You're picking the same captains since 5 years

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You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby EdinsonCavani » January 14th, 2021, 1:34 am

Every time someone new or without experience Is going to send inscription to the league he's going to be instarejected because you always prefer people who already played 20 seasons here, you need to trust other teams (you prefer to accept teams with no existent lineups just for the name of the captain)

I'm not talking about us because we are a group of people Who play FPS mainly and we have no goal on haxball if not opening It Just for fun listening music, but you Just take a captain who took 5 people from free for fs Channel and made a team rejecting true teams like Angels, Imperial and also mine.

And most of all you keep taking full Turkish lineups, It doesnt make sense because they have a lot of leagues, I have Nothing against them but Italians romanians etc are a minorance in the league and they have no league to play so you avoid them to have the only opportunity to enjoy the game. I enjoy haxball with my Friends, that's why I prefer not to play than staying in channel with 5 people muted from different Nations who connect 1 hour before matchday Just for farming some games, for me haxball means playing with friends

Hope you all to get a good season and I Hope in the future you will understand my point


Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby aMp » January 14th, 2021, 2:01 am

A part of what you say its true
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Flaviu » January 14th, 2021, 5:58 am

To be Honest with you Eleven , this is why was thinking to retire. I have applied for 7,8 time and still got rejected. And other teams who apply for the 1st time like Big Foot got accepted. i think i behaved very nicely especially in this period. Yeah i gaved to some of my players 5 euro , but in the end i work for this money and i havent done something wrong. In CS Go players from diffrent teams recive money aswell. Anyway it*s a shame... and yeah i said to Gary bro i give you 50 euro to accept me , but its just because of frustration. Because i applied so many times without succes anyway let teams like Number 9 and Big Foot to participate and to disband the next season.
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Anddy » January 14th, 2021, 10:28 am

You litterally paid your team and admins to get accepted flaviu... That enough is enough to say you're either too addicted to hax or too naive or both
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Flaviu » January 14th, 2021, 10:43 am

Anddy wrote:You litterally paid your team and admins to get accepted flaviu... That enough is enough to say you're either too addicted to hax or too naive or both

i don*t have more to say , i was just sayng my opinion .
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Radu1 » January 14th, 2021, 11:07 am

@ eleven, i don't know why you cry so much about it, you were one season in feed me and you rq at the half of the season, it's normal that the admins won't trust you and also your team wasn't active, you didn't even play in the preseason

@ Flaviu, you can't say that you retire because the admins didn't accept you, Nasri has a nice character and he also plays decent haxball. I struggled 7 seasons to enter in feed me and i was always rejected, but i fought for my dream, it's true i was also sad about it when i got rejected but i don't start to post stupid things on the forum, gary :heart: is witness that whenever i got rejected i wrote to him and i told him : what have i done wrong ? I tried season by season to repair what i did wrong and in the end the admins saw that i deserve to join feed me and they gave me a chance to show what i can do. In conclusion, stop blaming the admins, fight for your dream, it's easy to blame someone. PS, i hope i didn't bother someone with my post. :cat: :cat:

it's true that i am also toxic/cancer and sometimes i rq in fs, but nobody is perfect and i assumed that :afraid: :afraid:
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Anddy » January 14th, 2021, 11:50 am

Didn't know haxball could cause sexual satisfaction, I litterally have no willing to debate with you, please go heal yourself by contacting Dr. Sero
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby aMp » January 14th, 2021, 12:11 pm

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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Barca » January 14th, 2021, 1:03 pm

looking for an investor if i perform in life

i can provide my paypal & i think i wouldnt pay admins
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby hxgd » January 14th, 2021, 1:12 pm

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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby TaliscAa » January 14th, 2021, 1:25 pm

What a mess here goes, my team was one of the refused and I was like ok it was a team very close only to friends but we decided to open the doors to some funny guys as long as they are not toxic, my team has been created in the haxball and it is true that we keep a lot for the country's league in this case it was the portuguese but as i said it has more than 8 years old created if necessary it has more years of team than the league itself feed me but i didn't call in 2 months we will try again I don’t really care about that either haxball isn’t the same if it was a few years ago maybe I was a little upset because I didn’t enter but I don’t see many people talking here like for example radu if you reach the 9th place in the second league you are already happy in the last cumpz ..: P
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Muris 9 » January 14th, 2021, 2:16 pm

