Basro Destroyed haxball

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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby MartYK » July 29th, 2019, 7:18 pm

KROL wrote:So fuckin leave this game jasko

I dont have anything personal to you but when I see people Still crying about laga on html Im just getting cancer...
I will never understand u people how can you complain about lags now, when compared to flash its just working beautiful...
Oldschool good players can explain you what is Real lag, when I had to play fuckin ESL game on tortogols host with 160ping because we didint have vpses like you have now, and we were able to play and not to cry, can bet both of my hands you havent experienced The Real laggy haxball
Why old players are not complaining that much like p4er, yannex, other jews or even turks for lags? Because they experienced The Real lag problems back in The days and now they thank god for html, i bet jews are extremely happy, that they dont have to play on 150ping everywhere, and now they can compete

Nothing personal jasko but if you dont play this game, fses, publics, u log only for officials, because The only reason is probably funny small wouldnt survie a day in Real haxball which was 5-6years ago, not this html shitty one

And youre The first Hero to fight against extrapolation.. just increase this by urself, get used to little lag and enjoy better technique and feeling faster on The pitch

Some people of u have your minds closed and u think when u use łów extrapolation( because ure scared of little bit shaky screen) and you fight with a guy with higher extrapolation - u have no chance because he has huge advantage, bitch pls, there are some people like xsha with low extrapolation and Still can fuck skill and shit every guy with 80,100,150 and whatever

:fp: 'because ure scared of little bit shaky screen' its not about that at least for me, i am able to play with high extrapolation a maybe being good player but i will not enjoy the gameplay how on flash or early html

just my point of view
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby Lyreco » July 29th, 2019, 7:29 pm

Guys let's just all wait on LaggerMet's game
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby ATuntija » July 29th, 2019, 7:39 pm

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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby pixels » July 29th, 2019, 11:49 pm

Seems like people don't realize that 30 extrapolation is the same as 150 for other people. Just because someone has 150 extrapolation doesn't mean they have an advantage over someone with 30. I've played on multiple pcs/internet connections all requiring different extrapolation #s (20-130) and they all felt the exact same.

By limiting it to 50, it only gives other players that need less than 50 an advantage over those that need more than 50 to play the game.
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby selet » July 30th, 2019, 4:06 am

lets all play league matches with 0 extrapolation and lets see who's the real beast on haxball
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby ATuntija » July 30th, 2019, 2:56 pm

one for me: :popcorn:

and one for herna/kamina: :popcorn:
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby gio » July 30th, 2019, 6:46 pm

'' Nothing personal jasko but if you dont play this game, fses, publics, u log only for officials, because The only reason is probably funny small wouldnt survie a day in Real haxball which was 5-6years ago, not this html shitty one ''

lol why r u talking krol if 5-6 years ago nobody knew about your existance, you just become someone in this ' html shitty one ', as you call it, playing 10 hours of fs for day abusing with extrapolation.. so u must say thx to this shit html xD
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby KROL » July 30th, 2019, 8:18 pm

oh, rly?

someone is still mad after hcl and every official executions with more than 5 goals per match ^^

well, tbh some people if they are smart - can and actually they do improve on html

on the other hand we got person like you, who used to be good and now suck dicks so hard, losing to everyone on fm, ragequiting and coming back over and over again and still think that is the greatest :P ;) :D :) :(

best regards mister "hxgod"
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby aguero10 » July 30th, 2019, 8:58 pm

So im the only one who played with 0 extrapolation?
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby gio » July 30th, 2019, 9:20 pm


This talk by far (ah, you won the only trophy that you have here as bencher, just to say)

Answering to what you said, that i was good and now ' suck ' why you say this? Cause i play with friends and you with nerds ? Cause i dont play since 2 months and you play every hour? Cause before official we did just 2 fs and you spend your full time to this game?

Another thing, this haxball is really unbalanced for players that have bad pc, i would bet that too players like Tortogol (best tricker of 2k13, 2k14 & 2k15) with bad pc would have problems in html and you know why? Cause it's easy playing with 120 fps or more, 100+ extra, macro & 10 hours of fs for day. Try to play like me with 40 fps and 25 extrapolation, with just 2 fs before officials. Trust me it's really unbalanced but i'm maybe too good right now even with this ' handicap '.

I finish this ridicolous discussion with ridicolous player like you telling that you've never been somebody and you'll never be, i don't want disturb anymore cause you're busy in friendly match gather cause you don't want to waste an hour of your training, you need to improve your block gamestyle anymore, bye
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby KROL » July 30th, 2019, 9:28 pm

and what this screen is supposed to mean? :D who was taking fm seriously untill it became the only one european league?
as bencher? I joined close to 2nd leg and played with Rq and meyer brah, u need to check my history better ^^

you play with friends and i play with who? nerds? zPooKy is mostly coming online on league matches, kojo was already retired but he cameback to play little bit? they are nerds?? full polish team are not friends?

