Season 21 Division 2 Preview

Season 21 Division 2 Preview

Postby Soul » January 14th, 2018, 1:21 pm


Of course Division 2 is starting too tonight, 10 old and 2 new FM teams starting the challenge for promotion, not all can reach it, who will be the most consistent and persistent players?

One of the oldest FM teams had some problems last season getting some good results and were lacking a bit in terms of activity, Jds trying to find ways to get things up a bit again and the co-captain of Ajhax TemplleGoku who helped him getting players. Jds also had to replace few players like Lyreco and Beninho for GK post and Logitech as striker, maybe this will be the most under rated team this season, who will probably surprise everyone, but they really miss having a DM.

Interview with Jds:
Hello Jds, how are you feeling when you know that your team looks to be the oldest one from the community?
I feel proud about it. But there are also other old team like Pablo for example. Im really excited about the new season because we signed some players who played for Ajhax before like Beninho or Logitech.
Well, yes you are right, Pablo are old aswell. Anyway, thank you for at least trying to give me few answers, I know you are not way that good at this as you said at start. Good luck and cya!

Balls Be Flyin:
grünersamt's team has finished on 11th position last season, didn't have any impresionant results, but looks like this season thinks will change for them. They reduced the number of players and signed the old germany player R2-D2 who will probably become the key player for Balls Be Flyin this season.
Interview tba?

Bullets (Rising Above):
Styl's team Rising Above has changed the name into Bullets for this season. This is already the 4th season in a row for them with Styl who leaded his team very well in this 3 seasons, excepting in last one when he couldn't impress the top teams from division 1 and relegated back into division 2, but with few new players and a stable 4 players squad. They signed ocho, ex Balls Be Flying player and looks like Returning, the key player of the team will continue with them this season aswell.
Interview with Styl:
Hello Styl. Guess you are not feeling well after you relegated to division 2 and you lost few of your main players if I'm not wrong, like Altidore and Adekyz, but aswell you did some nice transfers, L4W and fabri4. What do you think, can your team aim to the top and promote back to division 1?
Yeah I lost a few players and kept Returning, later we added L4W and fabri4 and we will be aiming for the top indeed. We know we have what it takes to promote back to division 1 this season, so now we just gotta make it happen. ^^
Who you see to be your key-player for this season? What went wrong with your ex players?
The key players will be any of the starting four, we will trust in the team. With my ex players it's usually the inactivity which makes them unusable sometimes, and some guys prefer to stay in division 1 so they find a new team that plays there already. I wish them all the best though.
Well, nice said. Thank you for giving me few minutes of your life and answering to my questions. Nice answers and good luck into the new season!
Thanks! Good luck to you and all other teams! :D

Fatality already going into their 13th FM Season now! Last season was finished on a bit better place than in season 19, on 7th place. Of course Progamer/Kalajan want to aim for a better season now and peek towards promotion again by signing new talented players.
Interview with Progamer
Well, I saw that you changed the roster so much, what went wrong? At what are you expecting from your new players?
Yes, its right. We had to change our roster that much because the other Player left or went inactive. So we decided to change our focus on active player. I think it was positive to sign Danny, jarvis and Vidal. We have to search another DM because CHE left us again. I think that we can do good Job to take part in the Top 8 until the Season finish.
Well since you don't aim so high, I can ask you, who you see to be in top 3 this season in division 2?
My Favorites this Season in Division 2 will be at first Chimera. The 2nd Place could be Bullets and 3rd Place could be Nightly Artists. Its just my prediction because i didnt played against other Teams so i cant give u the real Prediction.
Well you can't be judged because of your predictions, is just your point of view. Can you tell us maybe your start squad of tonight? :D or main squad for this season
We dont get a main Squad yet. Me and Kalajan have to see the first Matches and then it will be more or less a first squad. Anyway it will be hard because many Player will play often if they are active and here for some fs. As i said we have to sign another dm for the Team and he will take part aswell. If i see my Team and and if i would say the Squad for tonight it will be Kalajan - Danny - Vidal - Progamer. But it depend on the fs before mostly how the Players are playing and after that we will decide the line up for the matches.
Oh, I see, well good luck into the new season with the new squad! Hope your new players will do it well and who knows, maybe fighting for a higher place! Cya
Thank you, we try our best. Good luck for your team too and have fun tonight against the new Fatality :D We accept the Fight.

