FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Whitee » May 28th, 2020, 10:00 pm

Hello guys! To continue Barca’s legacy for one time, I have decided to interview a very special guest. Our guest has recently made his comeback to haxball, captaining archNemeses in Division 2B and is also widely known for his commentary on games. Our guest is nobody less than… Barca himself! After doing a great job with interviewing players in the past, I figured that Barca deserved an interview himself. Prior to captaining archNemeses in Division 2B, Barca had an impressive run with archNemeses in season 14 and 15, winning both Division 1 and 2 consecutively. Barca, having 81 goals and 74 assists in FM in total, started his FeedMe career in Season 6 at Team 0815.
In this interview we will get a deeper view of Barca as both a player and person, sharing some interesting haxball experiences and even giving us a very wise life lesson at the end! Make sure to keep on reading to discover Barca’s sneaky little secret to winning Division 1 in FeedMe… I hope you have a nice read!

We already know each other, but could you give a brief introduction about yourself, as there might be some who don't know you?

Sure. Hello guys, my name is Olli. I am 23 years old and I am living in a small village kinda close to Stuttgart. Around an year ago I started my studies in tourism management in a not really known city in Bavaria.
I like to do different sports and on the other side I got used to play (online) games and try to get as good as I can. But it is not like I play many of them, it is more like playing just one or two at the same time and then don’t even want to get into others cause it would require even more time and the competitve aspect would get more lost. I guess this could be a characteristic of me as person as well.

What is the story behind your nicknames? WillYouReallyBeatME? and Barca, are there any more maybe?

To be honest there not really is an interesting story behind it I guess. Also, I don’t remember what my name was when starting to play Haxball. Before finding out about Haxball I was used to play tribal wars and there it is common to change your nickname like every once in a while. On one day, where already having a decent level at the time, I was searching for new challenges and so I tried to change my name to something like WillYouReallyBeatME1VS1?. But as this name was too long, my other common nickname was created.
Barca I picked because I am a huge supporter of the club FC Barcelona, back then even more than now as I was like a real football fanatic.
Over the years I had plenty of other nicknames, like Frank Hemd, Deamon & some more with which I also played in serious competitions like Feed Me, Haxball Champions League and international cups. In the end the reason again will be that I am just used to switching it a lot, and to be honest for me it is also a bit boring connecting every time with the same name.

Maybe tell us something about your first career steps, did you play in german leagues and which leagues did you like the most when you started to play?

Even when it happened seven or eight years ago, I have a perfect memory on this one. As I first was fascinated by this simple game, I enjoyed to play it more and more and so also kept improving.
On another day playing public a swiss player called UFRAspieler asked me if I was playing in leagues or if I would be interested in playing them. As I only waited for this opportunity coming true, it ended up being in a team with him called Snackstars.
Shortly after there were rivalries between german league organizers and so I ended up playing in a german league called Hax4Fun. There I managed to become top scorer, top assister and eventually even got voted to player of the season - and that while playing my first full season in this game. I have to add that most participating teams were not that good, but still my confidence was boosted for sure. With having this achievements I was hungry for more challenges and over the time joined several other leagues like Your-eSports & Feed Me.

Could you briefly describe your national career with Germany? How did it start? How did it end? Any plans on returning to team Germany?

As I know it started around 2014 with playing in U21 team of Germany. I knew that I hoped to get picked up for the main team already. But as I did not play on the highest level of haxball competition back then and only played with my friends around 2nd or even 3rd Division of Your-eSports I couldn’t blame captain kAoS. Anyhow I knew that I was good enough for the german squad already and that is what I wanted to show. So when Germany made friendlies against Germany U21 I went in tryhard mode and in my opinion kinda carried us on winning at least most of this games. And that against a german team that was stacked with great players like kAoS, Fritz, Devil, KingKong, Craig, d’Flo & so on who (all) played in the 1st Division of YeS back then.
From the next international competition on I got picked to the main team and was super happy about it. My career with Germany didn’t go that well in the end, as my best result is quarter final for now, but a reason also is that all good german players started to retire.
My german teammate and friend palmo is the most motivated haxball player I ever saw and is asking me weekly when I am going to be captain of Germany again. I guess this says that I will (have to) return to Germany again :D.

