Who trained you?

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Who trained you?

Postby socrates » January 15th, 2019, 8:58 pm

Rather than always having a topic about who the best players are I thought it would be nice to have a thread to appreciate the guys that help others to learn hax.

So write down the player(s) that trained you and that you think taught you the most about haxball.

For me:

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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Pedy » January 15th, 2019, 9:02 pm

Falk but i should train him how to play dm
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Zoro1 » January 15th, 2019, 9:17 pm

To be honest, I played with almost all players in haxball and no doubt that each of them taught me something. I appreciate them all. But if I would say few earliest people that directly effected me and helped to shape my style as a haxball player, the ones who taught me about the most basics were;


and from recent times, maybe I could count "Falk" as a foreign player.
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby CvRk » January 15th, 2019, 9:29 pm

KAPPA !!! - czech guy that was way better than me back in 2011 helped me a lot to become a decent haxball player
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Herna » January 15th, 2019, 9:33 pm

As it's the same for many people i guess I was most of the time too stubborn to listen to anyone.
But you get your own lessons while thinking about what certain players say or how they play.
Players that impacted me the most over the time were

Fusion as the friend i learned to play the game with
MrP as my first captain
Jappo as my first DM (which is quite important for a GK)
Wiiii as a player who opened up new perspectives when i had fixed my style already

Honorable mention goes to Rodney Knoxville for telling me what to do in public all the time eventhough i always ignored him!
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Lyreco » January 15th, 2019, 9:46 pm

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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Witsel » January 15th, 2019, 10:06 pm


now i train him ez
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Vak » January 15th, 2019, 10:08 pm


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Re: Who trained you?

Postby STriker » January 15th, 2019, 10:10 pm

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Re: Who trained you?

Postby xSha » January 15th, 2019, 10:36 pm

The one who taught me the most about finishing is Styl. I remember the times when my shots were horrible, I couldn't quite get the angle and the power right and I found it very frustrating. Fortunately, Styl helped me to improve it so it's less horrible now (I hope).

Next up is Chro. He didn't teach me stuff directly, but there was a time when I used to play 1v1 against him quite a lot. This helped me a lot in 4v4 by improving my skills in the corner, which resulted in me not being pushed away from the ball as easily as before.

To conclude things, Hulk. He helped me with my positioning in the attack and he taught me how to have a bigger influence on the game as a striker.

Special thanks to Koekiemonsterx who actually took the time to teach a retard like me some of the basics of haxball :cheers:
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Lyreco » January 15th, 2019, 10:50 pm

Lyreco wrote:xSha

xSha helped (and still helps) me with basically everything in attack. We trained at the map Big Training for finishing. We also play alot 1v1, and trust me 1v1 helps with everything.

Nocke basically learned me different kind of stuff. We practised one touch passing for long and he taught me some skillmoves too.

Hulk helps me alot with my motivation (which is one of the important things for me). People may see him as a bad guy, but trust me he is a very nice guy ^^. Whenever we play he still gives me tips even though I play shit.

Jerix helped me alot with my defense, all though I am still shit at defending, he still taught me the basics and it improved me.

At last, Styl.
Basically, I was a pub player and I always looked up at him. And somehow I got to leagues and became friends with him and well I learned alot too!
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby lajz » January 15th, 2019, 11:07 pm

My first serious captain in 3def was jasko. I brought me to his teams as back-up player but i didnt want to play that style (we played realsoccer together for a bit). He helped me in basically in every aspect of the game e.g. spamming, positioning.
I have to mention also the rest of archNemseses from div2 - Alekos and SAKY. Playing and training with such players showed me my pros and cons.

I still remember my first 1v1 vs jasko (striker - goalkeeper). I couldn't save anything, maybe 1 out of 10 balls. After some time it much better!

