Division 2B Preview Season 23

Division 2B Preview Season 23

Postby Lyreco » September 20th, 2018, 6:28 pm



Captain: Jds
Prediction: 9th


Ajhax, one of the longest running FM teams out there, have had a really disappointing time last season.
After finishing on the last place, Jds decided to make some changes to his team by signing Browning, ShimShon and Reus.
The captain of Ajhax doesn't have any crazy ambitions for this season, his main goal is finishing around the mid-table.
But looking at the rest of the teams in Division 2B, it certainly won't be a walk in the park.

Interview with Jds

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

I hope we'll end mid table because we have shown our potential in the funcup and we also signed some good players.

What are AJ’s strengths and weaknesses?

Strenghts: team play, weakness: might be our defensive

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?



Blue Panthers


Captain: Ekstor
Prediction: 6th


In their first FM season BP reached 8th place. Are they capable to fight for promotion?
The team squad is very consistent, with Farbqa and Kaya there are only 2 new signinigs for the new season.
Cause of that one of their strenghs probably is the understanding in between the players.
Reaching a top place will be long way.
The start of the season was average. Winning in cup vs. PH (19min overtime). In league win vs. FEAR and a loss vs. Fossils.

Interview with Ekstor

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

I think we are ready to fight for promoting positions. Our 2nd half of the last season was so bad because of holidays so we decided
to "play for fun", but we came back ready to fight with everyone. Since we back from holidays, we kept playing together
(also in Nations Cup), which was pretty helpful to get in shape and be ready for the start of the season.

What are BP’s strengths and weaknesses?

Actually i think that we have more abilities to originate our attack from the defense,
kicking off faster the ball. Of course, if our attack could be better, we would be talking about strong defense/attack,
but we fail a lot of shots so i think that's our strongest weakness.

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

Maybe Cede from Suavemente, any player from Excellents and gado from Blue Panthers.




Captain: doupi
Prediction: 1st


After 4 seasons of absence, doupi and his Elite69ers are back! In their last FM spell Elite won the cup on two times.
Are they able to be that succesfull again? Even though they were absent for over the year their lineup didnt change too much, most faces we know from last time.
Everything but the promotion to the top flight would be a dissappointment for themselfs. So they wont we too happy with their first two matches, only 3 points against Ajhax and a loss vs. Guns N‘ Moses.

Interview with doupi

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

I think we will end up getting promoted, because frankly even though we took a
long pause with our experience anything else would be a disappointment, as we have the quality.

What are E69’s strengths and weaknesses?

I would say our main strength is experience and knowing how to play the game, even if
we get a bit rusty after not playing for a while. We also know what to expect from each other because we have played
together in many forms for so long. Our weakness is probably related to that - I think we have our playstyle after such
time and perhaps don't change it up as often. And Forsbi, of course.

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

I think everyone will be surprised if Zembou shows up for a game. Other than that,
I'm hoping for Jds to surprise everyone including himself and show what he's got :)




Captain: Azure
Prediction: 7th

SAYKO-Azure-piowek-La Sombra

They are one of the new teams. Azure takes captaincy, he has been in FM before, for a short spell in Sons of Pitches.
So the players are halfly new to FM too, 4fun and SAYKO been playing in FM before.
They showed a promising start to the season with 4 points from 2 matches, drawing 2-2 vs. Promotion favourite Elite69.
In the cup though the lost in the first round to Super Kickers.
They can show a strong teamplay and im sure they can hurt many opponents and can stick to the top for a while, is it enough to promote?

Interview with Azure

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

We will do our best to win Div 2B, but for real, we are able to reach top 4 if we can focus good enough.

What are EX’s strengths and weaknesses?

Our strenght is our attack for sure, we can score a lot of goals if opponents aren't careful. Weaknesses... hmm, we are still working on our defensive, so I think def is our weakness

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

3v3 hcl winner - Grzechu and from div 1 it will be for sure xsha, he has skill and experience for scoring a lot of goals




Captain: aMp
Prediction: 10th

FEAR, a new team in FM this season. FEAR played in a lot of leagues, like RHL (romanian haxball league)
and FRH. Now they joined FM, aMp is looking forward to get some wins. In his team there aren't many known players.
aMp once told me, that his goal was to make Romania as it was in the past. aMp himself is a great dm, played in
FATALITY and QuickSwans in div2 in the previous seasons. Danny, the only dutchie in his team, played for QuickSwans aswell.
They have some talented romanians in their team, like GirlontaR, doofy and EdeN.

Interview with aMp

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

i Think we will finish between 1 and 5 position , because we know each other for a very long time and i expect us to be the underdogs
Our minius is our attack where we missing alot of chances on attack , our strength is our defensice technique Flaviu me and RObert play together for long time

What are FR’s strengths and weaknesses?

Our minius is our attack where we missing alot of chances on attack , our strength is our defensice technique Flaviu me and RObert play together for long time

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

I think from Division 2 will be Shaxlele - Hawk , and from Division 2B one the players from Flaviu-aMp-RObert-EdeN and from other teams Gimenez (Blue Panthers) or CHE (Pablo Haxobar) and from Div1 are Styl (Omerta) or Isco (QuickSwans)




Captain: zPooKy
Prediction: 2nd


FLAMES, having a new captain on their team, when wroz left to join TPP in div1. zPooKy as the new captain,
made some really nice signings. Signings like Returning and Alcazar, who are both players from Marginesy Spoleczne.
They won TheHax a few times with their team. zPooKy himself, is a expierenced player on haxball.
Returning has done a nice job in his previous teams, like Bullets and Husaria (Lucky Strike).

