Season 19 Preview Div 2

Season 19 Preview Div 2

Postby Vidalo » May 19th, 2017, 7:43 pm

FM Div2 Previews:



Ajhax finished in last position since the last two seasons, can they change that ? They try at least to find the solution. 3 new players will boost Ajhax line-up: Galvan, Geslan and Kamenitza. To be honest I only know the israelian Galvan and he can be a solid player in the gameday line-up. As we know Jds is pretty busy those days so I dont think he will play this season again, or maybe just manage his team as a good Leonardo Jardim :p TemplleGoku and jerrix will be GK, CHE is the only DM but it's maybe a good idea to have a single gameplay in attack, Nocke, Galvan and Kamenitza will share AM position and it will be necessary to fight for ST position between Wyt, Nub and Geslan, even if Nub should play this role in my opinion. If they have an active and small line-up like jerrix/TemplleGoku – CHE – Nocke/Galvan – Nub, they could fight to recover a decent place in the Division 2 !

Vidal: "Do you think you can do a better season with your actual line-up ?"

jerrix: "I think we can. We've strengthened in alot of areas that we missed last season. Aswell as adding depth to the attacking roles, which could give us a more strategic approach going forward."

Vidal: "What are your motivations for this new season ?"

jerrix: "I think it's just to build chemistry with the team, whilst having fun in the process. Also, to achieve a higher finish than last season :p"

Vidal: "What can be the secret weapon of your possible good season ? :D Maybe an active Jds ?"

jerrix: "We all know an active jds would be the solution. But I believe our multiple attacking options, that could give us that cutting edge in matches."

Balls Be Flyin':


After playing some fs against them, I can tell you that you shouldn't underestimate them, or you'll have a big disillusionment ! The germano-dutch team don't have big names on their line-up but I don't think their care about it, they have others qualities and maybe the best one: they never give up (Deutsch Qualität 8)). The german captain grünersamt will share GK position with oln, dutch players will probably be in the midfield DM/AM and striker position with maybe Rooney™ and Tornatter who are known to be ST in Real Soccer, nevertheless I think they can do the job in 4v4 big. They also have pretty inexperienced players like Nex, Tornatter who didn't play in FeedMe yet, it can be a good mix with old FeedMe players like oln, Kokolol and the captain of course who started playing in this community in Season 14.

Vidal: "Where does your team name comes from ?"

grünersamt: "Good Question ! Well one day I was flying around (you know what i mean :p), well and same was for the litte dots all of us are moving while playing the game Haxball. Lang story short: there were some crazy kits setted (they even changed colour every second automatically!), I was as I said flying around in my mind and somehow I thought 'Uh, this balls are flying like I'm flying'. Yea and at the same point I created this team and thought why not take the slogan 'Balls Be Flyin'' as a teamname."

Vidal: "Can you introduce your team a bit to know you better..."

grünersamt: "Sure! Well I begin at the startpoint of this team: I think it was over one year ago, Chaos (a former haxball player which was a TurnUp like me at that point) and I, agreed with each other that making a team in HaxTrick would be a good idea. Sadly exactly at that point this league dissolved and with it our plan creating a team on our own. After a quiet long break of haxball, Chaos retired completly (maybe one day we will see him again?), and after I could repair my pc, I decided to give it another try and yea, here we are ! As a preparation we had the oppurtunity to play in the Romanian league (FrH), where we could finalize our squad mostly and clear things up."

Vidal: "What can you expect with your team in Div2 this season ?"

grünersamt: "Hm, its quiet a tough league, even in division 2 there are very good teams which try to show their best. And since most players of my team had a long break of haxball, at least playing it in a competetive way, I know it will be hard to play against such well-rehearsed teams. But we will give our best we can bear and if I had to give an more exactly prediction I would say that we can end up in our first season in FeedMe somewhere in the midfield. I hope I could answer your question like you hoped, Vidal, want to thank you for your effort and wish you a nice weekend, may my green friend also finds you :)."



After 2 seasons in Division 1, Fatality! sadly came back in Div 2. As MeMe did, they signed and cut a lot of players during the season and it didn't help to keep a stable team. They often changed their DM and AM so their gameplay was a bit different every game. They still have some inactives players like moot, Barlex or Ayahuasca. The captain duo Kalajan/Progamer seems to have a pretty good opinion on romanian player's level: they signed Soul as GK, p0c0 and TalixD in the midfield. They also maybe need a DM now because TotalPlayer left the team to be co-captain in Nighthawks, so Dress is maybe the solution, he's known to be DM in Real Soccer but he played very well (in AM tho) in NC's group phase recently. In my opinion a line-up like this: Kalajan/Soul - Dress – TalixD – Progamer, should be able play the first part of the table.

