Preview Season 28 Div2a

Preview Season 28 Div2a

Postby GirlontaR » May 22nd, 2020, 3:31 pm

Me and Smurf decided to make a preview, hf
Huge thanks for Whitee with some of the interviews
P.S. Div 2b will be HOPEFULLY added later today as we couldn't get a team's interview in time. (Sorry for all the div2b teams for making you wait more than it needs)


Another go for Lyreco as captain in Feed Me. This time the team looks better than last time he was a captain and could have hope to get places on top of the league if other teams don’t find their rhythm but they need to be at their top to see something happen

Prediction: Mid tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: We've got Mamba in ST position, B4D4SS in AM, me in DM (currently the best DM on haxball). For GK we have Donlokko/Alcazar, but there might be a new signing for GK.
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: Our strength is that we'll stick together, even after arguments whatsoever. Our weakness is me being a cancer and toxic prick.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: With gentlegeeks in our division it will be really hard to become first place, so my prediction will be 2nd place.
Q: Do you think that there are other teams that will challenge you to that 2nd place or are you the clear favourites?
A: I think 4E will be our rival for 2nd place, their attack is really good especially their striker Bot. I think that's the only team that could cause us trouble.
Thanks for your time and have a nice season Lyreco!


The last season FEAR had a much better team than this season and finished mid-table. The team looks in a rebuilding mode as aMp has gathered new players in the team but he has kept vera+ to at least have a solid dm-am partnership this season but the lack of a solid GK and ST will haunt them down.

Prediction: Mid-Low tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: The line-up from this season will be changed compared to the last season line-up. The line-up will look like : ramos - ^aMp^ - vera+ - Niser and mostly blackc in the 2nd half or even main player when niser won't be active.
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: : We are together as a team and I don't think we have a weakness. The only minor problem is with the new players : XGAMER&juni10, but we hope we can solve it in the future but when it comes to tactics, we are better in the defensive side than in the offensive side and we hope that we can improve the offensive side.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: We want to promote in the division 1 and we will try to become more serious but i cannot say that the third place won't make me happy with a team with only romanian players
Q: With which teams do you think you'll have a problem to secure your target of getting promoted to div1?
A: I think that Gentlegeeks will be the best team of all, but the teams like Immortals, Fourth Echelon or H2K can pose a lot of problems, but in my opinion, the toughest team apart from Gentlegeeks is Fourth Echelon.
Thank you aMp and good luck!


Fourth Echelon
Fourth Echelon looks to bounce back and get in div1 after they have been relegated. The team has changed a lot as Edge has signed his italians and portugese friends. Their star looks to be Bot and he could carry this team to a promotion.

Prediction: Top tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: The team isn't complete, im searching a good gk but for now we are playing: me - Browning - Frankie - Bot
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: The strengths are Frankie and Bot as Frankie is the strongest AM in italian history and Bot u know, a perfect ST. The weakness for now is me because I've been playing GK for 2 months but if we find a good GK we won’t have a weakness ahaha.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: We want to return in div 1 after our unjust relegation.
Thank you for your time Edge, good luck in this season!


Is there something to say about this team? Isco’s back and he has a great team as they look to conquer this league again. First they have to get promoted but it looks that they will surely do that but they might lose points here and there if they don’t concentrate well enough.

Prediction: Top tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: It's probably gonna be - shaxlele/Pringles - Isco - Saky - Marble
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: Since we're playing in div 2, I'm worried that we might lose focus on some of the matches, we have to play our best every game in order to go through the first div.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: We will finish the season in the first place
Q: You guys look to be the favourites to win the division , do you think there are teams that can challenge you to that 1st place?
A: Well, that's true... we are the favorites, but haxball is always full of surprises. i can't name a specific team but i think overall it won't be easy.
Thank you for your time isco and good luck in your season!


Another fallen div1 team, H2K looks to bounce back as they have kept their line-up almost the same with 1-2 additions to the team. The team didn’t look scary in div1 but they sure should be in div2 with the players they have.

Prediction Top-Mid tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: me - idk yet - shake - ramsey
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: Our main strength is the fact that it's our 5th season together now, and the biggest weakness is our current inactivity.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: I have no clue, we'll just focus on coming back to div1 as soon as possible.
Thanks for your time Rizzoli, good luck in this season and hope we see you and your team back in div1 as u said, as soon as possible!


H.C. Moldovians
DoInK is back after his Meh Squirrel days and this time he is captaining a squad of romanians and veteran players. Their team does not look good skill wise but their experience might be helpful for them to grab some surprises.

