What happens after death?

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What happens after death?

Postby supernatural » February 16th, 2020, 2:00 am

Guys, what is happening after death? What you think, what your ideology or religion says about this? Let's discuss about this because this is the only place we can talk about this serious subject. I believe all you guys are 144+ IQ geniusses (because u play haxball =D) so answer the thread.
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby sw1zy » February 16th, 2020, 2:25 am

i will fuck 72 virgins for sure :cheers:
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby ANDRÈA » February 16th, 2020, 12:57 pm

You turn into a 82 M haxball pitch
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby Ter » February 16th, 2020, 2:21 pm

Consciousness goes into a black hole of thought and after some time decompressing it appears once again in some living form like a "blank paper", and that new living form will be the new home of your "me", since consciousness is what makes you the real you, and, therefore, the result of the decisions that you made on this life just results in a probability result of what you (your consciousness), in the context you were inserted in, is more likely to do, resulting into some kind of experiment like the ones some people do with self-learning A.I's, which, in my opinion, consists in what we actually are, self-learning A.I's programmed in a certain limited context (limited by what we call nowadays as death and universe) made for the research purpose of the "true superior beings" (might be humans or not, most likely humans tho, considering our knowledge nowadays) in order to improve their selfdevelopment in a faster way, since the more experiments you get access to, the more knowledge you have about the pathways you should take in their own form of life and you will, therefore, become more efficient with your lifetime and make that same time gradually more efficient for the continuation of your generation (sons, grandsons and so on), which is, imo, the closest thing to what should be our motivation to make the best decisions possible as the humans we are, since if death is still inevitable, then the only true motivation for long-term planning, must be granting our continuity in this world (sons, grandsons, etc.) better conditions on life (better genetics, provided by thought process/decision making, and better "mundane" life conditions, provided by what you give to the "physical" world and what you get in return by that same world, such as, the almighty concept of money, that is what gives us, humans, the greatest form of power for controlling what time we can actually invest in our dreams/ambitions/taste, and, therefore, in an indirect way, what gives a higher chance of happiness in this life, which is, in the short/average term, what really matters, and since we are beings that usually feel a lot the short/average term, it's clearly helpful for our state of mood).
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby saviola » February 16th, 2020, 3:24 pm

In my view (agnosticism), the answer is just: I don't know (and it does not matter).

If I was forced to give an answer based on what I "believe" (to be more likely), then I guess I'd go with something like this:

"The words of those who speak of existence after death are false, empty chatter. With the break-up of the body, the wise and the foolish alike are annihilated, destroyed. They do not exist after death." Source

But as Ter said, we live on in the memories of the people we interacted with, through our progeny, and through the things we have created.

Ter wrote:Consciousness goes into a black hole of thought and after some time decompressing it appears once again in some living form like a "blank paper", and that new living form will be the new home of your "me", since consciousness is what makes you the real you […]

Why do you separate the consciousness from the physical body? Let's assume it was possible to transform matter into information, and then re-create it (teleportation, so to speak): Your information is read, then your body is destroyed, and in another place your body is re-created exactly. Would that "new" body have a different consciousness, be a different person?
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby LaggerMet » February 16th, 2020, 3:34 pm

saviola wrote:Why do you separate the consciousness from the physical body? Let's assume it was possible to transform matter into information, and then re-create it (teleportation, so to speak): Your information is read, then your body is destroyed, and in another place your body is re-created exactly. Would that "new" body have a different consciousness, be a different person?

No, and yes. Depends on your definition. I thought about it a lot. I've come to the conclusion that at each moment we are defacto a different entity, but retaining the memory stream of the entity from the previous moment, just adding our current state to this memory stream. So there's really no difference to teleport or even time travel (to the future) like that.
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby pkppp » February 16th, 2020, 4:04 pm