Vidal: "What did you feel when you knew you were back to Div 2 ? Do you think Fatality! (with it's actual line-up) can fight again for promotion ?"

Progamer: "For me it is not bad to play in 2nd Div. We wasn't that strong last season and this was the result. We try to play our best but the aim is not to promote for 1st Div."

Vidal: "In my opinion Dress maybe could be your key player for next season, what role will he play in your team ?"

Progamer: [i]"First of all he will not be our key player in the team. All players in the team can be a key player. It depend on matches. Every match can be a key to be promoted to 1st Div and every player can be the key to get promoted. So for me we dont get a key player atm. Dress role in the team will be the same of all players."

Vidal: "Ok and a final crucial question: In old HaxTrick community you had a great team with Victory Hunters where you reached Champion's league semi final, do you prefer to play with great players and share gametime or play for fun and have most of the gametime ? :p"

Progamer: "In Haxtrick I wanted to have one of the best teams in league. Players like aguero10, Yannex, Echo, Isco and Caccapupu are really nice players. In Haxtrick I get more pptions to sign good players because Haxtrick was a new created league and many players are free agent. I could sign better players as in FeedMe. But Haxtrick and FeedMe are two difficult leagues. In Haxtrick I just get luck to sign these kind of player. Here in FeedMe we prefer to have fun with our players and sign (most of all) nice people to play fs and have fun in team. The 1st creteria is to have nice player and have fun. If you get good player and good people you can reach much."



One of the new team in FeedMe community and very well known in the old HaxTrick community in another Team name, New Nexus, Chro and his team will try to show their gameplay and talent in Division 2. With experienced players like Zerothree, Essence and Pizzi in goalkeeper position, Chro taking DM position will impose his way of playing, 2 romanians players like Deliric and NesTro probably will play AM and their bosnian striker's star Hawk, who left Pablo Haxobar after 13 seasons in the team, will lead attack with probably lot of goals if his ping let him play of course :p After a desappointing elimination in the Pre Season Cup round of 16 (2-1 against Klub Emeryta), Fatamorgana must show their best face to go in Division 1.

Vidal: "Rebuilding this team was an old idea or did u think about it when check-in for season 19 was open ?"

Chro: "Actually it was circulated for a long time since haxtrick was shut down, i didnt had time nor didnt i really feel like managing a team or having a 2nd team (at that time i was in YeS) and we thought that now is a better time to reform."

Vidal: "From an external point of view, we can think this team is build to promote in Division 1... What it is ?"

Chro: "Yes of course, that is our #1 priority"

Vidal: "What do you think about Div2, maybe give us prediction about table :p"

Chro: "Well i hope that we promote to div1 and become champions, i think we have a good team mixed with experienced and talented players to realize our goal. Nevertheless we surely wont underestimate anyone just because we are aware our own strength, there are some good teams that could make it more interesting. I think the top 3 will look like this: Fatamorgana, TuT, Nightly Artits and bottom 3: Team Rocket, Night Hawks, Balls Be Flyin'."

Vidal: "You see TuT making a good season this time ? :D"

Chro: "Yes sure, TuT is no bad team, they often struggled with the gk position and I think their recent signing Iron is a good one, he surely is no Caccapupu but he still is good, TuT might even be our biggest competitor in the race :D"



Hard times for the old Aston Birra, after changing captaincy and most of their players, they had to apply for Division 2. But what a apply ! Probably the strongest one this season with great players. After a sneaky move from Swaghax to GL, ALAN10 and Maldo are back, with the captaincy, to an italian team. Without any doubts he will often keep his goal safe, also because of the italian defense who should be very strong aswell with gio (aka Reus), Terquila, William or ALAN10. They also have a good attack, they signed the turkish star Altidore, who did well in FeedMe Div 2 last season in Rising Above with 9 goals and 6 assists in 10 matches. To be honest the last Champion's League semi-finalist have to take charge on their own destiny.

Vidal: "What were your first impressions when you knew that you were on Division 2 ?"

William: "Initially me and my teammates were disappointed cause we didn't know about this rule
and also because we wanted to perform well in the most hard division of this competition, but we'll do our best in division 2 aswell."

