Season 31 New Team Applications

Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby Gary » April 11th, 2021, 4:04 pm

In this thread new teams can show their interest if they would like to join the FeedMe League for Season 31.

However, we can't guarantee that any team that signs up will get a place in the league.

Season 31 will begin: May 2021 (exact date tbc, maybe around 2nd-9th)

Code: Select all
Team Name -
Logo - (150x150)
Lineup - (add countries of players + captain and co cap)
Why you want to captain -
Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31)

1. Make sure you have access to decent host
2. Have a squad of active 5-12 (recommended 8.) players → remember to edit the lineup in your application post according to keep it up-to-date
3. Don't have ragers in the team
4. Make sure your players have a good internet connection

A channel will be made for your team in the new teams section on - pm Hannes, Gary or any TS Supporter.

Deadline: 25.04.2021

If you have any concerns or questions, please pm Hannes, Gary, MrP, or Whitee.

Please note that it doesn't matter if your team is willing to play in 3v3 or not. It wont have any effect on our decision when picking up new teams for this league. This will just give admins a rough estimate whether 3v3 will have enough participants to be organised.
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby ENZO7 » April 11th, 2021, 6:05 pm

Team Name



Image Enzo ©
Image William ©-©
Image Maldo
Image Lozano
Image Misaj
Image Baffo
Image gio
Image shiN
Image Torment
Image Jeâl
Image Rose
Image 06:00

Why you want to captain?

Hi. Everyone already knows me, I've been captain of Slappers for several seasons. I've showed that I've the ability to lead a team to his best peak and keep it together for a long time. I'm willing to put my self in game again with my friends since we're willing to play and of course win. I can assure that we will always take the matches with the most seriousness possible, and we'll behave accordingly to FM rules. I hope you'll grant us this possibility as all of us have already shown that we're member of the community and good players.

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31) Thanks but we're not interested in 3v3, we wanna compete with all our forces in 4v4

Thanks for your time,
Last edited by ENZO7 on April 21st, 2021, 5:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
i need new enemies, old ones are starting to love me
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby Solar » April 12th, 2021, 8:21 am

Team name: Burned Out
Image Solar ©
Image campionleo ©©
Image Názer
Image james
Image varela
Image Welt
Image praxis
(New players might be added in the team!)

Why you want to captain -

So, I was the one who take this responsibility to be the captain of this team. Also I'm the captain of the Hungarian national's big/big-easy team. Making a team in FeedMe was my older plan to be honest, but I never got the setness of purpose to assemble a team. And yeah... I already knew these Hungarian players in the game and one day I asked them to play together some fs and here we go. We started to play as a team and soon as friends, we started to evolve together, we had bad and good days and right now I feel that we can handle this league together. Hungarian players in the Haxball community never got treated well since years and I think this is one of our chance to place Hungary somewhere in the map, to make Hungarian players treated again, and to be successful together as a team.

Otherwise we'd like to sign players from another countries, so we won't make a team filled with only Hungarian players. We just want to make a friendly group with talented and skillfully players to improve ourselves and earn achievements.
Yeah, maybe we are not the best players in the application, but we played a lot and worked on our mistakes.

Eventually I want to say that I think we could be a productive part of the FeedMeHaxball!

Thanks for your reading,


Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31) -

I see a lot of chance for that if we get accepted into the league! We want to get better and this is a really nice way to train ourselves competitively.
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby xSha » April 12th, 2021, 3:57 pm

Team Shadow



Image xSha (C)
Image Lyreco (Co-C)
Image Efeh
Image skrej
Image veil
Image Yazuneh
Image Ado

Why you want to captain: We are a group of friends that have played with each other for a long time. Despite that, we never really shared the same team in a league together. I would like to be captain to change that and bring out the fullest potential of my players and the team as a whole. With Lyreco and me, the team has 2 players with prior captaincy experience in FeedMe, so managing the team should not be an issue. We look forward to provide healthy competition to the league.

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31): No
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby Total » April 12th, 2021, 10:45 pm

Haukka Helsingfors


Image Levaldo (AKA Total) C
Image hamza co-C
Image Al1s co-C
Image Blaaster
Image monteiro
Image Flashin'
Image Basement Cop
Image Giu
Image Ants
Image Laki
More players coming later on

Why do you want to be captain?

I have been a long community servant (joined 2012, obviously have not been constantly here all those years but still). I think I have done pretty well to get myself competitive and fair reputation around here. My team is full of players that have not been familiar faces of FM recently but some of them have history with FM too and come back alongside this team. The team is based on mostly BFF players (active core we can prove it by me dragging all these donnies to ts) and most of us have been working as Head Admin to make 4v4 Futsal as big mode as it is today. I will guarantee u that we would be really nice, friendly and competitive addition for the league and I will put everything on line and call our team trustworthy. I personally have long long experience in captaining for example futsal and rs teams and I am also currently captaining team Scandinavia in the World Championship. If you have any questions about the team or myself, feel free to hit me up in TS or Discord and I will assist u with sharp and correct answers.

