Classic Map - Stadium Properties

Classic Map - Stadium Properties

Postby The Doctor » January 21st, 2016, 5:34 am

What I'm looking for is the stadium properties for the classic map.
Went through like.. 2 threads on the custom maps section, then I gave up. so don't complain if it's already been posted

like u know how it sais "ball size" "player properties"
can someone who knows the default one for classic pls tell me, I wanna create a smaller map with no goals just 4 walls
I stored mica's one but it disappeared and he didn't upload it the cheeky rhino
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Re: Classic Map - Stadium Properties

Postby Caccapupu » January 21st, 2016, 6:39 am

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Code: Select all
   "name" : "Classic",
   "width" : 420,
   "height" : 200,
   "spawnDistance" : 170,
   "bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 370, "height" : 170, "kickOffRadius" : 75, "cornerRadius" : 0 },

   "vertexes" : [
      { "x" : -370, "y" : 170,  "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : -370, "y" : 64,   "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : -370, "y" : -64,  "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : -370, "y" : -170, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : 370, "y" : 170,  "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : 370, "y" : 64,   "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : 370, "y" : -64,  "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : 370, "y" : -170, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "x" : 0, "y" :  200, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
      { "x" : 0, "y" :   75, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
      { "x" : 0, "y" :  -75, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
      { "x" : 0, "y" : -200, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
      { "x" : -380, "y" : -64, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "x" : -400, "y" : -44, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "x" : -400, "y" :  44, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "x" : -380, "y" :  64, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "x" : 380, "y" : -64, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "x" : 400, "y" : -44, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "x" : 400, "y" :  44, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "x" : 380, "y" :  64, "trait" : "goalNet" }
   "segments" : [
      { "v0" : 0, "v1" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "v0" : 4, "v1" : 5, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "v0" : 6, "v1" : 7, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "v0" : 12, "v1" : 13, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : -90 },
      { "v0" : 13, "v1" : 14, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "v0" : 14, "v1" : 15, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : -90 },
      { "v0" : 16, "v1" : 17, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 90 },
      { "v0" : 17, "v1" : 18, "trait" : "goalNet" },
      { "v0" : 18, "v1" : 19, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 90 },
      { "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
      { "v0" : 9, "v1" : 10, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 180, "cGroup" : ["blueKO"] },
      { "v0" : 9, "v1" : 10, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : -180, "cGroup" : ["redKO"] },
      { "v0" : 10, "v1" : 11, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" }
   "goals" : [
      { "p0" : [-370, 64], "p1" : [-370,-64], "team" : "red" },
      { "p0" : [370, 64], "p1" : [370,-64], "team" : "blue" }
   "discs" : [
      { "pos" : [-370,  64], "trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "FFCCCC" },
      { "pos" : [-370, -64], "trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "FFCCCC" },
      { "pos" : [ 370,  64], "trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "CCCCFF" },
      { "pos" : [ 370, -64], "trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "CCCCFF" }
   "planes" : [
      { "normal" : [0, 1], "dist" : -170, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "normal" : [0,-1], "dist" : -170, "trait" : "ballArea" },
      { "normal" : [ 0, 1], "dist" : -200, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
      { "normal" : [ 0,-1], "dist" : -200, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
      { "normal" : [ 1, 0], "dist" : -420, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
      { "normal" : [-1, 0], "dist" : -420, "bCoef" : 0.1 }
   "traits" : {
      "ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball"] },
      "goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
      "goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball"] },
      "kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" : ["redKO", "blueKO"], "cMask" : ["red", "blue"] }
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Re: Classic Map - Stadium Properties

Postby Yamal » March 18th, 2023, 10:53 pm

bella simo torna
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Re: Classic Map - Stadium Properties

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 3:16 pm

we simo si puo x kaso ?
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Re: Classic Map - Stadium Properties

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 3:45 pm

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