Season 17 Preview DIV1

Season 17 Preview DIV1

Postby socrates » October 7th, 2016, 8:53 pm

FM Season 17


aN are going through a tough time at the moment. They look far away from the team which managed to win one of the hardest Div1 titles in Feed Me history. 2 losses in 2 games gives captain Barca a problem that he will need to fix fast. He is the only regular player remaining from the team that won the title and he will have to get the current lineup to that same level. jasko is a good addition in my opinion, a good forward thinking gk who can start off attacks however maybe is a bit error prone also. Their lineup is still very strong so don't expect them to stay at the bottom of the table for long.

Barca about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"At the moment for me it is hard to say how this season will look like. We all know 5 new teams managed it to get promoted, also most of all teams signed new players and it will be interesting to see how fast which team can manage to come on a decent level and which team will have problems. My team aims are to win this season again. Last season it was from beginning on clear that we most likely can't win again, as it already was sure before the season that we will have many timeouts and had to sign new players, so it couldn't be as good as before. That we had many many matches where we could have made clear the 1st place was for me a big surprise, but it is ok and still much more than I expected. But now we are back in the game and are looking forward to every matchday."
- their team and key players:
"As we only have 7 players I dont think we have the typical key player(s). Everyone is and will be needed and I hope Alekos and Tsubasa won't lag too much (hope dies last!) :("
- their teamname coming from Mamba:
"naho said me ones that he Yawn and Mamba wanted to create the team I think, also Pray' was somehow included there. I then talked with Mamba about it too, he said it a bit different, but I don't remember exactly. As I didn't even know it when I first joined this team I cant exactly say if it is true, but when you ask me that I guess it is :D"

Aston Birra

After 2 seasons in Div2 Aston Birra finally return to the tip division where they were once a major force finishing 2nd in Season 12. They are back to being a predominantly Italian teamwhich they hope can lead them back to the success they had in season 12. Whilst this is a purely Italian team a lot of the best Italian players are playing elsewhere in FM and so it will be hard for this team to reach the top half of the table. They will depend a lot on William who in terms of stats is always one of the highest performers for AB. The captain Paulinho once DM and now ST will be needed to score goals in a division full of strong defences. A relegation battle looks likely for them but now they have a team who know each other much better then maybe they can rise even further.

Paulinho about...
- division 1:
"I think the extension of division 1 to 12 teams will make this season more competitive, there are many teams which are hungry of victiories and we will have to deal with them."
- their aims:
"Our goal is to mantain the division, thing that we have not been able to do in seasons #13 and #14 where we relegated because of the goal difference (season #13) and because of 1 point difference in the last matchday (season #14)"
- their team:
"This season I want to focus on italian base, I trust in my co-captain William and in the great comeback of Natsu (the man of promotion in season 11), and Kekko9"
- disbanding div1-teams being fully new teams:
"I think it's the good view, in the past we have seen amazing matches on the last matchday about teams who were fighting to avoid relegation or to gain the promotion, this should be the sense of the game. A fully NEW team in division 1 becomes estranged to all this view because it's composed by people who haven't fight in the last season for something, they would be "new" in the context and their presence in division1 wouldn't be justified by previous victories given that they haven't participated on the preceding season."

Dream Destroyers

CvRk back! poraron back! An exciting time for DD as they finally have the return of their creator CvRk. He has quickly returned to playing hax at the top level and already is looking in very good form. poraron also returns (I think) and at his best he was one of the hardest keepers to score against so will be a big boost to DD. They had a disappointing season last time but the signs are suggesting they will be a much tougher opponent this season with a great first day win against Morelucks. Their goals will be to get back amongst the teams at the top of the table and especially finish ahead of their rivals E69! Oh and you might want to change your kits on FM homepage...that pink raised a few eyebrows ;)

