How to stream haxball with OBS

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How to stream haxball with OBS

Postby Herna » April 10th, 2016, 7:08 pm

Hi, because i explained it so many times already i thought i better make a thread that explains easy how to stream with OBS.
tbh i have no clue of these things too but i can show you the easy steps to stream a haxball match^^

-Download OBS and install it:
i will explain here how to make it with OBS classic, if you have linux or mac you have to use obs studio, but isnt very different i think

-how to set the settings:
Broadcast settings:
you find the stream key at the twitch account you want to stream
852x480 is perfect for haxball and fits to most overlays.
you can change fps, as higher as nicer to watch the stream is i guess, but could lagg more.
same here, as higher the max bitrate is, as better is the stream quality, but you have change it depending on your internet. dont make it that high that the stream is in nice quality, but you lagg and people cant watch the game fluent, thats much worse. mrp says 900 is good because if its higher its harder to watch for people with shit internet but quality is good like that.
other settings arent important first, you can check them out if youre bored, idk.

-how to set the stream:
first off all you need to rightklick in the scenes-box and add a new scene:
Then you have a scene, with adding sources you can add things to see.
To put the haxball-pitch from the browser to your stream, you add a window capture. Open Haxball in your browser and take that as window. Then select as Sub-Region the haxball pitch, so that it only shows the pitch. If you klick on preview stream you can see the picture, with edit scene you can put the sources where you want it in the stream. You can put the haxball clock whereever you want it the same way.
You can put an overlay or logos through adding an image, with text you can put the halves or teams into your stream.
For the teams and scoreboard check out this tool: ... d-edit.83/

This is all important to know to stream haxball for now i think. and im bored making this, bb. if you have questions post them here or ask me or anyone who streams idk.
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