You guys are disrespectful and expect some league that is about to start its 30th season to accept you? I mean come on.. all those who are not accepted on their first try start flaming on this forum like something would happen. I'm gonna tell you what's gonna change: in 3 months, when you apply as captains again (cause you will, you always do) don't forget how you trashtalked about the league and the few admins that are keeping it alive. And if you don't get accepted (for the first time or again) I hope you will understand that there's a reason if admins choose trustworthy people before random/toxic/unknown ones. You just don't get it :fp:
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Kl8 » January 14th, 2021, 2:49 pm

Anddy pay me and ill play for you, maybe £100, not too much :drunken: :D
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Antony Morato » January 14th, 2021, 3:15 pm

Saying that the admins accept the same captains for 5 years is a plain lie tbh. When teams like mine last season was accepted, I wasnt known and I was new on the community and just doing what was asked got us accepted, same thing can be said about Big Foot team this season, Nasri isnt known but he's a decent dude and admins trusted him this season by accepting his team. About the guys here complaining about their acceptance issues, think to yourself, talking shit here will make it better? Wouldn't it make more sense to find out what's wrong with yourself first rather then looking and blaming the admins for this? Since tbh i dont think the main admins make this kind of favouritism here, cuz like flaviu said he literally offered money to the admins to get accepted and still didn't so I cant see admins accepting people because of favouritism when they dont even get corrupted by money. In my opinion they just think and decide for the best and most trustworthy options.
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby sw1zy » January 14th, 2021, 3:17 pm

Nice friends
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby rew » January 14th, 2021, 4:28 pm

First of all this league isn't some kind of international organisation or government that is obligated to give you spots or guarantee you anything.
Even the fact that admins are willing to explain multiple times about their decisions on every single personal message is a goodwill and u can just accept what you have to improve or what you are missing.
Like Muris said, this is the 30th season in this league.Much history, experience and prestige beyond it.Following the logic, you can imagine by yourself how hard would be (not impossible ofc) to join it by being unknown for every admin, and get a debut in big league not like a player, but as captain of team.
You can easily not waste your time in topics, money etc. and join another league if you don't like something in it, but the fact you are that affected for some kind of game and for Feedme as league is another example that the league is good and following this logic, you can again imagine and answer yourself how much more work and patience you must do and have to join as a leader of team.
Even if you have made all the requirements correct, use ur brain again (i'ts not an insult) and imagine how many teams successfully make same requirements and that there are only some few spots, obviously admins can't accept every team, so the team and players with best knowledge and information about them would have advantage.So by knowing this fact, its not an impossible situation in which u "wait" more than 1-2-3 or more seasons to be accepted in league.
Flaviu, by time i know u, u were always kind and respectful like u say, but now you just acted like everything was a fake or smth, i don't know.Turning your kindness into something bad without being even insulted by admins or anything....You guys expect a moral, loyal and fair league and in the same time you Flaviu offer money to an admin to add you (nvm if u are frustrated or no, its not an excuse, its a damn bad fact)? By that confession, you dont even deserve an answer from admin.
Take example of Radu's words.Even in real life you got to be hardworking and pushing till you make it.If you think that successful people make it from 1st,2nd or 5th time, u are lying yourself.There will be "fails" for some reason, no matter fair for you or not.Its ur decision whatever will you do in situations, i don't want to go into philosophic topic :D but whatever point of view u have, it's not cool just to come and blame around by not rethinking some simple facts.Especially when u offer money and then ask why admins "take friends in".Even the fact that for 10 years, Feedme is still alive and its one of the most desirable leagues for playing, must answer you how "corrupt" are the admins.