CvRk about...
- division 1 and their aims:
" In the upcoming season we need to be more consistent in our matches, if we want to fight in the upper side of league table this time. I would like to finish in TOP3 and fight for the title as long as possible! The 1st division overall is in my opinion a lot weaker than last season, though I wasnt active that time, there are now a lot of teams that wont have any chance to fight for the best places. Last season the final league table was the closest ever (i think), now this wont happen for sure."
- their team and key players:
"We do not have any player our game would be dependent on, but we surely have a wider squad in comparison with last two seasons where in 95% matches only 4 players (forsbi-luky-keanu-tayk) were available. Poraon and me are back active now, Roman and KAPPA !!! could play in some matches too and we will most likely sign one more player later during the season."
- what he did without pc for months:
"I tried to be the best haxball player playing on mobile device, but it didnt quite work out :("

Elite 69

1 goal! Just 1 goal is what denied Elite 69 their first Division 1 title. Even more excruciating is the fact it was rivals DD that beat them in the final match of the season to take their title away. You can't get any closer and this season they will aim to finally cross the line. As usual doupi's team remains unchanged and they are a perfect example to other teams of how a team should be run. Their first game showed their intent - scoring 5 goals before half time causing opponents to rq (naughty MS) and in that kind if form they can beat anyone. They have great players in every position but for me the stand out player is bonaparte, a real talent who will cause problems for every opponent. My only wish is that doupi will commentate on stream. Pleaseeeeeeeeee!

doupi about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"I think this season division 1 will be incredibly close and will be fought to the last matchday. There will be many teams looking to lift the trophy and most of those plans will be justifiable. That said, our only aim is to win the league now, it can't come closer than last season and we are looking to set the record straight."
- their team and key players:
"Our line-up is the same as in the last two seasons. Martyk being our primary DM and me with Bonaparte leading the attack, I think that could be called the core of the team. We will see about our goalkeeper situation."
- if they are even more motivated after being so close to champions:
"Yes, absolutely. Not winning is one thing, but being so close and not winning just makes us want to show that it is in us and we have what it takes to do it."


So far they have played 1 and won 1 however I was not too impressed with FATALITY. They were lucky to win due to an uncharacteristic error from DD and they know they will need to improve. For me missing Arango was a big loss in that game as he was such an important player in their promotion team. I think this team should be fine going forward but I'm unsure of them at the back. Kalajan had a great season last time but he will need to improve again if he wants the same result in Div1. Clark Kent/Rooney picked up a winners medal last season so he will be the player they are looking to in order to bring the team to the next level.

Progamer about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"This season we have no specific goal. Our goal is to stay in Division and not end up on the descent. To set a higher goal would be fatal for the team, since otherwise too much pressure would come and we ourselves would probably be dissatisfied."
- the team and key players:
"I believe everyone is a very important part of the team. Mainly, of course, the players who will play the league matches :P"
- whether there should be stricter punishments for players that insult opponents:
"I find that players sometimes push it and should already get a penalty. Because players do not get punished, then players that do not insult get nothing for it ... so I would find it fair already, if players that are offensive get a penalty. Even only 1 game or 2 games locked, depending on how strong the insults were."

Flame Hawks

I'm expecting mostly the old haxtrick lineup for Flame Hawks with Yobo, Hulk, Vakoj +1 and if they use this lineup they will be very hard to beat. They have been disappointing the last 2 seasons in Haxtrick but now they are in FM again they will hope for a return to past glories. Their most difficult opponents could be themselves however - they are a team that like to troll (think everyone agrees with that) and if they have internal team arguments it could really affect their season badly. Last time in FM they capitulated mid season and so they wouldn't be a bad bet for the first team to disband :P They have some great players though and if FAF can be a strong leader that brings them together then who knows how far they can climb.

FAF about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"well, it will be even harder with Seeders, sadly YeS disbanded, and it has maybe a bit lower quality. The teams has changed a lot (our team aswell) and i want to see that what can the teams from div2 do in div1. Our aim is simple,win as many matches as we deserve"
- their team:
"As everyone can see i changed the whole team, only _JG_ stayed here. I wanted to try smthing new, and the hungarians are still enough to make an own team (GoT) so I decided to bring the most of the Flame Hawks players from haxtrick here"
- key players:
"i would say its obviously Hulk, with his DM skills and with his brain we wont get too much goal in my opinion, we have a nice teamplay all the time, what we want to show in the league aswell"
- if his team is using macro:
"only me"


Husaria now join FH and aN as the 3 sides competing both in Feed Me Division 1 and Haxtrick Division 1. They have a very small squad with only 5 active players really and this could be a problem for them in the future. They don't seem to spend much time playing fs and you feel this could prove costly to them over the season. I would say gk is their main concern after losing Div2 GK of the season Sodaz, as they have only robu with no backup. In DM they have wrozbita who is the star of the team and a player who has already tasted Div1 glory. HASTLA and Xy are both very good players and new signing Flash continues to get better. They are a team certainly good enough to be in Div1 but now we will find out how competitive they can be in this tough division.