I know im still nowhere near the top but still, thanks guys!
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Nana8 » January 15th, 2019, 11:15 pm

ocho a.k.a kokolol a.k.a Zwollenaarvdb
he is basically the secret behind my career and thanks to him i grew out to rhe second best player of the world.
(couldn't be the best because is.)
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby tSharky » January 15th, 2019, 11:30 pm

No one. Playing a lot and watching better players made me better.
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Nocke » January 15th, 2019, 11:43 pm

Before you read this, sorry if it might seem a bit childish, but this is how we had our fun, during that time. And the legend that is Skizar deserves some recognition.

Styl - eHax

The second, ever, haxball league I played in was called eHax, a league made up of mostly new players (me :), jerix, Boyd, Lyreco, xSha, aMp, Flaviu, Styl, Flashin', Aszy, Ferg, Koekiemonsterx, Jovetic, Hektor, Dinx, Roj, Kitrex, Can, Yair, Jese, Foreigner, Monstah, B4D 4SS, Aosman, Tsubasa, aprendiz, Oscar(the dutch one), Crowley, Skinny, Kratos, the ultimate, Nub, Flaqh, baset, Blade, Tigre, Gokhan, Vok/Thief, Danny, Cerka, Atom, Dino, CHE, Diesel, UK Hulk, among many other people that I am forgetting but have still played, and Skizar.)

Skizar was...the heart of it I should say, shame he isn't playing nowadays. Here are some quotes that we've saved up, including some from the absolute legend that is Skizar:

25/10/16 - skizar: i am semi pro tbh - first ever quote!
November 2k16 "Skizar": so at list i scored a rokcet at u jerix
November Ace : jesus(jese) is a try hard (Ace = Skizar)
December Ace : pro mode avtivatd
December2k16 Ace: dance moving
Skizar: jerix holp me get vaqq/vakoj/agureo10/aitor/danny
Skizar: skinny is skinny in haxball but irl his fat
Skizar: ik nub how it feels when ur buillied cuz u use macro ur family left u. ur carra fucks u hard and wanks ur dick to her pussy rip
Skizar: boyd stop sucking montash 0.5 dick
Skizar: skinny ur skinny at haxball but irl ur a fat shit therofre ur a bullied fat boi
<20:50:19> "Skizar": nocke move i dont wanna hurt ur tiny feelings by spamming
sku sku sku 21 svage: y i was fappig my own dick sperm went in to me and i got pregnat (sku sku sku 21 svage = Skizar. Obviously.)
Skizar: shut up nuzi
Skizar: hitler borthert
<18:37:35> "Skizar": I HACKED
<18:37:40> "Skizar": JEWISH BOI
<18:37:42> "Skizar": SERVER
<18:40:16> "Yair" was banned permanently from the server by "Skizar" (fuck off)
<15:32:47> "Skizar": swift boyd vakoj= threesome
<20:30:13> "[Skizar] Skizar": sigh
<20:30:15> "[Skizar] Skizar": jelly got picked (jelly = Ferg)
<20:30:19> "[Skizar] Skizar": a player worser han me
Skizar: how can my mum adopted me
<22:26:36> "Skizar": admin me
<22:26:39> "Skizar": i need to spam a bit
<22:26:41> "Skizar": i am alguging
<21:32:56> "Jovetic": the funny part of it is that there is so much sun that u will turn into a (((((n word))))
<11:58:39> "Skizar": ALLAH AKBAR
<14:32:10> "Skizar": stfu u trangender
<14:32:17> "Cookiemonsterx": lol
<14:32:26> "Cookiemonsterx": its transgener you piece of shit
<12:06:00> "Tolisso" was kicked from channel "FC Bayern" by "Flaviu" (get out of this channel and no we dont want you) (Tolisso = Lyreco)
<12:34:53> "Skizar": dis guys
<12:35:06> "Skizar": xsha:keok:jovetic:dinx=sex
Skizar: aosman u were born to get kindnapped and raped then murderd like ur sister but u raped her (one of my favourites, he was born to get kidnapped?????)
<19:11:54> "Skizar": HUHU
<19:11:57> "Skizar": NICE TRTY
Dav: i havn't played for a short while, 2 weeks or so (Dav = Dinx)
Skizar: same (except Skizar played every day)
<16:34:12> "Skizar": UR CUTE AS FUCK T HATS WHY I RAPPED U
<17:36:41> "Skizar": Jerix (women the whore) : fuck me aszy fuck me harder. Yair( husband): gimme ur ass bitch . 2 secs later ohh ohhh ohhh ohhh uhhh ohhh uhhh ohhh uhhh ohh . JERIX HUSBAND CAME IN(STYL) HE KNOCKS THE FUCK OUT OF YAIR. THEN HE RAPES JERIX E
<17:24:46> "jelly": who want to talk with me
<17:25:34> "Skizar": n1 would like like 2 talk with an ugly person who is in love with donal trump and muny so not me
<16:59:10> "Flaviu": if i was his boydfriend
<16:23:23> "Corentin Tolisso": wagman (Core = Corentin Tolisso = Lyreco, trying to say wagwan)
*Israelian yute is rude to styl in pub*
Skizar: they call me the god of trolling
Styl: im the god of bullying rude israelians i guess :(
<18:08:33> "Skizar": Nickename: Boyd
<18:08:46> "Skizar": his a retard bascily everthing bad is him