Nice to know. How did you manage to win FM Div1 with aN against strong teams as YeS AllStars/Los Santos/Dream Destroyers after coming from Div2? Any secrets?

I think and I am convinced that we managed to win Division 1 because we had good teamplay, good chemistry and a strict gameplan that we followed. Of course I can't go too much into details, but given the circumstance that we came with the confidence of winning Division 2 we were hungry. Everyone in the team believed in our plan to end the season as champions, even after this two losses in the beginning. It also helped a lot that, without our two losses, we played kinda every game the same with Mish/Obs – Barca – Alekos – naho. In my opinion we were a deadly trio with a rock solid defense where it was hard to score and on the other side we always made at least one or two goals. I remember that CRonaldo cried about our playstyle when not winning the opener (0:0 against Los Santos), because he thought like we should be an easy opponent and YeS AllStars would be the main rival for the title. Well, after the season he was upset again, but this time for losing the championship to us.


Barca's & Alekos' teamplay with archNemeses (Season 15)

Do you have any role model as player or some player you always looked up to?

I don’t have like a role model or a special guy I remember to look up to, even when there were of course players which I respect more than others. But to be honest there is no player coming in my mind right now who deserves to be mentioned more than another one.
What I can say is that I always looked up to players and teams that played higher than me. For example I remember to look up to streamed matches in YeS. I also wanted to be involved in them. But I never really analyzed recs and stuff like that, I always kept more focus on getting better by my own and therefore analyzed my game while playing or after making mistakes.

As i know you where involved in this controversial hack of your-esports and later you got banned for it. Can you sum up what happened back then and what you think of it now?

Yeah it is true that I was a part of it, and I guess everyone who played back then will remember it. I mean it is the worst thing I did, or more was part of, as I didn’t do something actively. So I want to apologize in advance once again, also for the first time officially I guess. In the end I don’t remember how it began, but I think it was like out of a bad joke. I did hang out with my friends back then and I remember Eren had a talk with NesQuik, where NesQuik said that Your-eSports could never be hacked and that there is a backup and so on. Out of this situation it happened that Eren was in the mood to test this out or something, as he was sure that it just will be for around like some hours or something.
Unfortunately for all participants it got exposed that there was no backup or something similar and we knew we completely fucked up. For me it was a super bad situation, as I was part of Route 59, where Fritz and NesQuik were my teammates. I was proud to be in this team and didn’t want to give up on this of course… On the other side my other friends with which I also spent a lot of time and even had my first haxball team with. For sure I didn’t know what to do, as I was between both sides and good friends with both. In the end I completely fucked up and didn’t do anything. So after time when I revealed all details to Fritz I did receive my deserved ban from Your-eSports and Feed Me. The question is if there was a perfect decision in this case, still I should have done wiser and better, so it is alright to blame me for destroying such a nice and the best league there was in haxball.

At least that you did apologize that's nice, Can you tell us about the most remarkable teams in your career and why you want to mention them?

My most remarkable teams are Snackstars, Route 59, and of course my first destiny with archNemeses.
Snackstars, as this was my first team and I have some good memories of this time. Later we did even rebuild it and we did consist of a nice group of german and swiss players.
Route 59, because it was my first full serious team. Like before I was only for fun or in teams of friends. There I grew up to become a complete player, which helped me in my further teams.
All other teams where only small chapters of my career, even when I enjoyed to be in some more teams.


Barca showing his class with archNemeses (Season 14)

You stopped playing haxball for quite a while, what did you make a comeback and even create a team as captain?

Out of a mood where I was a bit bored I turned on a haxball stream around three months ago. Surpringsly for me, Eren and Noob were commenting this game. So it turned out that I joined teamspeak some days later. After getting in touch with my german friends we got to know new talent palmo. His motivation for this game then swept over to me... so here I am back now.
And captain of archNemeses I am because Alekos, palmo and Pray wanted to make a team. As three of us guys have played in aN it was an easy decision to make a revival.

