The Future of Feed Me

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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Yamal » September 17th, 2023, 12:49 am

FM on Discord Already Exist :pharaoh:
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Fernando Torres » September 18th, 2023, 5:27 pm

I want to add something, I think it may be the right place to talk about it. It feels nearly impossible to find a team here.
I understand that captains have the full right to choose who to sign or test or not to test but if you'd like the league to become bigger with more active players what are new or less known players supposed to do when they try to join?
I talked to saviola about it and I told him look I get it that it's a serious league with a big history and no one is going to sign you before he trusts you and of course before you prove your skills. The thing is that captains don't even try to test you so you don't get the chance to try to prove yourself. I added myself to the Free Agents list, tried to message a couple captains, tried to offer myself to any team for the recent fun cup... What more can I do. And that's not the first time that I'm trying to find a team here, that's why I'm talking about it now. I wonder if it's just me being unlucky or if many other players feel the same way.
My point here wasn't to whine and beg players to sign me, I'm just saying that to me personally, as a player who is not really known here it feels too hard to just get a chance. I'm very far from being the best but I'm sure that there are a couple teams in div 2 at least whom I can definitely fit in so it's just a bit disappointing.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby grünersamt » September 24th, 2023, 6:42 am

Any news available?
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby rew » September 27th, 2023, 2:59 pm

grünersamt wrote:Any news available?

Upcoming news next month
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby kojo » October 22nd, 2023, 2:36 pm

Just call Dogan back
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby TalixD » October 23rd, 2023, 3:56 pm

smithyo for fm admin
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Smithjyjo » December 3rd, 2023, 5:01 pm

I cant understand why not div2 always the same here for not pick my team you are doing everything..
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Barca » December 20th, 2023, 11:43 am

I have no idea what can be changed, but I hope it works out! Best of luck my friends
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Smithjyjo » December 24th, 2023, 12:11 pm

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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby TehBeast » January 3rd, 2024, 3:32 pm

Hello :alien:

Came by for my yearly visit to FM, and despite I've been retired for a few years now I would like to contribute to this discussion. I've read some pretty sensible arguments in this topic. What I think the main issue currently is, is the incoming flow of new players. After all these years I rarely see new players stick to the FM community long term. There could be multiple reasons for that. One reason could be that FM is a pretty conservative and closed community overall. We should all appreciate the commitment and dedication the admin team puts in in keeping the league alive, but sometimes change is necessary to evolve. I don't remember the last time a change to the current league's concept was made. The consequence is the same old 'boring' schedule every season. Also due to the 'locked' nature of the community, it's hard for new players to fit into this system.

I've seen people vouch for more advertisement to create more awareness of the game, which is definitely a good method to make the player base grow. But if nothing changes to the current system, there is a very low chance new players will stay here for the long term.

As a concrete suggestion, I would like to propose the old drafting system we had at the first few seasons of FM. This was definitely the most fun I've had playing in my Haxball career. Every season was a suprise which captain was gonna sign you and the team you were gonna play in. If people could drop their competitiveness and childishness (it's just a pointless 2d air hockey game after all.. :bball: ) a little bit, it might be worth giving a shot with the right captains :thumbup: .
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby rew » January 3rd, 2024, 7:16 pm

A part of the popular suggestions here were implemented in the current season. Some other ideas are kinda hard to be implemented right now. And another are in discussion and progress, and could be done in future. I hope you guys will keep giving your opinions and feedback, it's always nice to see that people care. ;)

But one of the biggest problem now is the lack of actual volunteers to work actively on making all those ideas happen. We are literally few active people trying to keep this alive, doing maintenance and daily discussions of every possibility of improving anything with the current abillities (that means analyzing every idea out there - negatives or positives, and respectively way of making it happen if there is something negative enough to interefere the realization).

Now I will give my opinion. There are 3 equally big problems which must be priority:

1. Social media. Tiktok/Instagram/Youtube. Maybe some of u know but Latino communties(and not only) are pretty famous right now tankfully to good social activity. That means there must be proffesional looking pages and videos. I include Discord in this aswell.
2. Map. It's pretty obvious that new players nowdays are easier to be attracted by some other popular maps than our "classic" haxball, which is kinda hard for new players to get attached on it while playing against pro epxerienced teams in tiny/narrow space ground. There is solution of this by making some academy teams or specific low division to integrete the new players (that’s a big topic with explanations) but obviously we have so low population to make even start on this. We made a little adjustment on the current map, but that could be felt only by experienced players rather new players to feel anything different. Any bigger change will literally means putting our typical map in history. I don’t know how much main admins, old players and all of current players of course would be okay into such idea.
3. Staff. As I said, FeedMe needs at least semi-active volunteers ready to help. That’s actually the main one to be solved. There are a lot of ideas but no actual serious volunteers to help out with actions. If we have this one solved, then we can be less limited on actions and be able to work for bigger progress.