After failinig to promote into division 1, the polish team didn't make any big changes of line-up, but signed 3 more players, 2 of them very well known, donatee and Ferry, who I'm surprised to see back in game, but happy aswell to have some old players back in action. Can they make this season any impact in division 2?
Interview with Gamer:
Hi Gamer, nice to see that you finally decided to make the check-in. What are you expecting from your team for this season?
Hi! I wasn't sure at the beggining but finally i confirmed participation in 21th season. After several changes I hope that this time we will get promotion to 1st division. It also would be nice to achieve semi-final or final of FM Cup, but we will see.
Oh, so you are aiming to the FM Cup, nice to see that you have a motivated team. Well gl with that. What can you tell to us about your main roster?
Well, we are 8 so far. I can't tell you about irreplaceable 4, I am going to use every player's abilities in order to succeed in official matches. However I think we will base on Skinny, because he is the one and only gk in team.
Well, with this 3v3 league you will have more chances to test your players to see which one is playing better! That's only my opinion. Thank you for answering man and good luck in the FM Cup!
Thanks and good luck too!

The team struggled a bit with activity recently since wrozbita had to leave the team for his new one FLAMES, but can the captain [Xy] secure a top 5 place for his team in this new season without his ex key player?
Interview tba?

Buffon's team couldn't impress the division 1 teams aswell and relegated to division 2, but he made a lot of changes into this break by signing 3 old romanians players for preseason cup and after few days he kicked all of them, but now is looking like NaNi gave a hand of help to him and called 3 of his turkey friends Loken, Killswitch (who left but came back for NaNi) and hootlatte well known as S.HOOT from his former team Skins. Can they surprise division 2 and promote again?
Interview with Buffon:
Hello Buffon, after switching between many players from different countries, you finally got a squad. Are you ok with it? What do you think, are your guys good enough to promote to division 1?
Hello Soul. Yeah I am happy about my team stuff how it's going so far, hopefully everything goes good. I think that we should promote to div1, our purpose of course to win division!
Wow, so you really trust in your players! Well hopefully you will do it and show to everyone that they were wrong about you and your teammates! How so hard is to take the squad from 0?
I just needed something new into my team who could give better things for my team. And it was not from 0, dunno still old player of MeMe will play there, Killswitch from last season ^.
Well it is a bit a new squad, but anyway. So, thank you for answering and good luck into your new season!
Thanks, you too!

Nightly Artists:
After changing the team captain, Nightly Artists from L4W and Baffo who both left the team for divison 2 and also a division 1 team gave the captaincy to Sodaz. Can he handle the team in his first season as captain? After with Baffo and L4W leading the team could get the 5th place.
Interview with Sodaz:
Hello Sodaz, how are you tonight?
Hi, I'm fine XD
Well, since Baffo and L4W left them team, you became the new captain. How are you feeling now? What do you think, can you be better than them as captain?
Well since we started playing in fm i was always somehow the captain even if formally it was L4W, however it will be a transition season in which we have no real objectives but that will be seen in the current season seen the many changes, of course we will do our best to try and do better than last season.
Well obviously the ambition remains, however, seen the many changes in team we will see game after game if we have the right feeling in order to be sure of being able to achieve important objective, such as the semifinal/final FM cup or promotion in div 1. I don't want to unbalance a lot but if we start well we can also aspire to promote in div 1.
Well I know most of your players from another leagues, know that you have been playing together for few times. Guess you can do it well, even if is a new start I can say for your team. Who you see to be the best 2 teams from division 2?
Uhm for sure i would say Chimera for the first place, but the second place i see it more fought, even if i would say Bullets.
Well nothing new haha, everyone said until now Chimera. So.. thank you for answering me at this hour. Good luck and cya man.
:D it was a pleasure, cya

Saints came last season replacing Team Rocket (Givanildo's team) after they had only defloses, admins decided to give a chance to the romanian player Soul. to show them that they will not regret for picking him as the new captain of team. This season Soul. tried to use few different players and finally found his stable team with few portugal players and another foreign players when everyone expected from him to pick only romanians. Can he surprise the other captains of teams from division 2 and promote in his first season as captain?
Interview with Soul.:
Hi Soul you are finally captain of a team in fm. What are your aims and long term plans?
Hi MrP, well yes, that's true and I want to say thank you to you and Hannes for giving me this opportunity. Well for the moment my main priority will be finishing with exams, I will not play so many games, probably few 3v3 matches because recently I got few problems with flash game. Hmm, If I'm looking at my squad, I could say that we might aim at a top 3, but I know it is hard to get there even in division 2, but I know that I got motivated players, so we aim for a promotion.
How did you find your players? Are there any conditions how a player must be to join Saints?
Well not really. After I changed the squad several times, I finally found some good co-captains for my team who can lead it when I'm not here. Wasn't kinda hard, I've been I can say a good friend with Ter, played few fses before and at some funcups together, Taziek aswell. The new and last 3 transfers, aeRo, Pjanic and sc30 came so fast, didn't expect at least from aeRo to accept my offer, but I'm thankfull to him because he did it. A player must be active and nice with his teammates to join to Saints and of course, competitive and never giving up.
Sounds good and imo you have a good squad with very experienced and skilled players. Allright, thats all for now by me. You want add something else gl and hf!
Well I have nothing more to say aswell, just watchout at the wings of SAINTS! Good luck to everyone and be fair play!