Flash about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"i think that this season 1st division will be tough (like always) but we are not scared of anyone and we will be aiming to come top 3 or even end the season as champions."
- their team and key players:
"everyone is the key player in our team. we all respect each other and i reckon our team spirit will make us reach top goals"
- him leaving TuT:
"i left tut because caccapupu is annoying and i wanted to try something new"

Meh Squirrel

I had to feel sorry for some of the Meh Squirrel members after the first match day. Losing 5-1 Rosemary and Lied both decided they had enough and left the room. With Rose then leaving the team minutes later. It couldn't be a more disappointing start for them and they need to regroup quickly. Diesel and Ahmed both seem very nice guys and they will face a tough battle to keep this team up. Bot is a fantastic player imo and if he is playing regularly then I have no doubt he will score goals. It will be up to Ahmed to keep them out at the other end and after playing with him in a recent funcup I was impressed and am confident he will do well. The first game is a big warning to them though as if they have ragers in the team it could cause lots of problems.

Diesel about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"The 1st division has been made harder, cuz of the expansion. It will be hard to compete against all of the teams, but that makes it fun. My team aims for this season has to be ending in the top 5 at least. Previous year we did good in the starting but we were risking a lot by playing to agressive which cost us to relegate. But we are happy to be back in the 1st divison."
- their team and key players:
" I don't really have a key player, cuz I think they are all equally experienced. As you saw from previous seasons I have always used different lineups to make it a better team."
" But if you really want a name as key player, I think Bot is the key player of MS. As he has shown that for his national team aswell."
- the thrilling season final:
"Well we were a bit disapointed afterwards cuz we dominated and also needed that win. But I was quite happy by how we played that match and we did our best. Hope we can show that kind of gameplay for every match during this season."


Every year I seem to underestimate this team and have to eat my words so I have to careful here - discount Muris and his team at your peril. It does look a different lineup this season with an influx of Turkish players. Turkey have produced some of the best players in hax but despite this a lot have struggled in FM so it will be interesting to see how Morelucks do this season. The signings of Fredklopp and Rene are also intriguing, these two players were once among the very best - can they return and get back to that level. aguero and Falk have done just that so the old Nerdlucks players have a target to aim for.

Muris 9 about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"Hello, well I think this is another great season and the 1st division will be again a battle for the top. There are a lot of teams coming from 2nd division but I think they will show their best and compete for the title like every other team. In my opinion Seeders are the favoured to win this 1st division in the next season, both because of their great players and the experience they have. Unluckily YeS won't take part so it's another great team leaving with LS, one of those who could have battled with Seeders for the title.. like every season my team's aims and goals are to show the best game we can and to get to the top4, even if it will be really difficult.."
- their team and key players:
"We have had some troubles as a team since the end of the last season so I had to change almost the whole roster.. some players didn't have time and some left haxball.. luckily I've found some friends and old players who wanted to come here. Our key players now are probably Fredklopp and Whiplash and I count a lot on both of them, but also players like Tortogol, Rene and Clinical Striker are not to be underestimated if they play actively like before"
- their new teamname:
"The name Morelucks is just a funny hope to have some luck in the incoming season, and the lion shows that we're ready for it!!"
"me and ML wish good luck to every team for the incoming season, cya on the field ;)"

Pablo Haxobar

It's no secret that Pablo are one of my favourite teams but I'll try to do an unbiased review (even though they are corrupt and tried to bribe me). After a poor start last season everything suddenly changed for PH and they went on a crazy unbeaten run of 12+ games. They will know that this season the run will end and they will face some tough times. Hawk was incredible last season and there is no doubt they would not have done so well without him. Tunti initially struggled in AM but has developed a good understanding with his teammates in that position. With saviola they have one of the most consistent GKs, he and Hannes are very similar minded players and love playing together. Health and huub are both fantastic players but due to inactivity probably won't feature as often as the others. Overall I think they probably will have a similar season as usual - avoiding relegation but not really threatening to challenge for the title. But play MrP and they will win easy!