I play every hour? maybe I had 1-2 weeks that I played alot because I had nothing better to do @ home lmao

we never played more than 2 fses before official since 2 seasons :D
and we managed to be the 2nd best team on fm this season, i think its only because I have 240hz monitor and 200 extrapolation

your arguments are amazing brah, keep trying

"Another thing, this haxball is really unbalanced for players that have bad pc, i would bet that too players like Tortogol (best tricker of 2k13, 2k14 & 2k15) with bad pc would have problems in html"

AGUERO 10 with 0 extrapolation, no macro, no fses and 60hz still was the best player in this game

thats the diffrence, best players can adapt to everything

its like in csgo, let s1mple play on your computer with 60hz monitor and shit random mouse from carrefour express and he will still manage to be top fragger on single FPL game
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby Pedy » July 30th, 2019, 9:32 pm

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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby Laki » July 30th, 2019, 9:43 pm

gifs, i like gifs so i'll post a gif.

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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby pkppp » July 30th, 2019, 10:34 pm

KROL wrote:
AGUERO 10 with 0 extrapolation, no macro, no fses and 60hz still was the best player in this game

he is good only on APEX, league of legend, and 99 other games... :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby zPooKy » July 31st, 2019, 5:53 am

Who prohibits to play more of this game, buy a better computer or monitor? It depends only on you and if you dont want to spend your money on equipment or waste your time to be better, who cares? Everyone spends their money for they want and uses their time as they want.
A lot of people play games other than haxball, so they have better equipment that gives them an advantage. In any computer game you can do more with better equipment, so I still dont understand where this cry comes to people who can afford to play at higher fps and higher extrapolation.
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby Whiplash » July 31st, 2019, 12:58 pm

I didn't care about the advantage that extrapolation gave the players who were using it, I only cared about how the game had changed. You could be a better player or worse player after the HTML change, that shit happens even when you buy a new computer. Having a better system, screen shouldn't be a topic to argue either, imo.

I, personally, like HTML changes because the game is smoother in every aspect, and simply better than the flash version, even though I really liked playing on flash as well. Just like once somebody said on this forum, "top players are still top players" after the HTML change. The only difference was after extrapolation. I also agree that extrapolation made the game easier for many players, and they have become really good in terms of level. Some people may have a problem with that, but I don't. My problem was and still is with the altered mindsets. On flash version and pre-extrapolation HTML era, being a good corner player for any attacker was essential and not so easy for everyone. However, it is so easy now and I'm pretty goddamn sure, "corner it" is the most common phrase ever used in Haxball. Any incompetent player can turn a match into hell by just raping the ball in the corner thanks to the benefits of extrapolation.

Again, I don't care about the advantages that they got, and I'm not saying that "it is unbeatable" or "hard to beat", I have been able to beat those type of players and teams every now and then, and I'm sure many top players are able to, too. The problem is, the game is just NOT fun anymore. I don't know if the bad players of yesterday getting a revenge on the good players with this, but that's just how it is. Even if they lose, they keep on doing it and it makes players mad. Use extrapolation if you really want to, but also realize that you become a braindead player when you have extrapolation. I mean, think of yourself as a "bad" player, or lets be easy, "not a top player", would you try to pass and be creative with your teammates to be the winner of every game, or would you just corner it and give your opponent a hell of an experience, in order to beat your opponent? That's what more than %60 of Haxball players do, they don't try to be creative and don't try to score good goals, make good passes, and that is my issue. And because of that, I don't even want to play this game competitively anymore since there is basically no fun in it.

Last but not least, winning against almost every team does NOT prove, that you are one of the best teams in the game. The game of Haxball is not perfect, so chances are that better teams will not always win. This is actually the reason, of why many people have this "corner it" mindset. Because no matter how they play, if they win, they are the better team from their POV, and they are ready to do what it takes.
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby jasko » July 31st, 2019, 1:25 pm

I agree with everything said, Whiplash, but for me personally the problem is that I have a high end pc that can run any modern game, but it's having problems with haxball? Fucking c'mon... Without extrapolation it's like trying to turn in a bus, kicks are often late and timing is impossible, with extrapolation it becomes incredibly laggy for me and I'm still unable to reach the amounts of extrapolation that would entirely eliminate the input lag so it just ruins the gaming experience for me. The new "fix" from basro managed to give me 700-800 fps (I realize I can only see 60, but it's at least smooth now and it eliminates input lag), but it's still not ideal, camera is behaving weird, I can't play in fullscreen anymore and it's using a ton of GPU and CPU to run a 2D game, but otherwise playing with 0 extrapolation is how it always should've been.
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby Tortogol » September 9th, 2019, 8:21 pm

What's the best browser to play now?
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby Mey » September 9th, 2019, 8:36 pm

Tortogol wrote:What's the best browser to play now?

its subjective, some will tell you chrome is the best one, some will say firefox
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Re: Basro Destroyed haxball

Postby Yannex » September 10th, 2019, 3:05 pm

Tortogol wrote:What's the best browser to play now?

now it doesnt matter.. what matters is 60Hz monitor and 144Hz monitor, if you have 60 its pointless to play. :afro: (unless you play with 60 till you get used to it)
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