Trailer Park Penguins:
After failing to promote into the division 1 in his first season as captain since he came back into the haxball world. StringerBell lost the promotion by 2 points and -7 GA, but there is a new captain and probably a new motivation for the rest of squad. Can they make a great season again and fight for promotion?
Interview with Nocke
Hello Nocke, or Salut frate :D! What's up, how you feeling to be the new captain of TPP?
Yoo man, honestly I didn't really expect to be captain until a few days ago, when Stringer said he'd give up the captaincy, couldn't quite believe it at first since it was so sudden too tbh, but even though it's unexpected I'm still pretty happy.
Well congrats for that. What do you think, can you surprise again and finish on top?
Ty, I think our team is looking pretty good right now, especially with the addition of some new players. I really hope we can do that tbh and I believe we do have a chance to be in the top 3 at least.
Well you lost few of your main players from last season. Do you think that the new guys are good enough like the others have been?
That's very true, Lokizzh went to 4R and it's very understandable why he did so. Hannibal is a very good replacement for him in my opinion, and I think him and xSha will produce a lot of goals and possibly be the very reasons why we might be top 3
Well, true Hanni is a great player. So you hope in your teammates, good luck with the new squad and cya!
Thanks man, gl to you too!

Chimera (New team):
A new team, a new dream. As everyone has been expecting starting from when Whiplash made the team application, they are accepted and everyone predict them to finish on 1st position of division 2, without giving any chances to theire opponents. Can Whiplash promote into division 1, with his top players?
Interview with Whiplash:
Hello Whiplash. Congrats for being accepted in this league aswell. How are you?
Hey Soul, thank you very much. I'm doing fine also thanks, how 'bout you?
Well, me aswell, kinda bored, but is just mid-night. Well, your team is looking to be favourite at winning division 2 title. What do you think? Can your "legends" do the best and promote in theire first season here?
I think winning the 2nd division title shouldn't be a problem for us even though there are some good teams such as Bullets, Saints and Flames. This season probably will be kind of a warm up season for our team before we get the promotion to the 1st division, therefore, we'll try to have fun and fix our minor errors if we have any.
Well as you said, the main opponents will be Bullets, Saints and FLAMES for you, right? And who you see to be your key-player for your team and which another teams from division 2 you think will promote to first division?
I don't think there will be any surprise from other teams besides those three. We don't have any "key-player" to be honest, but I think my personal performance will affect our teams journey so, I'm trying my best to be active as i used to be. Maldo came back after a long break, our supportive director Fredklopp returned to us, Splat hates the game (except html5) but he is trying his best to contribute and I think if we keep our chemistry and improve even more, we will achieve many things together. Also let's not forget our new remarkable members: Altidore, Meyer and ALAN10. I'm confident that they will help us a lot in the long run. That was a bit long but I had to, sorry not sorry... I think Styl will be the key player for Bullets' fight for top 3, obviously. Lev Yashin and Terror could lead Saints to the 1st division as well.
Well thank you for aprecieting few opponent players, showed some respect! Congrats for that. Which would be your main squad? How so fast you think you will get enough chemistry between you all and win every single game probably?
I don't think we will have any problems from the start. Although we are new on FeedMe, Chimera is not that new especially for our main squad. Maldo-Splat-Whiplash-Altidore currently our most warmed up 4. But that doesn't mean that you will not see any different rotations from us since we have many other great players.
Ok Whiplash, looks like you are trying to motivate your players aswell with this answers. Thank you for giving me few of your minutes and answering at my few questions. Good luck and good night mate!
Thanks bud, have a nice one, and i wish every team a good season. Cheers.

Second accepted team and last one is FLAMES leaded by wrozbita, the ex key player of Husaria. He is using his old squad from another leagues with his polish friends. Of course the key player looks like is the captain wrozbita. Can the new team show any competitive problems for the other top teams of division 2?
Interview with wrozbita:
Hello wroz, congrats for your achievement, being accepted in feed me with your team, which is a bit well known from another leagues. What do you think about the league and other teams of division 2?
In my opinion, Feed Me is the strongest league in Haxball at this moment and we're happy to be here with you, guys. About the opponents, well, we don't look on other teams, we're focusing on ourselves and our goal is to promote. Fear us.
Wow, something nice and promising, well thinked man, nice attitude! This might help your team and of course with your experience as captain and player in top teams and leagues could be important for rest of teammates. Who you see to be the main opponents and at what you are expecting from the first season here?
There are couple of good teams here. The level of competition is high and every team can spring a surprise. Our expectations? Any place below TOP3 will be a huge disappointment.
Well, is nice to aim that up! Good luck with your aim and hopefully for you, your dream will come true.
Thank you and good luck to all the participating teams!

Thank you MrP for help! Soul.
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