We are not interested to take part in the side league
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby Mulan » April 13th, 2021, 7:06 pm

Good Guys


Image Mulan (C)
Image MISH (Co-C)
Image 9mm
Image Bull
Image Linde
Image Rp M
Image Silkroad
Image VAR

Why you want to captain -
I want to captain because i've been playing for a lot of time and i would like to test out some of my knowledge, we are a group of friends who never rage and are always active in both discord and teamspeak servers, we have been enjoying this game together as a team for one year so far, so we built up some sinergy and a strong friendship :cheers:

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31)* Yes!
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby somalian 1 » April 15th, 2021, 12:31 pm

Team Name: R!OT


Imagesomalian (c)
ImageDrix (co-c)

Why you want to captain?
Hi everyone, we have come a long way since our last application, nonetheless, we never gave hope and knew 4v4 big was something we were all motivated to venture into. After getting declined for being past the deadline last season, R!OT decided to represent the UK in the nations cup as no UK team applied, mainly being an RF and Futsal team we knew this would be challenging but we still exceeded our expectations and reached the semi-finals. This was a great achievement for us as we equalled the UK record. We were still searching for leagues to join and a great opportunity for us came to light. The Chosen One (a FM division two team) were on the verge of disbanding, R!OT saw this as a chance for us to get involved and show the community that we are willing to have 10 losses to start the season but still be a positive and motivated team and continue to do our best showing up to every game.

I feel we would be a great asset to this league, we are a group of friends of the last 5+ years and have very respectable members within the Haxball community. Drix who owns the biggest RF league on haxball (EFRS), Maddude who has apparently done many great things in the FM community :scratch: ;), yeye who has captained in this league and of course me, who captains for R!OT in 3 different leagues and was the interim captain for The Chosen One last season.

Thank you for taking the time to read this application, we really hope we are able to bring back an active UK team into the FM community.


Would you be interested in joining the side-league? No thank you!
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby KonaHaxball » April 18th, 2021, 1:40 pm

Team- Rise F.C.

Captain- kona

Co-Captain- Nunez


Why I should be captain-
FeedMe is what brought me to play haxball, Its been so fun playing and Now that Nunez has offered to build a team with me I want to test my skills against the best of the best. This league really means alot to Rise because we are all very good players and want to test ourselves and grow as a team. Rise have been playing together for a while now and we think we have what it takes.

No we will not like to particapate in side league.
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby DannyV » April 18th, 2021, 10:12 pm

Team: BullitProof



Image Danny (C)
Image Dino (Co-C)
Image Oscar (Co-C)
Image Multi
Image Monstah
Image Yorzi'
Image Warrior
Image franov amg

more players coming soon

Why you want to be captain?

i play this game since 2012 just for fun with some experience i stopped playing for some years and did comeback i saw futsal was the new thing but i dont like futsal. we are a group of friends play for fun and have a knownlegde of the game we dont rage in games because its for fun. we hope we can join this nice community

we are interested to participate in the side league
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby apex1 » April 19th, 2021, 10:34 pm

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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby orenball » April 20th, 2021, 9:25 pm

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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby Képpa » April 21st, 2021, 7:47 am

Team Name - Angels

Logo - Image

Image Komán ©
Image coth (Co-©)
Image chimie (Co-©)
Image Aztecas
Image Parasinus
Image Chiri
Image SC30

Why you want to captain - I have experience and i want to play in Feed Me with my team.

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31) - Yessir.
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby reachels4 » April 22nd, 2021, 4:12 pm

Kadim Lands


ImageBambs (C)

Why you want to captain - Kadim Lands is a team that was created in 2013 and i have been the team captain since then. We played together several season in HaxLife but nearly never played together in Feed Me, that's why i am creating the team. Every season of a league that we played has been completed. We have good chemistry.

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?- No
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby Flaviu » April 22nd, 2021, 4:55 pm

Team Name - FLAVIU 1997

Image Flaviu (Captain)
Image Navien (Co Captain)
Image Kamil (Co Captain)
Image Lucho
Image Skutz
Image Sativa
Image SCЯ
Image SAKY
Image Levitan
Image Ramos
Image Nortisae

Why you want to captain -
Hello again , it`s your boy Flaviu back again :)) i would like to be captain because i think i learned from mistakes , if i am accepted it`s fine if not it`s fine , Feed me is gonna continue with me or without me. I hope this could be the year i finally get accepted.
``I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter``

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31) : Yes
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby Munzur » April 23rd, 2021, 12:26 am


Image Munzur (C)

Image BUFFOИ ( Co )

Image Matteo

Image Parker

Image Just

Image Carpe

Image Drewski


Image cheaw

Why you want to captain -

Together with my friends with whom I was together before, we set out on a road again and they asked me to take on the role of captain as before, I will do my best.

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31)

- NO
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Re: Season 31 New Team Applications

Postby historia » April 25th, 2021, 4:06 pm

Team Name: GegenPressing
Logo - (150x150):

Image jaeger ©
Image Bandikoot (Co-©)
Image Kabir (Co-©)
Image Shark
Image Ginohax
Image kyojin

Why you want to captain:
I think I can be the captain coz we've been a solid group for 5 years and in every league of every game I've always been the captain. Even if we haven't played this game for a few years we are still professional players who have competed in the most important tournaments (feedme, CL, NC) in a professional manner with me as captain.
i am also a great follower of florentino perez, the most important figure in the football world with great leadership and an ideal where the only duty is to move forward and as heir to his ideals I just keep moving forward along its path.

Would you be interested in joining the side-league?(which was futsal 3v3 format so far)* (if it's held on season 31):
I will not say yes just to have a better chance of being selected, I think that other teams should be allowed to play the side league. So if we are in the main league then no, if we arent in the main league then we could think about the side league, would be interesting.
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