Yes, I remember i called you to commentate with them :D. You told me before that you are going to play as GK now. What made you leave the DM/AM position and return as GK

Also this came out of a mood I have to say. I even wanted to play as GK when I joined Fatality!, but there my captain Progamer decided to let me play as DM/AM.
When we are doing our revival it first was planned that we were going for Pray – Barca – palmo – Alekos, but then things changed quickly. I don’t know why, but when I did my comeback it just felt so naturally for me to play as GK. It is a similar switch as when I decided to go for DM rather than AM long time ago.
I just think I will be able to help my team more with playing GK. I wanna help my team to stay in attack and initiate counter attacks, while on the other side being responsible when it is needed to. I will need more official practice, but right now I am satisfied with how things are going.


Barca while his time as AM for FATALITY! (Season 27)

What do you think about the new season of FM; will you be able to promote to div1 this season?

Yes, I think so and have no doubt of it. If I would not think like this, then I would not have made an application to play here in Feed Me. My goal is always to compete with the best and that is of course in the 1st Division.
About the general Feed Me season I expect some talents to shine. I mean we have alone in our team four to five guys who not have much experience playing in Feed Me. Still I expect of any of them to show why they are playing in our team and that they could play in other Division 1 teams soon too. I am fully convinced of it that it is possible. Maybe not in the short term, like it has to be in this season, but in the upcoming one also players like cothalc, pau (ta-), Kao & so on could make good steps forward.

I agree about pau too he has some talent. How did Haxball as game change, compare to the time before your comeback?

To be completely honest, for me it is only a change for the better as the game is more fluently with HTML5, and also some new features were added. I don’t know what people want to see in this extrapolation or playstyle changing discussion. I felt comfortable from beginning on. I have the feeling that nowadays a bit more is possible because you can move around a bit faster. Also this zoom helps some guys to have even more focus and more control of the ball. I just wonder what will be the next (gamechanging) update, as so much more is possible to make this game even more better.

What were your most memorable matches in Haxball?

I remember one of our first matches with Snackstars was against a great german team with players like Crocus, Ledge & some more. It was a cup game where we have been huge underdogs. Even when we all were so unexperienced, we managed to win this game like 1-0 or 2-1 in overtime. I think we were very hyped and so on afterwards, but can’t tell much more as it happened such a long time ago.
The other one is one of our last games of season 15, a postponed match-up against Dream Destroyers. It was like the last serious opponent we had to face, as we only had one or two more matches after. I remember when watching the stream after, that the cast with Givanildo was brillant as well. After a nice action, where we worked together greatly, he said something like „Look at that… This is amazing!“ and some other stuff. For me it described the whole situation so perfectly that I probably won’t forget it in next years. At least when thinking about this time. I just tried to find this stream, but unfortunately couldn’t do so.
The last one would be our final match of season 15 against Elite69 were you got crowned as champions. It was not about the match, there was nothing special at all. But I remember to have felt like such a nice feeling of proudness I never had in front of a computer again. I mean even when I at that time was not even official captain of the team, I still was the man who created our strong and successful tactic. The team was kinda built around me, so I was very happy when it turned out such amazingly in the end. I also got interviewed after this match, but this was like the most basic interview I ever had and saw in my life :D


Barca playing for IFK Systembolagetlaget during (Season 21)

Haha yeah, it was a nice time when Givanildo was commentating! Many people miss him I guess, shotout to him! If you had the possibility to sign 1-3 players of your choice, no matter what team they're bound to; who would it be? Or are you completetly satisfied with this current lineup of yours?

Actually, I don’t know. I am thinking about getting a backup DM, or even another GK, but I didn’t came to a conclusion if it is needed to and makes sense, at least for now.
I am very satisfied with our roster and how we play when playing concentrated. Of course we don’t play perfect for now, but it is going into the right direction. I remember when having a star player, like we signed Yannex for a short stint in our first Division 1 season, it was not satisfactory for either of both sides. The reason was that we already had our strong lineup and there was no given playtime.
Now our situation is similar. So either we could sign a strong, but kinda inactive backup, or we would sign an active player and risk with that to not grow with our current players as I want. Both for sure is not perfect, so for now I want to just stay as we are now and think about it when things should change.