Prediction: Low tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: It depends on every player's activity and performance in friendlies. I do not have a basic line-up as I believe everyone should have their chance.
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: We don't particularly shine in individual performance, but we are strong as a collective. We work constantly on our teamwork in friendlies.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: There are really strong teams in the division and we are not in the position to talk about other teams but i believe that with practice we can reach a mid table position. It would be more than enough for the moment. This in the main competition. On futsal i expect some of my players to shine.
Q: You've got a lot of experienced players in your squad like hyo1 and Total do you think their experience will help you reach the target you have set for your team?
A: All of my players have experience in this game. Most of them have joined FM from 2013 and they played even before (e.g. Jappo). This can be an advantage but also a disadvantage because the game changed. We can't keep playing like we did 5 years ago. Cuz we would lose all games 10-0
Thank you DoInK have a nice season and welcome back to FM!


Immortals looks like a good squad with good players that could do damage to everyone in their league. The team looks ready but the question is if they are ready to grab one of the places for promotion.

Prediction: Mid tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: Our main line up will look like Kao-trippie-Jesé-sancho and -Renatooo. will rotate on the AM/ST position
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: The strength of my team is that our perseverance is of an unprecedented level. We also have a stable defense. The fact that we have players who are very motivated and fast developing like sancho and trippie will ensure that we will achieve good results sooner or later.
Our weakness is our attack. We can work on our finishing in attack (especially sancho) and the game in general can go to a much higher level, but hopefully that will come with time.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: I think we will finish on a nice 4th place
That was the end of it jese! Good luck this season!


Pablo Haxobar
Should we even have an introduction for Pablo Haxobar? The team looks to bounce back after a disappointing 12th place last season and with some additions that they already have done the team could be ready to challenge some teams in their division toe-to-toe although it would be hard.

Prediction: Low tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: From today's view i would say there will probably be 5 mostly active players, Kratos Gary rew Hannes + X
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: We are very good at scoring own goals and on a bit serious note strengths like perseverance and composure.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: Better than last season
Q: Do you guys think people underestimate you when they play versus you? Do you think you can grab unexpected points because of situations like this?
A: I guess we can get some unexpected points but maybe not cause of people underestimate us but not all will be able to break our def
Thanks for your time Hannes, good luck and let's hope for a less worrying season for you!


Red Hawk
A new squad in FM, Red Hawk looks to surprise some teams despite their “rookie” status. They have made some interesting signings so it’s even going to be hard to pick a main squad for their matchdays but the question that is always asked: Are they going to perform?

Prediction: Low tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: That’s a good question. I always try to build a team so that I can have two options in every position and depending on the player's instructions on a given day I set the lineup.
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: My team is led in a good atmosphere. Players talk to each other about the mistakes they make. We also talk about various other topics. It's really cool. I think that this good atmosphere will make us fight for points with commitment and will to fight. Weaknesses? We're just learning to play with each other. It will be a while before we reach the right level.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
A: It's hard for me to think where we will finish the league. We have a simple approach to the topic. We want to fight for three points in every match. In the first season here we want to show our best. We aim at places 3-5 .
Q: You're one of the new faces in FM! Do you think this helps you as teams might not play seriously vs you?
A: Let them play as they want We as a team want to enjoy the game and that's all that matters to us. ;)
Thanks for answering abra and good luck in this season!


Savage Hax
Savage Hax are still looking for the promotion in division1 , after 2 seasons in which they were very close. This year it looks more likely than ever as they have kept all their players except Muris with whom they have replaced fast by signing grunersamt. All that’s left to say is that hopefully they will perform like they used to last season.

Prediction: Top tier

Interview with captain:

Q: How will your main lineup look like this season?
A: Depending on activity and form really, for every pos we have a minimum 2 players. I'm also not convinced if our current roster will be the final roster for next season
Q: What about your strengths and weaknesses of the team?
A: I'm not sure if it can be considered a strength, but I appreciate seeing the activity of the core of our team on a daily basis for the past 3 seasons, everyone keeps coming back and usually wants to play as well. It's good to see that they keep coming even though the results aint always that great. I'm sure we can compete for promotion if everyone gets on their best level. Hawk has after 5 years finally a normal net so im hoping he gets back to his old self.
Q: Last 2 seasons you were at the end of the league one place from promotion in div1. Do you think that this probably will be the year you finally get promoted to div1?
A: Yep we were quite unlucky with those seasons, but i think apart from Gentlegeeks the level between the rest is pretty close, although of course you never know how line ups will develop through the season.
Q: Where do you reckon you will finish this season?
Thank you huub for your time and good luck in this season!
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Re: Preview Season 28 Div2a

Postby Hannes » May 23rd, 2020, 4:27 pm

thanks, good work :thumbup:
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