Season 22 Weekly Interviews #2

Season 22 Weekly Interviews #2

Postby Vidalo » May 13th, 2018, 5:45 pm

Here we go again with another Weekly Interview ! First of all thank you for your feedbacks with the last week edition, I hope it will remain interesting ! :cheers:

New week, new interview, new team in Division 2 : Blue Panthers. They made a great start in the 4v4 league with a 2-0 win against Ajhax, 2 goals from their captain Ekstör, and a surprising win 5-3 against FLAMES in 3v3 league !

Vidalo: "Hello aitor, are you free to answer some questions ? :)"

Ekstör: "Yes, I'm too tired right now but I'm able."

Vidalo: "Hola amigo, how are you today and why are you so tired ?"

Ekstör: "Alo eheh, I'm fine but tired because I didn't sleep and I went to study this morning XD"

Vidalo: "Ah right exam soon ! How did you begin to play Haxball ? Do you remember ?"

Ekstör: "Yea I remember, it was on 2013. Some friends (You may know spanish Deco* or iNSZ' invited us to play one friendly cup organized by them, and as we also were playing other games together, I decided to play haxball with them ^^"

Vidalo: "I remember them ! Do you play others game except of Haxball ?"

Ekstör: " I played Habbo with them, but actually it's too boring, just are u13's trying to get boy/girlfriends XD Actually I also play Trackmania and iGP Manager (F1 game), but I spend more time on haxball."

Vidalo: "Okok, now some questions about today's haxball. How did you feel when you knew your team gonna be accepted in FeedMe League ?"

Ekstör: "Tbh I wasn't expecting to be accepted since there were so many nice applications with well-known players. In our case maybe I was the only known player with Gimenez, so obviously was harder for us, but I felt so good because we need new experiences and FM is our last step ^^"

Vidalo: "Do you know well each other with your teammates ? Do you play other leagues than this one with your team ?"

Ekstör: " Yeah we know each other since a lot of time, when spanish community died (december 2016), we already had created team in portuguese league with the same players, and we kept this line-up also in nations competitions, so as we are playing for a long time together we feel better because it's a combination of fun and seriously team."

Vidalo: "What about the spanish community, can you tell us what happened ?"

Ekstör: "As u can notice, haxball is losing players, so what exactly happened was that most of spanish players couldn't take seriously this game and they left the community (some of them still playing for fun in public rooms like a retards), so finally there weren't enough teams to organize new season. At least we had 15 successful seasons and that's what really matter. Anyways this year was organized a new season as some of these players wanted to play again and now is finishing the 16th season, but seems it will be rip again after this one"

Vidalo: "That's sad to be honest... Bring us back to BP... What's your aim for the season ?"

Ekstör: "Our aim is to promote to 1st division. We think that we can have the consistency that maybe other teams don't have, so we're prepared to fight against the best teams, they will see how hard is to score us :D"

Vidalo: "We will see soon :P We saw you already scored 2 goals in your first match against Ajhax, do you have a personnal aim in terms of scoring/passing ?"

Ekstör: "Nah, to be honest we are still checking what pos is better for each player. Personally this change to HTML was a bit hard for me because I don't feel that I'm moving as same as I do on flash, so we tried with dress DM and me AM and seems that it worked, but anyways with some of train it should be solved and I would back to DM soon. Maybe assister would be better, I don't see myself scoring more goals xD"

Vidalo: "Who knows, maybe you'll score a lot of goals ! Btw you impressed the community with your victory in 3v3 against one of the best team in the league: FLAMES, was it a surprise for you ? Do you think you can continue on this way ?"

Ekstör: "Hmmm nah, we know that we are strong in 3v3, we kept playing this competition in other leagues. Ye it was a bit surprising our victory but we know that we can beat any team here because maybe most of teams don't take too seriously this competition, so we know we can get advantage of this situation. Btw we also won Chimera, what is also one of the best teams here, so ye we trust that we can continue on this way !"

Vidalo: "Now short quickly questions/answers ok ? :D "

Ekstör: "Ok let's go :P"

Vidalo: "Real or Barça ? (Even if I know you support Bilbao ahah)"

Ekstör: "Barça, always Barça."

Vidalo: "Tapas or paëla ?"

Ekstör: "Tapas :)"

Vidalo: "Tell me an overrated player and an underrated player in Div1 and Div2, according to you..."

Ekstör: " 1Div:
- Overrated player: Rene or Pat
- Underrated player: Whitee or xSha

- Overrated player: Sero07
- Underrated player: Vidalo (jk) Shimizu"

Vidalo: "Sea or mountain ?"

Ekstör: "Mountain."

Vidalo: "Dogs or cats ?"

Ekstör: "DOGS !"

Vidalo: "Allright thank you for your time, hope to see you on the next TrackMania Cup and good luck to Blue Panthers in this season !"

Ekstör: "No problem and I hope this Weekly ITW will work for a long time."

See you next week :popcorn:
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Re: Season 22 Weekly Interviews #2

Postby ozo jaa » May 13th, 2018, 5:54 pm

u remember bruv? ♥
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