As always we need to ask for your favourite line-ups. Maybe give us your favourite team germany, the strongest team you played in, the most fun team you played in and maybe in general your favourite line-up of all time with all possible players included.

Favourite team Germany: Fritz – Barca – Alekos – Herna
Strongest lineup I played in: cifteli – Ronaldo – Barca – FrA | poraon – Fritz – NesQuik – Barca | Mish/Obs – Barca – Alekos – naho, its super hard to decide as all were very strong in their prime
Most fun team: cifteli – Barca – FrA - Rami
Favourite line-up of all time: Caccapupu – Barca – Alekos – Mullewa (I love how all three of them are playing)


Barca playing with WolfGang (Season 23)

We've all had some crazy shit happened to us, either in Haxball or real life. What about you? Do you have some extraordinary story to share with us?

That is true, many crazy shit happened. I immediately had to think about my old team a.d.i.d.a.s, when playing in 2nd Division of your-eSports. We were doing good and had a great up like: cifteli – Ronaldo – Barca – FrA or something. On the last possible matchday we had to play two or even three more matches and would have gotten promotod if winning like one or two matches. I am fully convinced we would have managed to do so, as we were in good form and had strong players back then.
Anyways, on this important day I just didn’t show. In consequence we received three deflosses and disbanded after this disappointment.
Luckily it had something good as well, as some days later I signed my contract with Route 59. But with knowing what happened later on it is possible that it even was a deciding day for the future of haxball.
To think about a real life story… I don’t know nothing would be as funny and as nice as happened in real life. All I can say is that on my way to high school graduation I completely fucked up for two times and even got graded to secondary schools. Now I am doing good in studies and proud of the way everything happened in my last years…, so guys everything is possible ;)

It is a sad story about a.d.i.d.a.s haha and yes everything is possible of course! Any special wishes for the future? (based on Haxball and real life)

I have many wishes on Haxball. First of all I hope that one day the community will explode and that there will be many, many more national leagues again. It is a bit sad to see that other FPS games have tons of viewers with so much advertising and money included, while here happens like nothing to even try to achieve that. I guess Mario Carbajal (aka basro) is just not interested in it.
But having this super simple game which can be played everywhere, without special requirements, is so easy enjoyable and has such a great community I would love to see improvements to make it competitive as it deserves. Sadly and unfortunately, it is naive to think it will ever happen.
For my real life I just hope to continue working on my own and stay as healthy and as the persion I am right now. I hope that one day I will find a passionate job which suits to me and constantly have enough money to life without having to care spending it on things I want to do.

So that was all from my side, I hope you enjoyed it much and big thanks for participating! Of course also good luck in the new season of FM. Do you have any shoutouts or final words to conclude this interview?

I am thankful for your great questions and your nice interview as well! I just can say do more sports & workout guys, so your body will be thankful for it and your overall performance in life will improve. I just wish everyone reading this the best and hope you enjoyed it a bit.

Teams: Season 6-7 Team 0815, Season 8-9-10-11-12 IKEA Deutschland, Season 14-15-16-17-19-28 archNemeses, Season 21-22 IFK Systembolagetlaget, Season 23 WolfGang, Season 27 FATALITY!.

tip for next one: playing nonstop in FM for 14 seasons
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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby palmo » May 28th, 2020, 10:19 pm

LIVING LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Kivi » May 31st, 2020, 6:37 pm

I've been forgotten :cry:
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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Tsubasa » June 3rd, 2020, 10:40 am

know that feel :cry:
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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Yamal » March 18th, 2023, 10:49 pm

where s my interview ?
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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 2:58 pm

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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 4:23 pm

barca top player
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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Yamal » March 25th, 2023, 11:24 am

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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Yamal » September 17th, 2023, 12:57 am

N1 Barca
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Re: FMI: Episode 11 (feat. Barca)

Postby Yamal » April 21st, 2024, 8:10 am

oh my gosh
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