in marketing, then ye the lack of such volunteer is a problem for popularity.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Nocke » February 17th, 2024, 8:14 pm

There is an even poorer management of some of these futsal leagues. For example, I was just playing in SLH's 4v4 pub (the community with 2k+ members), Nitta (the owner of that community) bans a guy (possibly for playing poorly in his eyes, however it was still 0-0). I wrote in the chat "admin abuse xD", 5 secs later I get banned, the reason being "talk more". I wasn't even talking before that.

The cherry on top? The room was like 16/20 players filled. After I got banned, two guys wrote me on discord saying they got banned too... saying the whole room got banned.

So, yeah... that's the state of some futsal communities. FM has a lot of potential in regards to taking over and implementing a futsal league on the side.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby rew » February 17th, 2024, 11:18 pm

Maybe that could be a one of the good reasons for ppl to join a potential futsal league - better support management could be enough. Would be also nice if more ppl join the discussion and share opinion of a futsal side league, additional ideas or concerns. Or even any other suggestions non-related to futsal. As more activity the better.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby 1punisher » February 19th, 2024, 1:47 pm

Futsal league could be good here because leagues like BFF being administrated by apes
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Skinny » February 19th, 2024, 10:45 pm

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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Hannes » February 21st, 2024, 3:17 pm


I'm not sure if you just expect that FM runs that futsal league already existing.

FM won't turn into a Futsal League.
What could theoretically be possible, is like having an additional side-league played on futsal (as we already had a while ago).

Skinny wrote:BIG EASY

Is there no big easy league currently? SPHB? :scratch:
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Skinny » February 21st, 2024, 4:09 pm

Ye its USA league with 200 ping and games are 3 AM .
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby feno » September 26th, 2024, 8:40 pm

Hello :)
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Yamal » October 19th, 2024, 8:28 pm

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