Re: Que se passe-t-il après la mort?
Article non lupar Ter »Aujourd'hui, 14 h 21

La conscience entre dans un trou noir de la pensée et après un certain temps de décompression, elle apparaît à nouveau sous une forme vivante comme un "papier blanc", et cette nouvelle forme vivante sera le nouveau foyer de votre "moi", puisque la conscience est ce qui vous fait le vrai vous, et, par conséquent, le résultat des décisions que vous avez prises sur cette vie se traduit simplement par un résultat probable de ce que vous (votre conscience), dans le contexte dans lequel vous avez été inséré, est plus susceptible de faire, résultant en genre d'expérience comme celles que certaines personnes font avec les IA d'auto-apprentissage, qui, à mon avis, consistent en ce que nous sommes réellement, des IA d'auto-apprentissage programmées dans un certain contexte limité (limité par ce que nous appelons aujourd'hui la mort et univers) fait dans le but de recherche des "vrais êtres supérieurs" (qu'ils soient humains ou non,les humains les plus probables, compte tenu de nos connaissances de nos jours) afin d'améliorer leur développement personnel plus rapidement, car plus vous aurez accès à des expériences, plus vous aurez de connaissances sur les voies que vous devriez suivre dans leur propre forme de vie et vous , par conséquent, devenez plus efficace avec votre vie et rendez ce même temps progressivement plus efficace pour la poursuite de votre génération (fils, petits-fils, etc.), ce qui est, imo, la chose la plus proche de ce qui devrait être notre motivation pour faire le meilleur des décisions possibles en tant qu'êtres humains que nous sommes, car si la mort est toujours inévitable, alors la seule vraie motivation pour une planification à long terme doit être d'accorder à notre continuité dans ce monde (fils, petits-fils, etc.) de meilleures conditions de vie (meilleure génétique, fourni par le processus de réflexion / prise de décision, et de meilleures conditions de vie "banales",fourni par ce que vous donnez au monde "physique" et ce que vous obtenez en retour par ce même monde, tel que le concept tout-puissant de l'argent, c'est ce qui nous donne, les humains, la plus grande forme de pouvoir pour contrôler le temps que nous pouvons investir réellement dans nos rêves / ambitions / goût, et, par conséquent, de manière indirecte, ce qui donne une plus grande chance de bonheur dans cette vie, qui est, à court / moyen terme, ce qui compte vraiment, et puisque nous sommes des êtres qui se sentent généralement beaucoup à court / moyen terme, c'est clairement utile pour notre état d'esprit).d'une manière indirecte, ce qui donne une plus grande chance de bonheur dans cette vie, qui est, à court / moyen terme, ce qui compte vraiment, et puisque nous sommes des êtres qui ressentent généralement beaucoup le court / moyen terme, c'est clairement utile pour notre humeur).d'une manière indirecte, ce qui donne une plus grande chance de bonheur dans cette vie, qui est, à court / moyen terme, ce qui compte vraiment, et puisque nous sommes des êtres qui ressentent généralement beaucoup le court / moyen terme, c'est clairement utile pour notre humeur).

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Re: What happens after death?

Postby Ter » February 16th, 2020, 5:15 pm

saviola wrote:
Ter wrote:Consciousness goes into a black hole of thought and after some time decompressing it appears once again in some living form like a "blank paper", and that new living form will be the new home of your "me", since consciousness is what makes you the real you […]

Why do you separate the consciousness from the physical body? Let's assume it was possible to transform matter into information, and then re-create it (teleportation, so to speak): Your information is read, then your body is destroyed, and in another place your body is re-created exactly. Would that "new" body have a different consciousness, be a different person?

Even tho consciousness seems to always need a body to express itself, the reality is that there exist some situations where you can't control your physical body but you feel your consciousness working, such as in a coma, in a dream and even in clinical death (https://bioethics.georgetown.edu/2015/07/consciousness-after-clinical-death-the-biggest-ever-scientific-study-published/), so technically we can say that consciousness has its sort of independence related to bodies, even tho it's very hard to see and to prove it, since consciousness isn't the most tactile thing in the world.

About the whole body thing, of course that a "new" body with a different consciousness would be a different person, in my POV, consciousness is what really determines who you are, since all your ideologies are stored in there, so we can kinda say that what you are what you think (a narcissist dream :D).
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby LaggerMet » February 16th, 2020, 5:22 pm

Ter wrote:
saviola wrote:
Ter wrote:Consciousness goes into a black hole of thought and after some time decompressing it appears once again in some living form like a "blank paper", and that new living form will be the new home of your "me", since consciousness is what makes you the real you […]

Why do you separate the consciousness from the physical body? Let's assume it was possible to transform matter into information, and then re-create it (teleportation, so to speak): Your information is read, then your body is destroyed, and in another place your body is re-created exactly. Would that "new" body have a different consciousness, be a different person?

Even tho consciousness seems to always need a body to express itself, the reality is that there exist some situations where you can't control your physical body but you feel your consciousness working, such as in a coma, in a dream and even in clinical death (https://bioethics.georgetown.edu/2015/07/consciousness-after-clinical-death-the-biggest-ever-scientific-study-published/), so technically we can say that consciousness has its sort of independence related to bodies, even tho it's very hard to see and to prove it, since consciousness isn't the most tactile thing in the world.

About the whole body thing, of course that a "new" body with a different consciousness would be a different person, in my POV, consciousness is what really determines who you are, since all your ideologies are stored in there, so we can kinda say that what you are what you think (a narcissist dream :D).

you can't control your body but the consciousness is still a physical function of your body... Saying its not a part of your body is the same as saying that seeing is not a function of your body because there are cases that you can't use your other sensed but you still can see... Sometimes we do not use all our body functions, that doesnt make consciousness special.
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby El Drago » February 16th, 2020, 5:25 pm

In my pov the Universe can`t be made by itself so there is a major power that made everything, no-one knows what it is but there is 100% an entity that made all of this so we could play haxball and smoke weed :thumbup: (Every human has a soul and there must be something happening with it after the body dies for your question also)
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby Ter » February 16th, 2020, 6:22 pm

LaggerMet wrote:you can't control your body but the consciousness is still a physical function of your body... Saying its not a part of your body is the same as saying that seeing is not a function of your body because there are cases that you can't use your other sensed but you still can see... Sometimes we do not use all our body functions, that doesnt make consciousness special.