Interview with Lili

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

Well, we really want to get to divison 2 as soon as possible so i guess 1st or 2nd. The reason beyond it cause mine, Returnings and Alcazars chemistry is quite decent since we play for over a year together, then we have zPooKy a experienced polish player, nbn and Timo newbies to this league but really talented as a new guy and we have Lahm which is a wildcard if we really need him.

What are F’s strengths and weaknesses?

Our strengths are indivindual skills i guess, nobody lacks so much that he wouldn't play any match so, our defence is quite decent but we might concede some goals from our own fault. Our biggest weakness is the consistency of our attack, cause we really lack goals on some occasions.

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

Division 1: Dinx or xSha, Divison 2a: Flashin' or DoInK, Division 2b: Krzysiu or La Sombra (need to go for some poles)




Captain: Vargé
Prediction: 5th


Fossils, a brand new team in FM. Fully turkish and already havin good results.
Varge and Teddie played in Angry Bulls previous season (div1 top team).
I dont know much about this team myself, we are gonna need to see in this season.

Interview with Varge

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

I think our team comes to play as champion, because we will destroy every team

What are FSS’s strengths and weaknesses?

FSS's strengths are made up of people who know the game, there are no weaknesses

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

i would say lsco for div1, div2a gio, div2b myself.


Guns N' Moses


Captain: Allen
Prediction: 3rd


Guns N' Moses, new team in FM with some great players. Allen the music lover, having a team in FM!
He has valuable players like, Mackrazo (AKR), P4ER who came back to haxball, same goes for Meyer.
Mackrazo, aka AKR, changed his position into GK, after having succesfull seasons as a ST for div1 teams.
P4ER is a nice israel player from some years ago. Meyer played for Seeders (top team). Allen had his seasons with
QuickSwans in div1.

Interview with P4ER

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

I think my team gonna end at the top 2 or hopefully winning the title because we have good chemistry and we are more experienced players in leagues compare to the other teams in league.

What are GM’s strengths and weaknesses?

Our strength as a team is that we have strong personal connection(we are old friends) we are experienced in leagues and the team consists the top players from each country, we have motivation to be one of the top teams in the league, our weakness is that we are trying to adjust to new gamestyle that other teams are gonna afraid to try and we might fail at first but it will payoff in the future.

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

I think the player that can suprise this season is SAKY, didnt know him at first bcz i came back not long ago but from what i saw i think he can suprise with nice stats this season, in addition LaggerMet and Allen might pull the rabbit out of their hats :)


Lucky Strike


Captain: Prof. MARKUS

Prof. MARKUS-mev-Taziek-Lord

Lucky Strike, having a new squad this season. They had a really great 1st leg in the previous season, but went down a bit on the 2nd leg.
He signed players like, mev, Taziek and Lord. Solid lineup in my opinion. Prof. MARKUS as a really good gk himself, having back to back
top cleansheets in Season 21 and 22. mev is a polish dm, plays TheHax for LS aswell. Taziek played some nice seasons in Blackout with Ter
and Tortogol. Lord played for FLAMES when wroz was still the captain and Lord did a very nice job.

Interview with Lord

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

Personally, I'm always trying to reach the highest goals and I think my teammates have familiar aims. We are a new team, created with people who didn't use to play much with each other. If we get some chemistry, we can have a lot of fun by playing together and get a decent position in final standings. Realistic aim for us is TOP3. Our division isn't that strong at all, there are a few teams on equal level and it isn't easy to predict our final position in league table.

What are LS's strenghts and weaknesses?

In my opinion, one of the biggest strenghts of our team is quick playing in attack. Sometimes it's getting undercontroled but we were doing really good in fses. I'm hoping we can reach higher level by giving our best in upcoming season and everybody get a good chance to show his value.
On the other hand, the weakest point of LS is lack of experience. As I already said, most of us didn't use to play together in the past. The most relevant will be getting chemistry. Also, our activity can be a little problem. I'm not afraid about officials in league but playing fses a few times in a week is also important to make ourselves better.

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

I'd like to say SAKY because he was one of the biggest revelations in the last season. He had been showing his value in every aN game and became a real beast. He needs to confirm his skill in current season.
My second bet for surprise of the season is lajz. He has improved a lot since he started playing in FM, still is opened for getting advices and improve his skill but it's a good way to become a solid GK.


Pablo Haxobar


Captain: MrP
Prediction: 8th


Pablo Haxobar, a team that has been in FM for such a long time. MrP still underrating himself and benched himself :(.
Matti is an old player and came back at hax, he can suprise you all for sure :D. CHE playing FM for some seasons,
like for TPP, TL, and Ajhax. Hannes, the man himself, once again playing main dm for PH. savi ola playing GK for PH again,
after leaving TuT previous season.

Interview with MrP

What position do you think your team will end? And why?

i think we will end up somewhere between 8th and 10th position because i expect the most other teams to be better than us or at least more successful with their results.

What are PH’s strengths and weaknesses?

Our strenghts are our gks and socrates. :) Our weaknesses are everything else. I cant see any thing on pitch that we are doing good, except our strengths.

Is there any player who will suprise everyone this season?

I cant tell u who will suprise us this season bcz every ssn there are some guys that play rly nice and suprise many people. If we should anyhow manage to be better than i predict, then our play mätti can suprise the community but thats a rly long way.

Shoutout to Hannes, Whitee and lajz for helping me out!
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Re: Division 2B Preview Season 23

Postby Whitee » September 20th, 2018, 9:43 pm

great job there Lyreco, since FM has 3 divisions now most people wouldn't do that job, much appreciated :thumbup:
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Re: Division 2B Preview Season 23

Postby MrP » September 22nd, 2018, 12:32 pm

good job!
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