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Season 16 Real Preview DIV1

PostPosted: June 12th, 2016, 11:32 pm
by Barca
best league deserved better previews =)

Game of Thrones:
The name Game of Thrones exists in the Haxball universum almost as long as the popular and excellent series. After many seasons in other leagues like Your-eSports over taking part in FM league from season 5 to 9 and restarting again in season 14 GoT now found his way to the first Division – in the 7th attempt. After not achieving their aim in Season 14 they changed captaincy from Norbii to FAF and he is with 19 goals and 9 assists the one who is exemplary standing for the promotion!
With only one loss in 18 matches they are on the same level as teams like YeS Allstars and Los Santos and have even more points than archNemeses one season before.
Even though they dominated the 2nd Division how they wanted it will be a hard fight to not get relegated. Especially because with Booba and the highly probable loss of drukker they will lose two players who had a leading part in the strong rise season, even if maybe not the most important. Most signings were in the weeks before the season started so they only had less time to prepare.
Because of the inexperience as team in the first Division I expect them to finish on a place between 8 – 10, even when they have the potential to surprise established teams.

FAF: "well, our aim is winning as many matches as we can, and i think we can reach one position in the top 5 with our new players. In my oponion mish-jg-faf-petrovix will be our starting 4 in the cup match but well its not sure now"
MrP: "what about drukker?"
FAF: "he has nowadays ping problems, and he doesnt play that much how we do, it was his own oponion to sign new players at his position"

Silentium Est Aureum
STFU is quite a new team, even when the team is taking part in the league for the third time in a row now. With Muris 9, Atomic, Bitti and Rodney they only have four players who were also playing last season in this team. And condsidering that Rodney is really inactive and mostly is only known for his manager qualities it is quite a radical change. For that is also standing the name change from Night’s Watch to Silentium Est Aureum.
Because of this I expect them to finish same as GoT on a place between 8 – 10. It is not that they have not enough quality for the first Division, but in all other teams and least the basics are still the same as in last season and STFU first has to find his way, especially in official matches. And as we all know the quality of the whole league gets better and better.

Muris 9: "Last season we've had a lot of troubles with our roster, but we fixed them for the incoming one by creating a team with friends from some different ILH teams. In the first days/weeks we've seen that we are not bad and we'll give our best also in this 1st division, which is more difficult and competitive every season.
We are not dreaming for too much and since this is the first season here for this "new team" (because of the new roster) our goal is staying in the 1st div and that's where we think we will be, running away from those relegation positions : ).
Our best player of course is the captain Muris 9, who has no rivals in the team and he will carry his team during the season. Joking a little bit xd, we think we are more or less all on the same level and we don't have a starting 4 line-up yet, we'll decide it by looking the form of the players during these weeks.
I wish good luck to every FM team, both 1st and 2nd div, and may the best teams win "

Meh Squirrel:
The only obvious captaincy change of all 10 teams happened in Meh Squirrel from Diesel to Jovetic. Don’t think it has much to say as they are discussing about decisions anyways and the majority of the starting lineup should consist as in the last season again of turkish players. In my opinion it is kinda risky to have to trust a full block of players of one country, even when the strength of them is undeniable. Without captain Diesel Meh Squirrel also got with Rosemary, Altidore, Bot and Rq* 4 players who played at least one full season, so it shows a little constance and I hope they will continue like that.
Last season Meh Squirrel ended on the 8th place and only didn’t relegate because of the disband of Canucks and because of TurnUpTurnips didn’t win a single match without the two defwins. In the upcoming season I predict them on a place between 6 – 8, when the captains are able to motivate their players enough also a better result could be possible. In the worst case even a relegation is possible, when there won’t be two other teams which fall apart.

Ðiesel: "Our team's aim of this ssn is to compete more against other teams, last season we did pretty well. But we were unlucky with conceiving in to many own goals or defensive errors. My personal aim is keep a roulation between all players, but I might be inactive cause of the summer holidays. Therefore I've assigned Jovetic as the main captain. The possible new players as you have already seen are tonnek, grose, soul and jovetic. Unfortunatly Ahmed decided to go to Ajhax for this ssn, he has assured me to return back after this ssn. My ideal starting four has to be Tonnek-Rq-Altidore-Bot but seeing the form of Rosemary and his motivation, I am pretty sure he will do well aswell.
The star player of this team is hard to pick, but I have to say it is Rq*, he has shown his quality in hcl and has a lot of experience.
The position where MS will end is hard to tell, it all depends on how we play defensively. Previous season we had to many defensive errors which led to ending lower in the table than I anticipated. I hope this is fine, I can't really tell if we will end up in top 5 or something like that but think our aim of this season is to be in the top 5"

Pablo Haxobar:
With Pablo Haxobar we have a team which is existing and taking part nonstop since the start of the current hompage in Season 5 and, how could it be different, with a huge distance also the most longest team which is still taking part in the league. The team with the Head-Admins MrP and Hannes didn’t make any signings during the season break – so they are well attuned and should know the moves of the other ones perfectly.
In the end it can be good or a bad thing and it is impossible to say it now. From my point of view the formerly champion doesn’t have the full focus on winning or achieving anything, that is why I think they will finish on a solid place between 5 – 8.