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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby Flaviu » January 14th, 2021, 5:10 pm

I have to admit i was wrong in tryng to influence Gary*s vote , but some of yo guys haven*t been in my situation ,i*ve always said to admins , okay no problem i wil try again next season , i*ve said this sentence for 4 , 5 times in a row ? But it*S starting to get me frustrated that every time , i made all the criteria , i am nice to the others , i am active , i play my presseason cup matches , i don*t insult my opponents. and yet im still being rejected , i have nothing personal with Captains like Maury or Nasri but when admins told me that i*ve get randoms players and thats why i got rejected , wait a minute , Nasri did the same with his players he took them from free for fs or public rooms and he got accepted ? He*s a nice guy it*s not his fault . and i respect the admins decission in rejecting my team application in the end its their league and they do whatever they want. I just feel dissapointed in their decision because every time its the same story i made a team , i make the team active , i play in the presseason and i*m nice against my opponents and still being rejected. And it*s the first time i express my dissapointment on the forum i havent called feed me a trash community or anything like that. And yet im the bad person but being rejected for 7,8 times in a row makes you wonder why i*m always rejected what do i have to do more ? Sorry if i offended anyone , it*s my fault that i gived my opinion in public.
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby B4D4SS » January 14th, 2021, 6:03 pm

rew wrote:First of all this league isn't some kind of international organisation or government that is obligated to give you spots or guarantee you anything.
Even the fact that admins are willing to explain multiple times about their decisions on every single personal message is a goodwill and u can just accept what you have to improve or what you are missing.
Like Muris said, this is the 30th season in this league.Much history, experience and prestige beyond it.Following the logic, you can imagine by yourself how hard would be (not impossible ofc) to join it by being unknown for every admin, and get a debut in big league not like a player, but as captain of team.
You can easily not waste your time in topics, money etc. and join another league if you don't like something in it, but the fact you are that affected for some kind of game and for Feedme as league is another example that the league is good and following this logic, you can again imagine and answer yourself how much more work and patience you must do and have to join as a leader of team.
Even if you have made all the requirements correct, use ur brain again (i'ts not an insult) and imagine how many teams successfully make same requirements and that there are only some few spots, obviously admins can't accept every team, so the team and players with best knowledge and information about them would have advantage.So by knowing this fact, its not an impossible situation in which u "wait" more than 1-2-3 or more seasons to be accepted in league.
Flaviu, by time i know u, u were always kind and respectful like u say, but now you just acted like everything was a fake or smth, i don't know.Turning your kindness into something bad without being even insulted by admins or anything....You guys expect a moral, loyal and fair league and in the same time you Flaviu offer money to an admin to add you (nvm if u are frustrated or no, its not an excuse, its a damn bad fact)? By that confession, you dont even deserve an answer from admin.
Take example of Radu's words.Even in real life you got to be hardworking and pushing till you make it.If you think that successful people make it from 1st,2nd or 5th time, u are lying yourself.There will be "fails" for some reason, no matter fair for you or not.Its ur decision whatever will you do in situations, i don't want to go into philosophic topic :D but whatever point of view u have, it's not cool just to come and blame around by not rethinking some simple facts.Especially when u offer money and then ask why admins "take friends in".Even the fact that for 10 years, Feedme is still alive and its one of the most desirable leagues for playing, must answer you how "corrupt" are the admins.


Why are you making him out to be a dick just for asking questions? Its fair enough after being rejected 7 times already.
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby rew » January 14th, 2021, 6:34 pm

No one is making him a "dick".The fact that he offers money to be accepted means that his moral requests and askings are senseless and illogical and offensive for the other teams which were in the the team application .His opinion got his worth right when he apologized about the "50euro" stuff and understood why he got that bad reaction from others, otherwise its weird complaining. Now his opinion become an actual opinion with his own reasons .No one have ever said about not allowing somebody to have opinion.The rest out of Flaviu's comment is my own opinion and answer for why some teams might not have been added.
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Re: You're picking the same captains since 5 years

Postby B4D4SS » January 14th, 2021, 7:15 pm

rew wrote:No one is making him a "dick".The fact that he offers money to be accepted means that his moral requests and askings are senseless and illogical and offensive for the other teams which were in the the team application .His opinion got his worth right when he apologized about the "50euro" stuff and understood why he got that bad reaction from others, otherwise its weird complaining. Now his opinion become an actual opinion with his own reasons .No one have ever said about not allowing somebody to have opinion.The rest out of Flaviu's comment is my own opinion and answer for why some teams might not have been added.

Then why do you feel the need to preface your message with tons of compliments and imply we should be so grateful to admins, before saying what you say? Your trying to make Flaviu feel like a dick for having the "audacity" to ask questions. Nobody is above questioning here.
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