Vidal: "I can understand your disappointment... I guess the only goal for you is to promote ?"

William: "Obviously our goal is to promote but we will give the 100% to finish in the first position and win the league !"

Vidal: "Gladiators is known to be exclusivly an italian team, now you have 2 israelian and a turkish player, what can they bring to your team ?"

William: "Maybe the possibility to have more subs and we have a great striker like altidore that will really help us."

Vidal: "Ok and one last question, how did u feed about your last Champion's League campain ? Was it your best competition so far ?"

William: "Yes of course, we really wanted to win the last HCL, we played a great match against Stiff Wind losing just 1-0 at overtime after a balanced match in the semifinals (with a really unclucky goal) but we'll try again in this season, hoping it will be better than the last one !"



After a first season in FeedMe and finishing in 10th position, we can say that was a pretty bad season from them. They signed and cut around 20 players during last season and I dont think it helped to get a stable ambience and a stable line-up during game days. For now, they're 6 players in the team and duo Buffon-FalcaoTT will be crucial in defense to get quickly out of it with their spam and have more time in attack to build their game. They also have cvq10, Evil, Flu and Gbale who is unfortunately inactive those days. They maybe should recruit 1 active player to have a solid line-up every game.

Vidal: "What do you think about your first season in FeedMe ?"

Buffon: "To be honest our first season didn't succeed as we expected, but we really get much experience and in the new season I hope everything will be much better !"

Vidal: "Did you expect to finith 10th ?"

Buffon: "No we didn't, our purpose was to fight to be in top3 and get promote at least. We trust ourselves we will implement it."

Vidal: "What will you do to rebuild a solid team ?"

Buffon: "I will not do nothing, my purpose just get right, active and loyals players for my gamestyle and I guess so far everything working to right direction."



Season 18 was a pretty good season for it's arrival in FeedMe, Nighthawks finished 6th but they often took high score when they loosed: 7-0 against Ninjas in Pyjamas (now The Greys), 8-0 against Night Raiders, 9-3 against Quickswans and Gream Ripers (now Rising Above). To make the same season as last one, they will have to be stronger in defense ! After almost all the slovaks players leaved the team, Spo took the leadership of the team and signed 2 new international bulgarian players like Joe Hart and intersize who did well in NC group phase, 2 romanian players perseu and Ganja Fz, they also signed the DM TotalPlayer who left Fatality! to come here and FreakLolZ who's known to be a skilled player. In my opinion they don't have the line-up needed to fight for the promotion, they will have a judge's role for the other teams when they'll play against Nighthawks.

Vidal: Do you know where all the Slovaks players went ? :o"

Spo: "Shamway has family problems, so he gave me captaincy and I lead it now. And how is it going, without Shamway, Bocian declined to play, Crawford declined to play without Bocian and there is the problem, everyone ended up. Crawford moved to another team and some players ended up their career."

Vidal: "Oh ok that's pretty hard ! How do you think you will play with this new line-up you made ?"

Spo: "In this line-up we play in bulgaria, i know these players and i'm glad to play with them and have them in team. Levaldo is my nearby friend and he is great Co-c, so we're creating pretty nice stuff. In Bulgaria we lead the league. But there are many many experienced teams and we'll see who will be better in every match we have on both sides 4 players and depends on us how we'll fight.."

Vidal: "One last question what are your aims in Divison 2 ?"

Spo: "Our aims are to play haxball and to make it more funny, don't try hard it, I would like to be in the middle of the table, this is my prediction, I know that we can do more than just middle of table but I have no big target in this league because we are leading league in Bulgaria.."

Nightly Artists:


One of the best team during the FeedMe's break was surely Nightly Artists ! After loosing in Spring Cup Final vs archNemeses (sorry guys but we really wanted this pretty cute logo 8) ), they went through Pre Season Cup until semi-final, beaten by Klub Emeryta 1-0. The co-captain Sodaz will take main DM this season and his duo with the goalkeeper Baffo will be hard to beat in defense. When we play against this team, we aknowledge that they know each other very well that's why it's very difficult to take the ball when they have it in the midfield. ! AM position will probably will be played by the captain L4W and maybe a good question... Who will be their main striker ? Rumors circulating about Rene in Nightly Artists but maybe we can expect a sneaky move to another team :D #doitlikeitalians :pirate:

Vidal: "You made a really good impression in last 2 cups, what will be your aims for next season ?"

L4W: "Our aim is to reach the division 1."