Zola: "I think the team should aim for a spot in the best half of the league. Not sure we can end in the very best spots but maybe 4th or 5th!
Each ssn i try to convince Soc to join our team but he is so stubborn and always saying no. Other than him i don't have any suggestions for my captains who to sign. Cuthannes! If hannes is not cut i think starting line up should be: Saviola-Hannes-Huub/Tunti-Hawk/Tunti.
This incase MrP still don't wanna play! Our starplayer is MrP but he don't play too much. If not him i would say HAWK.
PH will this ssn end up being 5th i think."

MrP: "allright, ty u want to add anything?"
Zola: "pls join our team soc "

With the team of captain Deliric we have the 2nd team which reached the promotion. In my opinion it is the team which made with Edgar, Mata, Pizzi and Terror the best and most smartest signings and because of that it should also be a huge upgrade comparing to the last season. Without Pelé also all players in the current lineup already had some Division 1 minutes and feelings.
So I predict them to finish on a solid midfield place between 4 – 8. It comes up how good they they already know moves of each other. If no one will leave and with a good start even a better place is possible. At least they should get some unpredicted victories during the season.

Crixus: "Our aims are to play better from match to match. i can just say that our starting 4 does not matter, because we all have some experience and here will not be a problem to replace one player.
Our star player is probably our captain, deliric. My goal would be to score how many goals i can to help my team in achieving a good place at the final of season.
I also want to wish good luck to other teams."

Elite 69:
Elite 69 is after Pablo Haxobar the 2nd longest current existing team of the first Division. On the first sight it is maybe quite surprising, but after a second more accurate look the constant of all players playing in the team is even more surprising. 5 of 7 players already played from the first season on in the team, and Bonaparte and MartYK only joined less season(s) later. All players should be perfectly aligned with each other and every team should count with when facing them.
However I don’t see the last effort and as I know the 4on4 league is not the only one where most players have to focus on, so probably the team of longtime captain doupi won’t reach the places under the top 4, but don’t have any doubts that they will end somewhere just after. With keeping the eyes constantly on the target also something more is possible.

doupi: "Our goals never changed and so we enter another season with our eyes on the title. We won the cup last season, which was nice, but I feel we should be taking another step. Our anathema always was the season beginning, and we need to battle it now. If we start well, I think we can keep up and mount a challenge. Of course, there will be many teams which will be aiming to do the same and it won't be easy, but I am confident that with a certain level of preparation and concentration we can do it."

Los Santos:
One of the biggest changes of all teams definitely has CRonaldos team. With three very important players who left the team captain had to react and signed the sweden gado a player who already has many team stations behind him and now found his way over Ajhax again to the first Division, after getting some experiences there with Rautovic‘ former team QuickSwans. But with aguero10 a former world star and maybe the most popular haxball player, after jelte who even has his own facebook page, made a last minute comeback. It will be really interesting to see if he can come on a level he once outplayed hundred of players day for day. If he won’t fall apart to the LoL universum again, it could be a great step for him and his team – and also for the whole haxball universum!
Anyways, I predict Los Santos such as CRonaldo on a place between 2 - 4 this season. The many changes were just before some days and especially in the beginning they could get problems and lose important points because of that. When this won’t happen and maybe another class player will join the team even the 1st title for the ambitiously team is possible.

CRonaldo: "Los Santos lost a lot of players, Terror, Yannex & Echo are out. Yannex went out of the team since he was mad we lost HCL. So I need some new players, I'm busy with signing new talented players. Los Santos has to be rebuild entirely. About the new signings I don't want to say something yet, some are players desired by other teams as well. So at this moment I don't have my starting 4 yet. Since our star player Yannex left the team, I'm the star player for now. I think Los Santos will finish 3rd or 4th this season."

archNemeses is without any doubts the team which reached the biggest sensation of the younger haxball history. Before the last season wasn’t really taken seriously by all teams captain Storm and organiser Barca found their way and formed a balanced team with a tactic were it is always hard for the opponents to score and in the end win important points. Now all teams will be prepared and know what will coming towards them.
Because of this and many time-outs of important players during the whole season it would be even a bigger sensation if they could repeat their position and winning the title again. I predict them on a place between 2 – 4.

