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Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 3:20 am
by OffSync
You know my friend Soul? The romanian?

Well we played a few games of csgo a few months ago, him, Pain, Chris and me. He stopped joining us coz we are bozgors, and after a while I messaged him asking whats up. He told me he got global elite, I didnt believe him. I said impossible, he was even worse than me. He said yep its true, git gud.

Few weeks pass, I see him playing a game. I join gotv to spectate. He is cheating. Not so obvious hacks but if you played cs for 17 years you know whats up. I msg him in round 6 or something: You hack you idiot, its obvious. If I can catch it the average overwatcher* will catch it too. He replies he is not hacking. I tell him the same again, he denies it again. Also providing me with a sort of general advice of gitgud.

I have a bug in csgo now, wont even start coz of a server issue, so I am digging the world wide net interweb for clues and when I check I notice something. In my friends list.

pic in case of shame-edit:

wp ♥

*overwatch means when you get reported a few players check your replay and may ban you for something - which wasnt the case here, he got a VAC ban which is based on finding hacks in your ram :3

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 5:20 am
by MrP

i edited the links bcz nobody needs to know these "private" informations here.

Its an hax forum and not csgo forum where ppl care about cs.

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 10:43 am
by Barca
Send links in private pls only!!! I thought its porn... and my mom was next to me!!!

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 12:19 pm
by Soul

This one on which u have me as friend its sold for Rocket League and 3 cd-keys = 135 euro, got 50 and the other one for smurf was banned for griefing for 6 months and guess what, im back with lvl 6 on faceit and the road to lvl 10 its alive =)) wp batman
2k hours are coming back soon, y-day played with my team 7 hours vs some good teams from ro.

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 12:22 pm
by OffSync
I know bro it was your brother who cheated with the global elite account I saw you hack on

add me with your new hack account, heres my profile:

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 12:23 pm
by Pain

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 12:59 pm
by Barca
Porn is allowed, but normal information not!!!!

Btw good Job Randall

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 2:58 pm
by Soul
HAHAHAHA I'm not cheating anymore :D Ask Hannibal if you want to have a cheater in ur friend list. btw if u want a good cheat take mine, if u know how to hide it its easy, i had fun too much and couldnt hide it in some matches xD 10 euro and a pm on ts and its done. ;)

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 3:13 pm
by Lloyd Banks
No one gives a fuck

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 4th, 2017, 4:32 pm
by Ron
Soul wrote:HAHAHAHA I'm not cheating anymore :D

Soul wrote: btw if u want a good cheat take mine


Soul wrote:10 euro and a pm on ts and its done. ;)

I need good cheat for haxball, on which ts can i pm you?

Re: Let's form a circle, point at Soul and laugh at him

PostPosted: July 5th, 2017, 3:03 am
by Soul
Ask bull for haxball, best macro i have ever seen and about csgo, yes i still have it in my laptop but not using :D cuz already got vac for 5 times, but he knows only about this and true, i dont give a fuck and nobody from here..