Vidal: "Are you exciting about the italian derby against Gladiators ? Do you think you're able to beat them ?"

L4W: "Yes it's gonna be tough but I think if we will be on our best form against them we can beat them !"

Vidal: "As we see Rene in your Teamspeak line-up, we can think it will be your main ST ? Or it's only rumors he will be signing in NA ?"

L4W: "Rene is a very good player and friend, rumors are real but we will see :x I think he will choose last minute xd"

Vidal: "Ahah "too many snakes in 2k17 haxbal" isnt it ? :shock: "

L4W: "Oh lol that's the point, yes we got snaked by our main st at the time which was Owned. So we asked rene if he could help us and fortunatly he helped us. But you know Rene is top player I think he would like to play div1 so I don't know about the future with us it will be last minute choice... I would like to say one more thing regarding our st: It's about Capitan Fenomeno we truly belive in him we are building something good (we played few games last season with 4e and we did very good) so don't underestimate this guy !!"



Founded in Season 9 and reborn in Season 18, Rautovic wanted to have his team back in FeedMe like the good old days. After loosing all title's and promotion's hope, all the great players like the swedish guy jalapeno, Gamer, DrG and MartYK left Quickswans. They now signed 3 french players: Anddy as DM (old Flame Hawks player/bencher), Pelé as GK and JaQk as GK and co-captain since Rautovic can't be really active at the moment. Smurf and VaRiNN^ will also help in the midfield. Mish aka Pupek aka Sanchez will try to play striker now since they already are 2 GK in the line-up and alos because he wants gametime of course :p We can ask ourselves about what can they play in this Div 2 and what role can they bring to the title race...

Vidal: "Do you think you still can fight for promotion or even title with all your big departures ?"

Rautovic: " That is not even my plan. I dont know about the others, but all I wanna do is have some fun after work and that is why I am here. After all those years I stopped playing for titles etc. And I think at the moment it's all just for fun. Last season we had some great games and still didn't promote, but I don't mind playing in Div 2, it's a good atmosphere in here with all those great teams. Probably we have the skill to fight for promotion, but that is not what I am aiming for."

Vidal: "Your team seems to take a french accent, what's your opinion about french players in general ?"

Rautovic: "To be honest I don't know a lot of french players. Our co-captain JaQk made those signings. Luckily he helped me out when I didn't have much time for hax. At the moment I am pretty busy with my job, so JaQk tested and signed some players for the team."

Vidal: "Well you should sign this "I am A pancake" he's very good in my opinion, he's a nice guy and he's searching a team like yours, for having fun and play after work :p Did you follow the Spring Cup and Pre Season Cup ? Can you predict a top 3 and a bottom 3 for Div 2 ?"

Rautovic: "Sadly I didn't follow one of those. I had net problems at the Spring Cup and at the Pre Season Cup I came too late. But after all I think the Top 3 of Div 2 will be: Fatamorgana , Gladiators and Rising Above (not in this order) and I really have no idea about the last 3."

Vidal: "Oh ok, it seems you can't be very active those days, will you be here for the beginning of the season on sunday ?"

Rautovic: "I hope so, but I doubt it. I am still trying my best and if it doesn't work I still have my Co-Captain :)"

Rising Above:


Rising Above is part of the teams that are changing their line-up every half of season. They did a pretty bad last season even if Styl made his statistics aswell with 26 goals and 15 assists who made him second goalscorer and second assister of the Div 2. They seem to have a hungarian line-up now with 4 international hungarian players: FAF, Modric, batman and Pain. They also signed Naser probably as GK position and they still have the talented german player ozo jaa in the midfield. They took 70 goals last season that made them the 3rd worst defense in the Div 2, if they want to keep hope for the first places, they surely have to keep their defense safe. "Attack win games, defense win championship..." Michael Jordan 8)

Vidal: "First of all, why do you often changing your line-up ahah ? And will you keep your line-up safe this season ?"

Styl: "Well it has various reasons but I'm sure the most captains are familiar with having to do it xD In some leagues/competitions where I was captain before I didn't have to make any change, however in Feed Me it took me a while to see what's best for running my team etc. Now it really looks like I can maintain the lineup I have now for this whole season, which im happy about :)."

Vidal: "Let's hope for your team and your players ! Do you think you have the potential to fight for promotion or even title ?"

Styl: "I think there are a few teams that stick out like Gladiators & Fatamorgana, those will be fighting for the title. I think we have the potential to fight for the 3rd place, but won't be surprised if we just miss out on the promotion cause there are a lot of teams going for it."