So if anyone feels competent in something(even if its really small duty but serious on it), then feel free to read this and contact some of the admins or supports. viewtopic.php?f=642&t=12550 Here is a short list of some jobs but even if your competent area isn't on the list, you can suggest something and it could be discussed. ;)
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Helios » January 20th, 2024, 10:54 pm

@maddude ur asleep at the wheel come and revive ur league u idiot
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby te][o » January 21st, 2024, 2:36 pm

Helios wrote:@maddude ur asleep at the wheel come and revive ur league u idiot

shut up helios
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby tSharky » January 25th, 2024, 12:13 pm

I would like to revive this thread a little bit since I have some little ideas for the community and I could TRY to point out why it's not só successful now and how to make it better (on my POV obviously. No One hás to agree with it tho).

First of all, haxball is already on a different era. Different players and different ages. The old players of haxball who enjoyed big grew up... Besides also Growing up, some quit the game. This Said, we have more people who Started to play haxball on the recent years at Futsal and Real Soccer.
One of the reasons why they cant play big its because it's harder and the dynamics are just way different. This takes me to think that maybe if we want to still make big relevant for the new era (wether you like to admit it or not), we would have to Change dynamics and the Gameplay só others could be interested and attracted to the game.
This would need a Change on the speed of the player (futsal its easier to spin your body), Change the speed of the ball... the bounces on the wall could have some little changes ... And we could try to understand if a wider map could help (not too much wide tho imo). We could even think about the size of the ball. Futsal hás that really tiny ball and we have a bigger one but still... We could understand if a little bit smaller ball would help. Not too small tho because that would lose the characteristics of the game since it's football and not futsal.


Another thing is that we already have beasts on this community and it's very hard for weaker and smaller teams to join this community. We could think about having a division made for such teams. Players and teams from other communities might just BE too weak and they wont be interested on joining a division where they Will get rekt and let's BE honest, there is no fun in losing games with heavy losses. We could take this INTO consideration and work through it.
Yet, the community needs volunteers to help and everybody gives suggestions but no One truly wants to help it.


Have a full time trustable admin on the Public Rooms to gather players and give the community to know. This will also work once you create the ... "Division Beginner"


Implement a Rating System like FIFA Cards. I honestly believe this could be something to take into consideration, it will bring more motivation and competition.


Have someone to truly take care of Discord. Have a better organisation at it and try to explore Funcups, Drafts and fun ways to get people.
Create Discord Giveaways for other games with Requirements to make the discord bigger and só people spread the word around and you can make the community bigger and therefore for the game to receive more players.
Lool harder into making Partnerships to get our community to know to the newer players (people who play futsal/Real Soccer etc. who never heard about FM).
Try to make tournaments with Prizes One time or another. And só everybody gets interested and comes... You can have a competition for the BEASTS and a competition for the newbs. At the begin, this seems good and Im sure it will attract players but i dont see any reasons to do it for a long duration unless you get a sponsorship.


Create Social Media, create game content, fun content , etc. make tutorial, bring back Goal of the Week again and Team of The Week. There's a lot of things you could do with social media and we could explore to bring old players and new players too.


I think i had more to say but since I already wrote só much and as things crossed my mind that i already forgot some ideas.
Hopefully, this is useful and it can help you guys.
I am also here to say i can volunteer myself to help.
I suggest others to volunteer for help.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby tSharky » January 26th, 2024, 4:31 pm

Make the website more fashionable. It's also a bit old school. Many things could be changed and improved to look more interesting and appealing of use. I deeply think this an outdated website for the year we are in. And some people also have problems using it or don't understand shi- about it.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby tSharky » February 8th, 2024, 11:43 pm

I think we should get this thread back and discuss!!
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Yamal » February 10th, 2024, 7:38 pm

make me admin
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Nocke » February 14th, 2024, 12:28 am

Hi everyone, I haven't been here in ages! Over the past few years, I've been playing Haxball on and off, but most of it has been Futsal, in a league called BFF (British Futsal Federation). I'd like to suggest reconsidering the idea of a futsal side-league for FM. In the past, the argument was that FM is a big league and not a futsal one, however this addition could serve not as a replacement but as an addition.

It can reinvigorate interest and participation in FM by offering something that is fresh. Many FM players already play in BFF, so the distinction between FM and BFF players has somewhat narrowed. Although BFF has grown quite stale (due to a couple of factors), and this is where FM can shine. A side league can also help bring in more players to the league. BFF and other futsal leagues (like SLH, which has over 2k members in their discord server. BFF has ~1800 members, and it's most likely the best futsal league), as well as the MANY futsal public rooms, have shown that there's a big interest in futsal. There is A LOT of potential for a futsal side league, personally I'd be one of the first ones to join and I'd even volunteer to help out in any way that I can.