I am not saying that consciousness isn't at most of the times alligned with physical control over the body or that it does not need at 100% of certainty a body to function, what i'm saying is that there is irrefutable evidence where you aren't controlling physically your body but your consciousness is still alive and contributing directly to your selfdevelopment, which, therefore, makes you think that there is a possibility that consciousness does not follow the death of the body, because it's like, how can a consciousness prove its alive status while not having any way (physical body) to show its existence? There is a very interesting episode on the Black Mirror series (sci-fi/futuristic netflix content), where there exists this woman that is brought to a doctor to be performed a surgery (not 100% accurate, haven't watched it in some time) and then its consciousness is put on an alarm clock, and that kinda makes you think, imagine that all your consciousness is stored on an alarm clock with 2/3 available functions to the public (all your knowledge can only be transmited by 2/3 funcions that are made available by that device, the alarm clock), how can you prove that your consciousness exists? :D

Anyways, the most likely reason for that is kinda of a delay between the body's death and the consciousness death, kinda like what would happen if our star, the sun, died for any reason, we would still have at minimum 8 minutes of life before feeling the effects of that death.
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby LaggerMet » February 16th, 2020, 6:33 pm

Ter wrote:
LaggerMet wrote:you can't control your body but the consciousness is still a physical function of your body... Saying its not a part of your body is the same as saying that seeing is not a function of your body because there are cases that you can't use your other sensed but you still can see... Sometimes we do not use all our body functions, that doesnt make consciousness special.

I am not saying that consciousness isn't at most of the times alligned with physical control over the body or that it does not need at 100% of certainty a body to function, what i'm saying is that there is irrefutable evidence where you aren't controlling physically your body but your consciousness is still alive and contributing directly to your selfdevelopment, which, therefore, makes you think that there is a possibility that consciousness does not follow the death of the body, because it's like, how can a consciousness prove its alive status while not having any way (physical body) to show its existence? There is a very interesting episode on the Black Mirror series (sci-fi/futuristic netflix content), where there exists this woman that is brought to a doctor to be performed a surgery (not 100% accurate, haven't watched it in some time) and then its consciousness is put on an alarm clock, and that kinda makes you think, imagine that all your consciousness is stored on an alarm clock with 2/3 available functions to the public (all your knowledge can only be transmited by 2/3 funcions that are made available by that device, the alarm clock), how can you prove that your consciousness exists? :D

Anyways, the most likely reason for that is kinda of a delay between the body's death and the consciousness death, kinda like what would happen if our star, the sun, died for any reason, we would still have at minimum 8 minutes of life before feeling the effects of that death.

well mostly the difference is just that the parts of the brain that forms the consciousness are still active while the other parts aren't. It still just some electric pulses in our brain, and when they stop our consciousness die. But you are right, it doesn't specifically have to be a real brain, maybe it is possible to simulate the brain consciousness with another hardware. Either way the thing I'm trying to say is that our consciousness is just matter, reacting in a special and cool way, but nothing spiritual.
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby saviola » February 16th, 2020, 6:57 pm

Ter wrote:Even tho consciousness seems to always need a body to express itself, the reality is that there exist some situations where you can't control your physical body but you feel your consciousness working, such as in a coma, in a dream and even in clinical death (https://bioethics.georgetown.edu/2015/07/consciousness-after-clinical-death-the-biggest-ever-scientific-study-published/), so technically we can say that consciousness has its sort of independence related to bodies, even tho it's very hard to see and to prove it, since consciousness isn't the most tactile thing in the world.

Interesting, but for me the result of this study is rather "unexpectedly, the brain is still working several minutes after the heart has stopped" (for a single person out of 2000 cases, guess they would need more data), this does not mean there is an independence between the physical body (the brain is part of the body, after all) and the consciousness.

Ter wrote:About the whole body thing, of course that a "new" body with a different consciousness would be a different person, in my POV, consciousness is what really determines who you are, since all your ideologies are stored in there, so we can kinda say that what you are what you think (a narcissist dream :D).

Ah, I see. Then this is where our beliefs are different. For me all these things are stored in the brain, and the copied person would be exactly the same (or at least a "continuation" of the previous entity by LaggerMet's definition) as the original one – the consciousness is something that has arisen from the complexity of our brain, but is not separate (or separable) from it.
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Re: What happens after death?

Postby EdinsonCavani » February 16th, 2020, 6:59 pm

good haxball players go to valhalla


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