MrP about...
- the league and their aims:
"I hope all teams will have alot of fun in both divisions and Iam happy that we have first time in fm history 12 teams in each division."
"Our team aim is to have fun and try to make good matches."
- their team and key players:
"our key player is ofc Hawk, the best striker in EU. next to him our team is nice at all, maybe not in quality but they are on the same level and all are fighters."
"And thats also ourmission: fighting for every point and trying to have a good def again first"
- if their team will aim higher after ending on midfield place all past seasons:
"no, because we suck and this wont change"
"and at the end i want say that i wish god luck and fun for all teams. And remember to be respectful, fair and friendly."


I think most would put Seeders as favourites this season and rightly so however they will need to improve also if they are gonna get back to back Div2 and then Div1 wins. They conceded still on average 1 goal per game last season and that defence will need to be better against better teams in Division 1. This could be because they were not under pressure and could take their foot off the pedal but they have also gone through a few choices at gk which suggests they aren't fully happy here. New signing Obs is a player that wants to get forward as gk and so should be an ideal fit in Seeders. The captaincy position has changed from Isco to Echo but I don't see massive changes to the team. Linas has been signed in DM who is a great player but they already had Isco so its like replacing a Lamborghini with a Ferrari. And in attack with Yannex, Echo and aguero there is no doubt they will create tons of chances. On paper they are very strong side so let's hope that they choke and we can get a close title race :D

Isco about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"even tho there were many changes in div 1 its still not gonna be easy for us since there are lots of good teams out there, our aim is to complete our journey that we started last season and finally win div 1 :)."
- their team and key players:
" i really like the fact that we managed to keep most of the players from last season, we still got yannex and echo which are the best am/st for me, iguess you all know agu10 already ^_^, and another great player that we just signed is linas, one of the best dms atm for sure.."
" there is no really a key player for us, since all of our players are capable to play in the highest level."
- israelian haxball:
" hmm its really hard to say, but during the years there always were at least 5 good israeli players that used to play here.. the israeli community isnt small, but most of them are ppl with bad mentality that cant compete in such a serious league like FM. i can only say that its better for FM that we are only like 5-6 players here, cause the rest arent so lovely :)."


They are very lucky to be in Division one after a poor season last time but now they are here they should do well. Signing Cacca instantly improved their results and now with the return of Yawn they are adding world class players to their lineup (*cough* mercenary team :p). I'd expect them to really go for it this season, not messing about much with lineups and keeping Cacca/Herna/Yawn playing together 90% of the time. This leaves just one place up for grabs but multiple players remaining. Fear is one of the best prospects in haxball and could soon be one of Netherlands best players. Ayla for me should be a 1st choice in any team but her involvement depends on ping sadly. salamini brocollini is the constant performer who knows how to play with TuT better than anyone. Fosgate was one of TuTs best players last season and does not deserved to be dropped either. Its gonna be tough for Herna to keep everyone happy without too many changes in lineups.

Yawn about...
- division 1 and their aims:
"I think this seasons div1 took a small cut in quality with many good teams dissapearing (YeS, LS, MD aka DE), but there is still loads of good teams left."
"My teams aim is to have fun, but also win HCL #14 after we qualified to HCL from FM this season."
- their team and key players:
" I think the teams look good, we have done pretty well so far (pre ssn + fs) but can obviously always improve! We have a solid backbone with Caccapupu + Herna and some nice offensive players with Ayla, FearMe AM/ST, salami etc."
- if FM needs more love:
" no"

Thanks to Herna for getting all the player comments and thanks everyone for reading! Have a good season!
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Re: Season 17 Preview DIV1

Postby Kivi » October 7th, 2016, 10:03 pm

The day where Tsubasa will have a constantly good ping will never come.
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