Barca: "My team aims are again the same as last season - finishing top 4. In this season we have to fight more or less more with our own players/team than with other teams It maybe sounds curious, but in the 2nd leg of the season two players cant play because of work/holidays and one cant even play any match this season. It is of course a massive disadvantage, but we are working on it and prepare ourself. Also because of that we already signed Sonido and on the gk position we made a systemic change and cut Mish for Booba because personal and team aims were too far away of each other.
At the moment we don't have a starting 4 which will play some matches in a row, and I as coach also do not want it because then our opponents can prepare more and expect how we will play.
Talking about star players does not make too much sense with our situation atm, we will see after the season .
Good luck to all players and teams and for a good season =) "

Kivi: "Our internal aim is to reach the top #4 again. As barca already said, we've got a huge problem with our organization for this season, many players won't be able to play (Barca, naho, vakoj probably and including myself) but I'm still looking forward for a pretty decent season. I wouldn't say that we'll fight again for the first position, at least for this season, but we'll definitely not giving points for free.
Actually, I don't have any personal aims for myself because this won't be my season at all. I'm happy if I can comeback after my holiday trip and getting my level back.
For our team, we might sign one more but I'm not pretty sure. We actually don't need one more and want to keep the team as small as possible, but if we spot another great player with potential we might get him asap.
We had one cut. Sadly we had to say bye to Mish one of our former players from aN but we got a good exchange for it.
In the end, we do not have a starting 4 or any star players and we can change every player on any single position.
I would personally say we'll finish at the 3rd or 4th place, if everything works well."

Dream Destroyers:
The following team is the only one where all players are from the same country – and this is really rarely, even more nowadays than in the history. The same what counts for Elite 69 might also be the problem of new captain lukyno, even when the average class is maybe some less percent better. All players play in the team for more than one season together, and only subtleties can be improved until getting the top level of the team. The problem is that they have to play for that with this team more on league mode together, especially before league matches.
However, the skill for winning a title this season is definitely there and with a good start and full focusing from day 1 on winning the title it could be the season of Dream Destroyers. Otherwise it should be at least a solid and good midfield position. I expect them to end on a place between 1 – 4.

lukyno: "Hello, we have same line-up like last season without any changes. Our aim is simple - try to win the title. Best player is Tayk, he has brilliant movement and nice technique."

YeS Allstars:
A team which already won everything they could reach is YeS Allstars. But considering that only half of the team already played in the team around the climax where they won two times in a row the double with cup and Division 1 champion and also one season before the Division 2 title.
For me it was a big surprise that the team of longtime captain Fritz didn’t win the cup after just ending on a surely not acceptable 4th place last season. Of course the focus maybe was not there for 100% as just some days later the Champions League semi and later final had to be played. Even a bigger surprise for me was the defeat vs. Angry Bulls in the final. The concentration and motivation normally had to be on the highest point on this day. In the end we can only speculate, but it is possible that also the title losses of the weeks before played a role and of course the pressure was immense as, as I know, no player of the team ever won the Champions League and all expected them to do so.
What this will say to the upcoming FM season is almost impossible to say. It is possible that players are bored or getting bored, but also that they will get even new motivation and will play a spectacular season with winning title(s) again.
Because other teams don’t look too much focused and having the last effort I don’t think there will be another champion of Season 16 than YeS Allstars.
But in Feed Me everything is possible!

Renatooo: "About our objectives for this season, they are obvious, we want to win the league and the cup, trophies that escaped from us last season, but we want to get them back.
Personal aims? Well, show up to, at least, 1 match? Or maybe not lagging everytime? That would be already a big improvement, not for me, but for the team, as they have been feeling my absence in the games…
We believe in a work of stability and continuity, so we’re not thinking about any changes for our squad, as we believe that with the team we have at this moment, we can reach our goals.
About the starting 4, I really believe that it will be Renato + 3.
I don’t want to hurt the feelings of my teammates and I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I think I am the star of this team, the player who makes it look easy, the banner of this team across borders, the player that outshines others.

will do same for 2nd division if i find enough time next days (if yes it will be published somewhere around thursday to sunday)

Re: Season 16 Real Preview DIV1

PostPosted: June 13th, 2016, 9:02 am
by Hannes
nice preview, but actually Ajhax is the longest serving team of Feed Me, not Pablo :)

Re: Season 16 Real Preview DIV1

PostPosted: June 13th, 2016, 12:33 pm
by MrP
Good joby, ty!

And condsidering that Rodney didn’t play a single match it is quite a radical change.

He played 1 match Day 11 and scored twice:

Re: Season 16 Real Preview DIV1

PostPosted: June 13th, 2016, 7:06 pm
by Rodney
Don't forget the fun cup. 2 matches, 4 goals :D

Not too bad for an old stud.

Re: Season 16 Real Preview DIV1

PostPosted: June 13th, 2016, 7:37 pm
by Nana8