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Re: How do you get better at

PostPosted: November 5th, 2018, 7:10 pm
by VENOM i7
B4D4SS wrote:I think a lot of it is simply natural talent. 99% of players will never as skilled as Tortogol IMO, even if they keep playing and practicing, they wont have the potential. Although I do think you can improve your skill and reach your own glass ceiling simply from playing officials I find this gradually happens in my experience.

What players can dramatically improve in though is vision/positioning IMO. Both for defence and offense. Tons of players/teams are making defensive errors and that is obvious by 2v1s being frequent and defences not holding up. Even when teams get cleansheets, the opppnents usually had a few goal chances from defensive mistakes. Also offensively most ST's miss a lot of midfield blocks that could've created them 2v1's, Catrice is really good at this and that's why he's won the HCL so many times with average skills, along with his decision making in attack.

So yeah I think vision/positioning/decision making (which is 95% of Hax) can be improved quicker than skills, and done by watching recs focusing on 1 player who's really good in your position, and watch them on and off the ball so you see how they position depending on what's happening. See what works well and then put that positioning/decision making into your own game. Lastly, ALWAYS be open minded to the ways others play, if they do something different to you don't assume it must be wrong, see if it works from evidence in the rec then decide, they could know something that you don't.

i agree with the first bit, even if you practice skilling alot you cant be as consistent as other players, especially in 1v1s players like mica are so quick with the ball only a few can do this

Re: How do you get better at

PostPosted: November 5th, 2018, 7:37 pm
by wroz
my theory on this is that after you reach your peak of skill you can't rly improve much anymore. take me as an example, ive been playing the same shit for years xD you can always try to improve your positioning or try using different tricks etc. (not working for me) but pure skill will remain the same imo (unless you play at least 5 hours everyday)

Re: How do you get better at

PostPosted: November 5th, 2018, 9:23 pm
by Vak
In the most simple way i can put it:

1) Find your comfort zone, your own style (just try playing your own way and the way you feel like is the most comfortable for you).
2) After you've played for a while in your most comfortable style, find out what the mistakes are that you are doing, then improve upon them.
3) Doing this you become more flexible and it is easier for you to play more consistently, as you're not being forced to play in a way someone else tells you to. After all, every "high+" player plays differently from each other.

Hope I helped :?:

Re: How do you get better at

PostPosted: November 5th, 2018, 9:39 pm
by Anddy
The most important part should be
Play as simple as possible, forget this fucking wall when a better action would be caused without, 75% of players (also me sometimes) are instantly going to the wall after getting the ball like you can't do something else, this gives me cancer