Vidal: " FAF and Styl in the same line-up could show a very attacking side of your team, maybe the success key ? :D"

Styl: "I believe so haha, FAF has a lot of FM-experience too and knows how to score, expect a lot of goals coming from us! :) Good luck to everyone for the season !"

Team Rocket:


Finally we got a commentator's team ! Givanildo, Yondaime and the funny danish Flaviu applied for the 19th season. They also signed 2 portuguese players yet: Munir, Radamel Falcao – UC who will probably play forward. In my opinion their best chance to make some good result is to surprise the opponent, we don't know their way of playing and they could be unpredictable ! Their first match against Fatamorgana won't be easy for them and the rest of the calendar will be very hard too: they will play Rising Above, Gladiators, TuT and Quickswans in a row ! If they have bad results against those teams I hope they won't lose motivation for the next games.

Vidal: "I think for all, you will be a fun team or only to have fun with haxball, can you surprise them all ? :p"

Flaviu: "We will enjoy being in the division 2, have fun of course but we also want to promote that's our objective !"

Vidal: "What do you prefer in haxball ? Playing or commentating and why ?"

Flaviu: "Well right now I love both things I am doing. But you should expect me that in this coming season I will be more like a coach/manager."

Vidal: "Your 5 first matches are against nice teams, if you have bad results against those teams, are you afraid of losing motivation ?"

Flaviu: "Not really because I think we will surprise some of the top teams in the division because they don't know us well... But we have some chemestry because we are playing also in the bulgarian league and I am sure we can surprise those teams from here !"

Vidal: "One last question can you predict top 3 and bottom 3 of Div 2 ?"

Flaviu: "Yes of course ... First I think it's gonna be Fatamorgana, us in the second place, and Fatality! and bottom will be Ajhax, MeMe, and QuickSwans."

TurnUp Turnips:


What a disappointing 18th season... The FeedMe's veteran team finished 9th with only 5 wins in the season. To be honest I still wonder why they finished at the ranking's bottom. They took 52 goals and it's too much for a team who want to promote again. The portuguese goalkeeper Iron (<3) comes to consolidate their team for this new season and bring some fresh air to TuT. If he can be active he's really be a very good GK. The english international player aero also can create a new gameplay in attack with his association with Herna in DM and probably Twigg in AM position. Considered by Chro as one the main rival for the title and promotion fight, they'll have to show another face to prove their value !

Vidal: "First of all, what was your aims for the last season ? Did you just play for fun or did you failed to fight for the promotion ? In an external point of view, it seems strange that you finished 9th last season !"

Herna: "Well, we lost some important players before the season so that we had to grow together again first, so it was my obvious aim first to not go for short-termed sucess, but to play in a nice way and develop as team. The start went really bad and unlucky though and the team kind of lost its trust in the way of playing and themselves I think. I had to step away from my original plan because of that over time which made us get more points again, but didn't really help us aswell. All in all it's positive about this season that I saw that I can trust in the players, as noone left and they all kept motivated eventhough we did really bad, but negative that we didn't really progress at all because the players and also myself started doubting too fast, but it's something everyone has to learn aswell so its nice ^_^ Sorry for writing paragraphs."

Vidal: "Nah it's ok, it's nice to have precisions about your last season ! So I guess the best way to find more and more motivation is to have a good start on sunday ?"

Herna: "In my opinion the team's motivation shouldn't depend on single results, especially as it goes against the best team of the league. but anyway this season it really seems to be possible to fight for a top-3 position and therefor it should be our aim to win in all matches."

Vidal: "You signed Iron and aero, what role will they play this season ? What can they bring to the team ?"

Herna: "Iron is a great guy and player, he likes to fs a lot but sadly can play only some weeks but others not, anyway he will be a help for the GK position and maybe also for attack, he has nice reactions. aero is great attacker ofc and nice moral help for the team, but his lags make it nearly impossible for him to play, so I doubt he can help much"

Vidal "So it will probably be more or less the same line-up as last season ?"

Herna "If I find someone perfect I might sign another attacker, because flash stopped improving and he won't score the promised 20 goals when he doesn't improve and then I lose at fantasy haxball what would be quite annoying..."
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Re: Season 19 Preview Div 2

Postby socrates » May 19th, 2017, 8:16 pm

Nice preview.

Good luck to all :thumbup:
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