Please think about it. Have a good day :)
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby rew » February 14th, 2024, 8:16 pm

Nocke wrote:Hi everyone, I haven't been here in ages! Over the past few years, I've been playing Haxball on and off, but most of it has been Futsal, in a league called BFF (British Futsal Federation). I'd like to suggest reconsidering the idea of a futsal side-league for FM. In the past, the argument was that FM is a big league and not a futsal one, however this addition could serve not as a replacement but as an addition.

It can reinvigorate interest and participation in FM by offering something that is fresh. Many FM players already play in BFF, so the distinction between FM and BFF players has somewhat narrowed. Although BFF has grown quite stale (due to a couple of factors), and this is where FM can shine. A side league can also help bring in more players to the league. BFF and other futsal leagues (like SLH, which has over 2k members in their discord server. BFF has ~1800 members, and it's most likely the best futsal league), as well as the MANY futsal public rooms, have shown that there's a big interest in futsal. There is A LOT of potential for a futsal side league, personally I'd be one of the first ones to join and I'd even volunteer to help out in any way that I can.

Please think about it. Have a good day :)

Hi Nocke. Inventing futsal is pointless since there are already big related communities. By this way we are not going to offer anything new to people. Try to imagine - established communities with 2k ppl and organization dedicated to futsal swapping to a newly formed same league (not even main league but side one) which is starting from 0. The idea of side league/fun cups with different map is okay but it must be something original or less popular which we can eventually popularize.
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Re: The Future of Feed Me

Postby Nocke » February 15th, 2024, 9:09 pm

rew wrote:
Nocke wrote:Hi everyone, I haven't been here in ages! Over the past few years, I've been playing Haxball on and off, but most of it has been Futsal, in a league called BFF (British Futsal Federation). I'd like to suggest reconsidering the idea of a futsal side-league for FM. In the past, the argument was that FM is a big league and not a futsal one, however this addition could serve not as a replacement but as an addition.

It can reinvigorate interest and participation in FM by offering something that is fresh. Many FM players already play in BFF, so the distinction between FM and BFF players has somewhat narrowed. Although BFF has grown quite stale (due to a couple of factors), and this is where FM can shine. A side league can also help bring in more players to the league. BFF and other futsal leagues (like SLH, which has over 2k members in their discord server. BFF has ~1800 members, and it's most likely the best futsal league), as well as the MANY futsal public rooms, have shown that there's a big interest in futsal. There is A LOT of potential for a futsal side league, personally I'd be one of the first ones to join and I'd even volunteer to help out in any way that I can.

Please think about it. Have a good day :)

Hi Nocke. Inventing futsal is pointless since there are already big related communities. By this way we are not going to offer anything new to people. Try to imagine - established communities with 2k ppl and organization dedicated to futsal swapping to a newly formed same league (not even main league but side one) which is starting from 0. The idea of side league/fun cups with different map is okay but it must be something original or less popular which we can eventually popularize.

Hi rew. It's not inventing futsal, the game is already here, and has BEEN here. I personally quit playing classic haxball a few years ago so I that can play futsal. And actually, FM can offer something new to people. FM is probably the oldest community that is still active. You are subconsciously downplaying the scale and influence of FM, perhaps due to your dislike of the map, or whatever the reason. FM is NOT a league starting from 0. The fact that this would be a side league is irrelevant. A futsal side-league can be EASILY added, as there already is/was a 3v3 side-league, that was actually pretty fun. I was active while it was a thing, and most of the teams decided to partake. Not to mention, that there already were a lot of 3v3 big leagues at the time when 3v3 itself as introduced as a side-league, yet it was still added. 3v3 to 4v4 was like Robin to Batman (which is why it kinda died out after a few seasons), however futsal is a game mode of its own. It has its own pull. Hannes himself has suggested that futsal could be an option for FM as a side-league, to create something new. Your pessimistic outlook and rejection of the integration of something that has been proven to be popular is the reason why this topic STILL hasn't reached a conclusion. In truth, FM could dominate both the classic haxball and futsal scene. It has what is needed. And yes, imagine at least a portion of that ~2000 playerbase joining the community.

There would be no swapping of leagues for most players. Most of the haxball players that play in a league, often play in more than just 1 league, even per game mode. A lot of players would jump at the opportunity to play in an esteemed league like FM. A lot of people are on the lookout for the new. FM having a futsal side-league would be it.

rew wrote:The idea of side league/fun cups with different map is okay but it must be something original or less popular which we can eventually popularize.

Your last mistake was comparing a league to a funcup. Were you actively playing in FM while it had any of the 3v3 seasons? Have you played in any FM funcup? There's no reason to reinvent the wheel. Take something which already exists and tune it slightly so that it can be unique to FM. FM can do that with the features it already has. Even simple things such as being able to sign players through a free agency system that is implemented on a website can be a wonder to some players.

It honestly is a simple implementation for something that has been suggested years ago. Adding it would boost the league's popularity by a lot, and to reiterate - it's not a replacement, merely an addition. Some of the newer players who are quite decent and still improving haven't even heard of FM. It's time to get that youth intake.
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