Suggestion for the 3v3 Division

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Suggestion for the 3v3 Division

Postby Nocke » December 21st, 2018, 12:48 am

Some teams that apply before the start of a new season will be rejected because of lack of extra slots among other reasons - this is most often the case. What can be done however is to invite them as a 3v3 team for that season, for the 3v3 division as I am sure that not every team in FM will sign up to play 3v3. After their first season in FM, where they played in the 3v3 division, the admins can make a decision to whether or not invite them into the 4v4 league, Division 2.

What's the point of this you may ask, as we might as well create a Division 3 at this point? Well, I don't think the quality and standard of the league should necessarily be lowered so that a Division 3 is created. An alternative to creating a Division 3 would be to invite the teams that stand out the most but have been rejected, into the 3v3 division. A Division 3 might be messier than one would expect. I am sure there is a 'fear' that the admins have whenever they invite a team to play in the 4v4 division, that they're gonna disband after a few games. I believe there will also be less work to do, as managing another division could prove to be something that the admins don't really want to do. I don't think that I sound biased or heavily wrong when I say that the 3v3 division is not as important as the 4v4 divisions, even though there is a Champions League and what not for 3v3 as well. Sure, one could argue that it actually is as important, that they even play 3v3 more than 4v4, but FM is mainly a 4v4 league nowadays. At least that's how I see it.

This will show that the team can go one season without disbanding. I am certain that there have been teams that were accepted into FM and so the 4v4 and 3v3 divisions, and they ended up not being able to play their remaining games after, let's say, 6 matchdays for example. I think it can be looked at as a trial even, as a test for the team. FM would have more players, more teams, more diversity. This will also be great experience for the newly accepted teams, they will be able to see what playing in a real league is like and they will know, more or less, what to expect when they get invited into Division 2 - what kind of responsibilities and so on.

A disadvantage, I think, is that there would be more games to play. This can potentially result in teams having to play 3v3 games after every 4v4 match has been played. This can be fixed by restricting slots in the 3v3 league and not make it so that every team that applied for 4v4 and got rejected, gets invited to the 3v3 league. (I dont't think this would be the case, anyway.) This kind of defeats the entire point of this suggestion as no team might get invited one season because there are already too many teams in the 3v3 league - although imo it would be interesting to make it so that the 3v3 matches would continue to be played in the 4v4 off-season. Just an idea.

I cannot think of anything else I could add right now, as this idea just came to me. I am sure there are more benefits and disadvantages though. Feel free to share your thoughts.

TL;DR - for some teams, if not all, that have applied for the 4v4 league and have been rejected, invite them into the 3v3 league only.
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Re: Suggestion for the 3v3 Division

Postby doupi » December 27th, 2018, 6:53 pm

It's a good idea, and so far it seems we won't even have the problem of having too many matchdays with how the check-in for 3v3 is looking :)
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