Flaviu: your mom is ego
Skizar: *your

<16:57:27> "Skizar": can your mother loves my milk so i keep my milk smooth and clean
<17:02:22> "Skizar": btw can your so fat when i took a photo of you , (5years ago i took of can his black and poor)i went to print it for you it used all the paper broke the cameras glass (his ugly af) and its not even finished printing yet
<22:14:55> "Skizar": shut up can all your jokes are a 0.1 of my knowledge if you dont shut up i will unleash my knowledge. my knowleadge is so good i am smarter than the world. i am a god. calculating space holes and space. using my algerbra skills. i am a rich man go fuck ur self dude
<13:53:18> "[Oscar] Oscar" switched from channel "eHax" to "1v1 Funcup - 4th April 19:00 CET"
<13:53:25> "[Oscar] Oscar": Hi
<13:53:29> "Yair": Bye
<13:53:32> "Yair" disconnected (leaving)
<20:47:54> "Skizar": boyd is some messed up dildo
<14:35:29> "Skizar": whats your fucking problem now jew
<13:13:19> "Skizar": i scoed roceet
Skizar: ima give u secs before u die
Skizar: run for life bitch
21:29:16> "jelly": lumi
<21:29:23> "jelly": im not insulting u
<21:307> "jelly": rachel
<21:309> "jelly": fuck off
<17:33:13> "Duncan": I am secretly typing this right now...my mum doesn't want me to be on the computer. She threatened to smash my head into the keyboard if she found me on here. Well, I just wanted to say that I believe in you andayou dsdifjhsdoufh iiasdhfbadsufgd\\*skufgads kfgds fdfuds gfadsbbhyjadfjadsfhsadf (Duncan = Skizar)
<21:00:55> "Yair1": unzip it?
<21:00:58> "Yair1": what does it mean
<18:25:31> "Aszy": his head is fucking big but got no brains in there
<15:20:28> "Yair1": we jews have a country. only jews are allowed in here. and people who want to see the country. thats all.

But, yeah. Moving on with the topic - we all learned how to play from each other, in a way - we all improved as we played with each other, against each other and so on. Styl was definitely the best player at the time in our league, so he gave most of us that were new to the game, basic tips on how to improve.

After eHax, I played a bit in PremierHax, even made a team - but that isn't important to the topic.

