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What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 2:53 am
We should go back to 3v3.

Have you noticed that the only time the season has gone really bad is this time when we turned into 4v4? You may think that this means less players will get to play, but just increase team counts to compensate. If the maximum roster for this season is 8, and there are 20 players, there is 160 possible team spots. This can also be achieved by adding 5 new teams into each division and lowering the maximum roster to 6. This actually makes for 20 extra spots that can benefit the league's growth. Why fix what isn't broken? Instead of making the hassle to change the game layout, why not develop on what you've got so far.

Scrap the draft, keep teams the way they are.

You don't see something like the premier league or la liga have teams pick players to play for their team every year from scratch. Instead, have some sort of transfer window in between seasons so teams can keep most of their players and make subtle changes where needed. This way, there is less of a need to prepare for the new season as the teams are already sorted and just need to play their games.

Don't lock the free agency until a certain time.

One of the reasons there have been many defwins and wildcards is because teams can't modify their team due to the lack of options they have at the start of the season. No one wants inactive people, so trading is out of the question. Cutting would just use up your limited resource, so that's out too. Even if you did, you'd have no one to replace him. The free agency is vital for not having the league with inactive teams and such.

Now I've got the key things down, here are some things I'd like to see, but aren't really necessary.

Introduce a money system

Captains get £50k to spend on players in the free agency that are given price tags depending on their activity, skill and position, etc. GK's are worth more than FWD's because there are less of them. Captains can also cut players off for money, half of their original price tag to be precise. These captains can earn more money by winning games and can earn a chunk of money or a bailout card (explained later) by winning a league or cup. The captains can also use money to buy wildcards, cuts and other stuff like that. However, the money someone else gains from winning a match will be taken from your amount if you're the loser, meaning money isn't permanent. The admins can have a bank system as well, and have £500k in the bank to start over with. Captains can borrow this money for a certain amount of time to achieve something they want, but have to pay back within the certain amount of time. If they fail to do so, a punishment will be given, unless they can give a bailout card which will mean they don't have to pay the money back. Punishments can include defloses, suspension and forced to cut players for money to pay back what they earn. Don't take this seriously, as this is what I'd love to see but is hard to implement.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 5:53 am
by naby
stopped reading at "go back to 3v3"

no thx

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 6:41 am
Rachel wrote:stopped reading at "go back to 3v3"

no thx

If you didn't read what was after it, your opinion doesn't matter in this thread. 8)

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 8:04 am
by rising star
"We should go back to 3v3"

Stopped reading. Never gonna happen.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:34 am
by Mick

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:34 am
by Constantinople
I read past 'go back to 3v3'

Tbf, some of the things you suggest, such as 'scrap the draft' and 'leave free agency open at all times' would work in 4s too.

Also the money idea is bad because it seems unnecessary and if a team had little to no money and an inactive team then that club is screwed.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:36 am
by dooms
I just read the 1st sentence.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:39 am
by OvoXo
3v3. <<<<<<<<<<<<

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:40 am
by Deadly#N19
ah peak he waste his 30 minutes jut for u lot to read it nd u lot violatin him cmon m8 read the whole thing.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:41 am
by Joel

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:56 am
by mlfaijati
>comparing haxball to football
>money system

and yet it's still better than momo's suggestion.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:58 am
by Deadly#N19
Rachel wrote:stopped reading at "go back to 3v3"

no thx

have some respect u fucked up slag. and we dnt care about ur opinion.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 12:04 pm
by Joehan
No - the problems happened from changing to 4v4 because it's a bigger change than we imagined, 3v3 is shit and boring to play. We just have to learn from the mistakes that have been made.

Money system is ridiculous.
Scrapping draft and keeping free agency open go hand in hand and I do agree we should look into this for next season (and we will look into it).

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 12:09 pm
by dora da gora
Rachel wrote:stopped reading at "go back to 3v3"

no thx

true spit

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 12:11 pm
by Mick
DEVINURDOG wrote:We should go back to 3v3.

Scrap the draft, keep teams the way they are.

You don't see something like the premier league or la liga have teams pick players to play for their team every year from scratch. Instead, have some sort of transfer window in between seasons so teams can keep most of their players and make subtle changes where needed. This way, there is less of a need to prepare for the new season as the teams are already sorted and just need to play their games.

But you do in NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS etc. This isn't football. Infact, it's closer to NHL.

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 12:27 pm
by Joehan
IMO a draft system only completely works when there's no tiered divisions, like in American sports. They do it so the weaker teams get the pick of the rookies coming through to balance out the league

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 10:42 pm
by Edgar Davids
you'd have to be retarded to think a money system would work

Re: What I want to see in Season 5 (Better than momo's suggestion)

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 10:45 pm
by opc
I really don't think we should scrap the draft. It's what makes this league unique.

And, in my opinion, the reason this season hasn't gone so well so far is because there are two big changes. The first, obviously, is 4v4, the second is the 10 team divisions. You need more players for 4v4, then you need EVEN more players for the extra team.