I joined Ajhax on FM afterwards, which was my first ever team on FM. jerix actually talked to Jds/TemplleGoku about me, and so that's how they even knew I existed. I played one season there as AM/ST (got into a TOTW too!), TemplleGoku acted as the captain for most of the time - shared a few tips here and there but nothing major, they were something that the average haxballer should know. (or at least that's what I thought..?) I personally thought that Jds had(?, don't know if he still does) a weird way of running the team, but then again everyone has their own way of doing things. I like the fact that he gives new players a chance, still I can't say anything bad about the team since it's the oldest FM team that's still alive, which is ran by arguably the nicest captain on Feed Me. I enjoyed playing in the team, and I thank him for the opportunity.

Falk - Falk's Academy

I left Ajhax at the end of the same season (iirc) to join Falk's academy which changed my perspective on the game and I adopted a GK/DM position, joined TPP afterwards (StringerBell was captain at the time, and funnily enough I joined with the help of jerix, again), became a main GK in general and after a while the main GK of the team. The captaincy was passed to me by Stringer (I can't actually remember the reason why he decided to give away the captaincy, but I'm pretty sure it was due to the fact that he was going to be inactive) and from there on I started with my plan of establishing TPP as a top team in FM, even though it was created just the season before. I slowly started to improve myself from there, by watching recordings of myself and comparing them to the top GKs at the time.

I realise that I kind of drifted away from the topic a bit more than I wanted to, especially with the quotes, and so I'm sorry if it's a long read. Still, that's pretty much how I got into FM, summed into one post, and the people that trained/helped me along the way.
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Laki » January 16th, 2019, 12:34 am

Well it started waaaay back, the first ever to teach me the game was Mordo, a zaqhax legend, i played in the ZHA and i must say it was a pleasure, getting to know the game from another perspective, sadly he's not playing anymore. The next mayor people to help me with my game after the 1,5 year break need to be Returning and ins, we played a long time, around i guess a year or more, we helped eachother improve, had conversations about the game we play and how we play it, the last one just needs to be jasko, he's a very good coach that gives you tips about the game, what can you improve, what to do in a certain place. I'am a Self-Learner but i must admit those guys helped me alot with the game and just need to credit those guys.
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby FearMe » January 16th, 2019, 12:42 am

When I was still new to 4v4, I got into contact with Chro and he wanted to teach me and make me learn the game. After playing the last season of Haxtrick in his team, I started learning how 4v4 actually works and I got the chance to play with some incredible players.

At the same time I got into contact with Herna via my premierhax team (shoutout to Flash!) and he made me get to know Feed Me for the first time and was always calm with me still being terrible (sorry Herna!).

Some other shoutouts for helping me improve go to: Yawn (am/st), Caccapupu, Styl, Ahmed, Monstah, Kingsley Coman, Flash, A.Tuntija, Hawk, Mamba, Pizzi, my current teammates and of course many more.

Good thing is that after all the help I'm still terrible.. but improving!
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Yannex » January 16th, 2019, 12:56 am

no one trained me but i got better and better while playing only with the same 2 people when we were 3v3 team
DRAKOLA and Controls (fucking legends)

than isco got me into my 1st league ever and 1st season but i stayed for a while in the same level i was when i played with the 2 guys i said
after that i kinda had alot of teams xd and i got better and better with time till i got to my level now

altho i feel i didnt change since 2016 so...... no one trained me i'm my own master! WHAT AN ENDING TO THE STORY!
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Soul » January 16th, 2019, 1:59 am

Well my ex teammates from Allstars with who I played for 2 years, the most important was that I couldn't play with another DM after they left this game cuz I've been kinda shit cuz of the style, btw dw I'm still shit :D... :( sad story.. After that when I joined Daredevils I learned few things about the game from Deliric and DrG, from Terquila aswell cuz there was a time when I played a lot with him.. Long/short story, I still suck at this game.
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Re: Who trained you?

Postby Wenom » January 16th, 2019, 2:29 am


I watched to him and played with him together or against, it was so good lesson for me how player can be so smart in game. any touch - gold, player without trashspam in corner, discipline player.

+ Falk, rkd little bit, but it was so long ago :popcorn:
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